Author | Thread |
08/06/2003 01:41:42 AM · #1 |
Congratulations to all that won the in the garden challenge....... however I have to say that I am disappointed that 7 of the top 10 pictures were of insects. Although I all feel that they are very good photos, I just really think that people should be more rewarded for their "Thinking Outside of the Box" persay. Or, maybe I am just bitter that I can't make it into the top 100! :-D I hope that no one is offended by this comment... I just really tried to be original, and ended up not doing so hot. I also had some pixel problems with my pic. Oh well. If you're interested, check out the "alternate" pic that didn't get entered, and tell me which one you liked better:
Contest Entry
Alternate Entry |
08/06/2003 01:49:49 AM · #2 |
I love the alternate Michele.
There is far more meaning that shot. I sure it appeals to a wider variety of voters as well.
08/06/2003 02:22:41 AM · #3 |
I think your alternate might have done better. It just had a more concrete "garden" association than the one you submitted. I get what you were going for on the one you submitted, it just didn't really do much for me image-wise. And the jaggies didn't help. Here's a tip: when resizing your image, do it in steps. Resize it 10% at a time, i.e. resize to 90%, then again to 90%, then again until its the right size. It doesn't work perfectly on every shot, but it does work many times, and probably would work on your shot. |
08/06/2003 02:26:51 AM · #4 |
I dunno, if you had submitted the alternate, you may have been critisized for posting a self-portrait like I was. |
08/06/2003 02:30:43 AM · #5 |
Well a thank you might be in order for the 22 comments I recivied on "in the garden of Eden" wich was unfortunatly disqualified.
That should teach me to read the Rules better......
Yeah damn how many insects are there:o
08/06/2003 02:42:20 AM · #6 |
Originally posted by irockstars: I dunno, if you had submitted the alternate, you may have been critisized for posting a self-portrait like I was. |
Not likely - in your shot it was obvious that was you taking the picture. Michele's eden shot was pretty obviously not a self portrait. If you had somehow set it so that the camera was out of the picture, you probably wouldn't have gotten many, if any, of those comments. Nice shot though, I liked it.
Originally posted by Nazgul: Well a thank you might be in order for the 22 comments I recivied on "in the garden of Eden" wich was unfortunatly disqualified.
That should teach me to read the Rules better......
Yeah damn how many insects are there:o
What was it DQed for, spot editing to get rid of bugs? Too bad. Do you have a link to it? After so many shots, I don't recall if I saw it or not.
Message edited by author 2003-08-06 02:43:34. |
08/06/2003 02:49:41 AM · #7 |
here it is
Got DQed 4 using "erase to history" on the Apple wich I didnt know wasnt allowed .....
Well I can only blame myself for not reading the rules
Message edited by author 2003-08-06 02:52:45.
08/06/2003 02:49:54 AM · #8 |
I have to say that I'm stunned with my result... it's just an insect macro! It just happened to be the most relevant pic I'd taken when I got back from holiday. Thanks for the votes and comments and placement though! I have to express surprise though as I'm much more fond of a lot of my other photos. And I thought there were plenty of insect macros in the garden challenge that blew mine away (and SO many dragonflies!). |
08/06/2003 03:19:24 AM · #9 |
Guys, guys, GUYS!!!!!
What is wrong with you all? I've just been looking at some comments on some of my favourite pics for the garden challenge, and I can't believe how picky you've all been about relevance to the challenge!
Flowers WERE allowed, they just weren't allowed to be the main focus.
And it didn't have to be taken in the garden, it just had to be 'somehow related'. I can't believe how many excellent and relevant (IMO) photos didn't do well because of this!
Anyway, it did allow mine to get a ribbon... thanks again! |
08/06/2003 03:57:06 AM · #10 |
Originally posted by ScottK:
Not likely - in your shot it was obvious that was you taking the picture. Michele's eden shot was pretty obviously not a self portrait. If you had somehow set it so that the camera was out of the picture, you probably wouldn't have gotten many, if any, of those comments. Nice shot though, I liked it.
Well that makes more sense. I just wish people didn't have to give such smartass comments sometimes. |
08/06/2003 04:00:38 AM · #11 |
Originally posted by BobsterLobster: Guys, guys, GUYS!!!!!
What is wrong with you all? I've just been looking at some comments on some of my favourite pics for the garden challenge, and I can't believe how picky you've all been about relevance to the challenge! |
Hey Bob - you won't believe how alien a washing line and clothes pegs is to most...
