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Untitled #2
Untitled #2

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Transitions (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 995
Location: Albuquerque, N.M.
Date: Apr 16, 2002
Aperture: 8.2
ISO: n/a
Shutter: 1/30
Date Uploaded: Apr 19, 2002

I found this egg in my Cockatiels nesting box. It was the first clutch of year and sometimes the chicks fail to thrive.

Place: 25 out of 104
Avg (all users): 6.0352
Avg (commenters): 6.2581
Avg (participants): 6.0380
Avg (non-participants): 6.0333
Views since voting: 1071
Votes: 199
Comments: 34
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/28/2002 05:47:00 PM
this is an egg shot that's honest about how ugly just born chicks can be. :)
04/28/2002 08:14:00 AM
Wow, great detail on the egg.
I'd have prefered to have more of whats in it though
04/27/2002 08:48:00 PM
A definite transition, but the focus is a little distracting.
04/27/2002 06:55:00 PM
Looks kinda, um, gross, but it is an excellent shot.
04/27/2002 10:45:00 AM
It's difficult to discern exactly what is in sharp focus which leaves me a bit confused. Obviously the egg tells me I'm watching a chick hatch but it would be more interesting if the focla point was recognizable. Good effort.
04/26/2002 09:12:00 PM
man, that's crazy. is it still alive?
04/26/2002 01:47:00 PM
I like the detail of the shell structure.
04/25/2002 02:54:00 PM
04/24/2002 05:12:00 PM
I wish the focus here was on what was inside of the shell instead of on the shell itself.
04/24/2002 10:58:00 AM
I hope you didn't kill the chicken intentionally. It is an interesting photo.
04/24/2002 10:07:00 AM
what timing!
04/24/2002 12:27:00 AM
Blurry foreground is distracting. Is it coming or going?
04/23/2002 10:27:00 PM
oh wow. is that a real hatchling? Great picture for a transition.
04/23/2002 05:10:00 PM
Are you breeding aliens? Looks very dark and mysterious in there...
04/23/2002 01:16:00 PM
It's obvious as to what this is because of the egg, but I think it would have been more recognizable if the shot represented a scene a just little later in the hatching process
04/23/2002 08:30:00 AM
04/22/2002 09:20:00 PM
I was hoping someone would catch an actual 'hatch'... this is a great photo!
04/22/2002 08:16:00 PM
good idea, although i can't tell what's going on, even though i understand a bird of some sort has been born, where is it?
04/22/2002 07:48:00 PM
amazing photo! fabulous depth of field.
04/22/2002 07:32:00 PM
I would have liked this better if it was all in focus
04/22/2002 06:53:00 PM
You're not gonna eat that are you? Nice shot. I would have liked more light inside, maybe from one of those little Beckman pen lights. I would have voted higher but I don't want to look at this for a whole week.
04/22/2002 04:38:00 PM
Baloot? I am sure my tagalog spelling is wrong.
04/22/2002 01:17:00 PM
this is amazing.
04/22/2002 01:07:00 PM
ewe. Title it
04/22/2002 12:42:00 PM
wow.. what timing
04/22/2002 11:50:00 AM
An amazing shot. I like the narrow DOF.
04/22/2002 10:28:00 AM
Good transition, but focus is lacking. Could have used more lighting too
04/22/2002 10:17:00 AM
well done, with a difficult subject! foreground is out of focus which is distracting.
04/22/2002 08:21:00 AM
Poor thing...is it dead? Did you open the shell before he was ready to come out or was he dead already? :(
04/22/2002 08:10:00 AM
hmmm, never thought about that.. good idea~!!
04/22/2002 08:00:00 AM
Can't really make out what's inside the egg. Maybe wait until it's out, and then snap?
04/22/2002 07:23:00 AM
I wish the depth of field had been a little better, but over all a very good interpretation of the theme.
04/25/2002 12:44:00 PM
Lucky timing or hours spent waiting?
04/23/2002 01:57:00 PM
I'd love to see the rest! - maybe you could post them later.

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