Author | Thread |
07/03/2002 12:50:49 PM · #26 |
Originally posted by hokie: All these folks saying what they look for..what they don't look for..I say BULLSHIT!
I think people vote for what they like and they justify their vote however they can and all this talk about technical stuff is blowing smoke.
So I say BS to all these technical vote discussions. You guys vote for your likes and dislikes like all us other "Artsy, Fartsy People" :-P
OK, my turn. First of all, people are going to vote for what they like, and then invent some criteria that makes their choices sound scientific. Second, some people are a lot more literal than others. Third, when you submit to a site like this where criticism is not limited to 'experts' you're going to be frustrated. I know I sure am. I put a lot of work into my submission this week and I'm getting comments about downgrading because the transparency aspect of it isn't strong enough. What to do? Well, you can either submit and take your lumps or give up in disgust. Every week there are these posts from the 'artists' who've been misunderstood, and the posts from the 'old testiment prophets' bringing down fire and brimstone on anyone who doesn't conform to their view of the challange.
One thing more. When I vote on a challange, the main thing I look for is artistic and photographic quality. If a picture obviously (to me) doesn't meet the challange, or if I think the connection is weak I'll lower my score one or two numbers, but by the same token, if I see a picture that completely follows this week's challange but is boring, lacking originality, or poorly thought out, they get graded down also. This week (as always) there are some entries that look as though the person shot the first window they came across and then were done. To them I say: "Not much effort or originality, not much grade." I do however give out very few one's. They're reserved for pictures that have no redeming qualities to lift them above the trash can. |
07/03/2002 01:44:39 PM · #27 |
I think most people here seem to vote with the same way basic premise - giving a certain percentage for photographic quality and certain percentatge for meeting the challange. That said - we all come from different backgrounds and different places so of course our opinions of what meets the challange and what is good technically are going to be different. There are various levels of photographers here - one highly skilled may have less forgiveness regarding getting the focus right than a beginner.
Look at every picture - if you gave it a 5 someone else probably gave it a 10, and another person probably gave it a 1. Even last week's winner had 4 votes of 2. So are any of you wrong or right about it? No, because you are each voting from your perspective. And all the points are valid.
Tina |
07/03/2002 01:52:13 PM · #28 |
It does seem that there are few comments that critique the technical aspects of my photo this week. Most of the comments are on the subject.
But my first and second challenge, the majority of the comments were about technical elements.
I really try to not comment on obvious flaws in a photo, focus, or a washed out area, because I know that will get noticed. If the subject matter does not work for me, I usually do not leave a critique, but might make a comment. If I lilke the picture, but I think it could be improved, I say what I would have changed. I try to limit this to things that are controllable; shooting at a different time of day, a different crop or position, camera angle.
I probably only add or deduct a point or two on relavance to the challenge. I may give a photo an extra point of two if I think it has a very unique take on the challenge.
07/03/2002 02:04:20 PM · #29 |
Originally posted by Digipixer: Well said HOKIE!!!!!
What was so "well said" about it? To me, it sounded cocky and arrogant, like most of his posts. To suggest he could find voting patterns for anyone on this site is ludicrous. I believe most of the people on here, myself included, cast very fair, intelligent votes.
07/03/2002 02:09:26 PM · #30 |
Originally posted by rvicente: What was so "well said" about it? To me, it sounded cocky and arrogant, like most of his posts. To suggest he could find voting patterns for anyone on this site is ludicrous. I believe most of the people on here, myself included, cast very fair, intelligent votes.
Hey, well, maybe fair and intelligent is the pattern.
07/03/2002 02:30:13 PM · #31 |
Thats it... your all grounded,.. now go to your room!
07/03/2002 02:32:56 PM · #32 |
Originally posted by ezns: Thats it... your all grounded,.. now go to your room!
You can''t make me!! :-P
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/3/2002 2:32:13 PM. |
07/03/2002 02:44:48 PM · #33 |
Originally posted by Kimbly:
Hey, well, maybe fair and intelligent is the pattern.
not for me.
my pattern is biased, arbitraty and stupid .. like, for some reason, pictures of hats really really anger me, but pictures of food make me really really joyous. unless it''s tuesday. then only pictures of fish .. or sandwiches. or grandmas. grrr.. grandmas : )
come on people, we''re all subjective! face it, there''s no way to be objective about this stuff, and the person who can show me how they are will win a really great great prize . I''ll tell you what it is after you reveal the secret of objective art rating to me .. : )
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/3/2002 2:51:01 PM. |
07/03/2002 02:47:17 PM · #34 |
you lost me after grandma
07/03/2002 02:48:01 PM · #35 |
Quoting from Mark Twain:
"Always obey your parents, when they are present. This is the best policy in the long run, because if you don't they will make you. Most parents think they know better than you do, and you can generally make more by humoring them that superstition than you can by acting on your own better judgement."
