I have both the Peleng and the Canon 15mm fish. They are very different lenses. The Peleng produces a circular image on FF cameras, and an almost-full-frame (dark corners) image on APS-C cameras. It is very "fishy" if that's what you are looking for. Optical performance is decent. Fully manual of course, and the controls are, well, funky. The current price is really too high, IMO. Prices on the Peleng have increased nearly 50% in the past few years.
The 15mm is designed to cover the full 35mm frame. On APS-C it is much less fishy than the Peleng, in fact if you place the horizon on center, it's not that apparent that it is a fisheye at all. Optically a great lens, no hedging at all.
Unfortunately Canon has not seen fit to come out with a lens like the Nikon 10.5mm fish, which covers the full APS-C frame, but is short enough in focal length to be nice and fishy. I'm not sure whether that particular Nikon lens has an aperture ring or not. If it does, then it would be usable on a Canon body with an adapter. Manual focus and aperture control of course.
ETA: The Nikon 10.5mm fish does not have an aperture ring :-P. It's still physically possible to use it, but in order to set the aperture to anything but wide open you have to use the little tab that projects from the back of the lens, jamming it in place where you want it then mounting the lens. Not a very clean process.
Message edited by author 2010-02-05 10:21:32. |