Critique Club by Natasha
Hi there Azrifel, I get to critique yours this time!
Your idea is good and I think that if people could have read the details while voting they would have understood the effect you were going after. As it is, it portrays motion well and fits the challenge, the way the lights bring you into the picture are also good, I also like the motion effect of the passing buildings. I have tried this kind of shot before, using no tripod from within the car, but I wasnt happy with the result. I think that a tripod is a must for this kind of shot, to get the focus. Personally I prefer to be stationary and then concentrate on the lights, yet keeping the buildings in focus. From within the car, I can imagine that it would be pretty hard to get both the focus and motion at the same time, but it's worth playing around with it, while someone else is driving!
I like these kind of shots and it was one of the first things I wanted to try with my digital camera. Luckily trying different variations of this shot won't waste any film, so maybe find a bridge overlooking a busy road and see what you can find. I wonder if you had changed the title slightly, making it more obvious about the seeing strange things, then it might have helped.
Good Luck in the next challenge |