Be respectful to your superiors, if you have any..."
07/03/2002 02:54:37 PM · #36 |
I never did understand Twain... I think he had a troubled childhood
07/03/2002 02:57:56 PM · #37 |
Originally posted by ezns: you lost me after grandma
a 'grandma' is the mother of one's mother or father.
07/03/2002 02:59:18 PM · #38 |
Oh so that who that old lady is that keeps hanging around durring the holidays...........
07/03/2002 03:03:20 PM · #39 |
Originally posted by magnetic9999: come on people, we''re all subjective! face it, there''s no way to be objective about this stuff, and the person who can show me how they are will win a really great great prize . I''ll tell you what it is after you reveal the secret of objective art rating to me .. : )
If it were objective, then someone could write a computer program and we wouldn't have to bother ourselves with this silly voting thing. Can someone make a website suggestion for random scoring instead of votes?
07/03/2002 03:10:58 PM · #40 |
I use the magic 8 ball when I vote... is that wrong?
07/03/2002 03:17:30 PM · #41 |
exactly, you naughty boy. now go out to the doghouse and tell her to come inside!
Originally posted by ezns: Oh so that who that old lady is that keeps hanging around durring the holidays...........
07/03/2002 03:19:38 PM · #42 |
i ask someone else what i should vote on each picture. uusually iban or melzymel.
Originally posted by ezns: I use the magic 8 ball when I vote... is that wrong?
07/03/2002 03:24:16 PM · #43 |
i use this nifty tool. i am still looking for a comment generator, any useful website suggestions are welcome. :)
Originally posted by magnetic9999: i ask someone else what i should vote on each picture. uusually iban or melzymel.
Originally posted by ezns: [i]I use the magic 8 ball when I vote... is that wrong?
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/3/2002 3:24:47 PM.
07/03/2002 03:27:20 PM · #44 |
Hey thats a great tool,.. maybe ill use it to get my loto numbers
07/03/2002 03:28:11 PM · #45 |
i see david ey already suggested this in another discussion thread. oh well.
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/3/2002 5:01:57 PM.
07/03/2002 03:35:31 PM · #46 |
It''s funny...I always try to be fair in my comments on the boards..always supportive in my comments on the photos and all some people see are cocky and arrogant remarks.
I make a statement as simple as "You vote for what you like..not some sophisticated scoring system" which many of you have agreed to openly in this very thread and that is seen as some hateful way of trying to say you guys are limited, have some mysterious "pattern" or I am upset about some score.
You need to reread my over 400 forum messages and photo comments. How often do I say deragatory things, how often do I attack.....go ahead.... And folks like rviciente don''t like it when grown ups stand up to them so they will never like sonmeone like me..and you know what I mean rviciente.
I still stand behind my previous message in this thread that simply says.. People vote for what they know and like and that is easy to see if you follow the comments and voting and that is fair.. all I ever said in this thread.
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/3/2002 4:05:12 PM. |
07/03/2002 03:50:30 PM · #47 |
what do you say we all pause and get a drink..... the first round is on me....
07/03/2002 03:58:13 PM · #48 |
hokie, i dont think that 'most' people see you that way. |
07/03/2002 04:05:44 PM · #49 |
You're right magnetic..I will edit that to read "some".
And don't get me wrong magnetic I am not mad about anything in this thread..I would use capitals or some other internet messageboard thing like a >:- or whatever they are to indicate anything like that.
I just find it curious that if people disagree or speak their mind in a non-threatening way on a messageboard "some" folks are always reading some kind of hate or competition thing into it..thats all. |
07/03/2002 04:07:50 PM · #50 |
My very first vote was a 1 this time. I'm wondering if it was just someone in a cranky mood or if it was someone who actually thought my photo didn't fit the topic or follow the rules. I actually put a lot of effort into this week's photo, and came up with the idea just for the challenge. It does have some issues such as soft focus, but that shouldn't qualify it for 1s. As far as the topic goes, people seem to be suggesting that you HAD to "play with distortion and colors in objects like cups, eye glasses, stained glass". I think that the topic is transparency and whatever is written along with that is mainly just to give ideas and direction for people with no interpretation of their own. As for DQ, what exactly happens when someone submits a pic for DQ? Does the photographer get an email? I'm actually surprised if I have so many comments about breaking the rules and noone has submitted my pic for DQ. |
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