08/06/2003 04:01:16 AM · #12 |
You are being too harsh on yourself - I like that picture very much
08/06/2003 04:04:43 AM · #13 |
Hmm... must be the high class snobs who dont hang their laundry in the garden to dry :0)
08/06/2003 04:04:50 AM · #14 |
Well, where do people dry their washing in other parts of the world?! |
08/06/2003 04:50:51 AM · #15 |
perhaps if you used your entry, maybe added that bitten apple next to a visible arm and hand.. with the apple on the ground, next to the hand.. and then titled it "the garden of eden". that may have been a nice shot. just a thought :) |
08/06/2003 05:00:10 AM · #16 |
Qualified or not, I like the take on the challenge and the fairy tale execution. It's a nicely taken shot.
08/06/2003 05:22:04 AM · #17 |
Could not agree more with you Michele, great macro shots amongst the winners, but that is exactly what I wanted to avoid in my own picture.
I still like my result, although it ended up at 135, and most people commented about the fake ant, but I am still happy about the twist of humour in the scene, the appeal through the colors and the technical quality of composition and DOF. Apparently what was missing was some extra appeal to the masses. Never mind, I still like it.
I like your alternate image much more than your submission. A nice view from in between the leaves, like the snake watching Eve, a good expression and really something different. Skintones maybe a bit reddish. I only got around to vote around 1/3rd of the images, and yours was not one of them, but your alternate would have gotten an 8 from me, your submission a 6.
Willem |
08/06/2003 06:09:34 AM · #18 |
Willem, I thought your shot was full of character and humour with a great viewpoint. You'll never appeal to the masses with those qualities!! ;D
Some seriously high quality output in the Garden challenge though - time-consuming to evaluate because I wanted to comment on lots of them.
08/06/2003 06:13:55 AM · #19 |
This was my alternate:
I should have entered that one. It would have saved me some frustration of getting another Purple ribbon (fifth place). lol.
08/06/2003 06:20:30 AM · #20 |
Michele, I prefer your submission shot as it leaves more to the imagination. The alternative is a bit too staged and central for me.
08/06/2003 06:24:01 AM · #21 |
My alternate entry was this one:
Anyone Home?
I didn't enter it because i didnt think it was gardeny enough. Any thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated.
08/06/2003 06:27:42 AM · #22 |
Ben, that's a great garden shot. It looks like a wooden playhouse to me which I've never seen anywhere but in a garden! It's a quality shot too - I reckon that would have rate pretty high, if not higher than your submission.
08/06/2003 06:57:30 AM · #23 |
Michelle: I commented on that alternative somewhere else already (another thread, chat????). It's realy great. I liked your original but not nearly as much.
Konador: I like your alternate better too. I can see why it wouldn't be gardeny enough though, so you might have been better of with the one you submitted. That one seemed somehow unbalanced compositionally though, and the alternate is a more appealing picture outside of challenge boundaries.
Jacko: I also like your alternate better than your submission. I'm sure it wouldn't have done as well as the one you chose however, which was also excellent. I think the alternate was a lot more artistic and creative and I loved the desaturation work.
Nasgul: shame on you for not realising that the history brush is spot editing! Your photo was awesome. You created a great mood and scene and I think it would have been one of my favorite shots in the challenge, although probablly not a ribbon winner.
Others with photos posted in this thread, pardon me if i missed your entry. It is 4am and i am drunk as it is my birthday; scrolling down baffles my slow eyes.
Message edited by author 2003-08-06 06:58:57. |
08/06/2003 07:39:02 AM · #24 |
Originally posted by Konador: My alternate entry was this one:
Anyone Home?
I didn't enter it because i didnt think it was gardeny enough. Any thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated. |
Oh, you REALLY made the wrong choice in my opinion. I love your alternative... although the comments were hyper-picky in this challenge, so maybe you did the wise thing. Although my philosophy would be 'sod them' and put the one I prefer in. |
08/06/2003 08:00:41 AM · #25 |
PSUBecker -- I like both your shots, problem was they renamed this the bug challenge without telling us.
Irockstars -- I left a comment on your picture.
Bobster-- congrats!
Jon -- I left my comment on your pic during the voting.
Nazgul -- Love that shot , totally awesome and artistic, too bad it was DQ'D :( ..
Konador -- I still prefer your original. O well.
Jacko -- You were another person that got the secret message that they had renamed the Garden to the bug challenge. Your alt wouldn't have done as well but I find it esthetically far more appealing and original, even though your bee is very very nice.
Willem: my experience is that photos with toys in them don't do so well on dpc ..
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