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The Shot Heard 'Round the World
1st PlaceThe Shot Heard 'Round the World

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Independence II (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: 2012 Challenge shots
Camera: Canon EOS-7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0L IS
Date: Jul 10, 2012
Date Uploaded: Jul 10, 2012

[Jul. 17th, 2012 10:22:32 PM]

I live near the historic triangle: Jamestown (the first English settlement-1607), Colonial Williamsburg (capital of the Colony of Virginia from 1699 to 1780, and now a restored historic area) and Yorktown (the site of the last major battle of the war of independence-1781).

From the Yorktown battlefield website:

"Here at Yorktown, in the fall of 1781, General George Washington, with allied American and French forces, besieged General Charles Lord Cornwallis’s British army. On October 19, Cornwallis surrendered, effectively ending the American Revolution."

The Yorktown victory center has artifacts and interpreters. This was one of the interpreters demonstrating a "brown bess" musket. I hadn't been to the victory center before. They said they shot off the canon at 3:00, so I was hoping for a shot of that. While waiting around, this interpreter started telling about the musket. He shot it off twice, and I wasn't quite prepared. So I waited around another half hour for him to shoot it off twice again. I got lucky that time around.

I know the smoke looks odd, but that's actually how it looks in the RAW version. For some reason, the left side looks almost fake or cartoon-like. The shot could have been even more cool -- there was actually fire coming out of the end of the musket, as well, but I was zoomed in to far, so it was cut off:

I also liked this portrait of him preparing the gun:

Unfortunately, the canon was shot directly away from the crowd, and there wasn't a good angle.

It was REALLY loud!! Imagine being those four people standing right next to it!

Oh -- here's a cool bug that landed on the back of one of the interpreters. This is the bug after I brushed him off the guy:

It really was incredible to shoot for this challenge on the site where independence was finally decided.

Thanks for the wonderful votes and comments.

Place: 1 out of 73
Avg (all users): 7.2636
Avg (commenters): 8.5556
Avg (participants): 6.6552
Avg (non-participants): 7.4815
Views since voting: 3891
Views during voting: 203
Votes: 110
Comments: 37
Favorites: 3 (view)

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07/24/2012 08:34:39 PM
Nicely done Wendy. Congrats on taking us right inside the action!
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07/24/2012 12:16:02 PM
Wendy, He wasn't hunting one of your pet squirrels I hope! Nice Pic.
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07/21/2012 01:09:59 PM
Congrats on the ribbon.
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07/20/2012 09:33:30 PM
Beautiful image. Make that 2 beautiful images because I am not even sure which I like better, this one or the portrait of him reloading. Well done and congratulations.

Message edited by author 2012-07-20 21:39:21.
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07/19/2012 01:07:14 AM
Congratulations on the blue but more so on a great photograph. Love the sharpness and the colors are awesome. The complete picture is great, add to my fav's.
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07/19/2012 01:00:56 AM
Congratulations Wendy on your ribbon. Outstanding image!
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07/18/2012 10:57:19 PM
It's the photographer, not the gear! What a year you are having! I think you might be uncatchable at this point. Great work Wendy, Congrats!
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07/18/2012 02:11:58 PM
I can't seem to keep up with congratulating you lately! Way to go again! and for any others I might of missed.
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07/18/2012 12:44:03 PM
First ribbon with the 24-105? WTG!
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07/18/2012 12:30:33 PM
Congratulations Wendy. Another excellent image!
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07/18/2012 09:26:12 AM
Fabulous shot, Wendy. You get a real sense of what it must be like to fire this thing. It looks like safety glasses should be required. Congratulations on the blue.
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07/18/2012 08:53:50 AM
Once again, I am not surprised to see you on the front page. Your profile page is starting to lean to the left quite a bit.
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07/18/2012 08:31:17 AM
Congrats on this wonderful shot and well composed.
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07/18/2012 08:29:24 AM
I'm so glad this one took the Blue. It was my favorite of all the Challenge entries.
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07/18/2012 08:15:19 AM
Great shot Wendy. Congrats on the Blue.
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07/18/2012 08:08:02 AM
yep, this once certainly stood out from the others. well done!
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07/18/2012 04:05:15 AM
I love the " unfourtunatly the canon was shot away from the crowd" bit, a scene of devastation as the crowd got hewn in two by a 30lb canon ball haha. Congrats on the ribbon :)
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07/18/2012 03:53:12 AM
Sweet! Congrats
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07/18/2012 03:02:57 AM
Extraordinary shot, Wendy. Congrats on the ribbon.
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07/18/2012 02:55:23 AM
Congrats on the blue Wendy, awesome shot.
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07/18/2012 02:41:44 AM
Big congrats on the ribbon, Wendy. Fantastic image.
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07/18/2012 01:44:27 AM
Congratulations again, Wendy!!! Excellent 'shot'. One of my top 3.

Message edited by author 2012-07-18 01:46:11.
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07/18/2012 12:46:57 AM
Yeah the canon shot directly into the crowd would have made for a cooler shot. :P
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07/18/2012 12:26:12 AM
Congrats, Wendy! THIS IS FABULOUS!!
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07/18/2012 12:13:47 AM
Stunning capture espically the fire!! Great Job Congratulations on your Blue!!!
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07/18/2012 12:03:34 AM
nice job Wendy
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07/18/2012 12:01:57 AM
Not a surprise win at all Wendy, congrats on the bluey!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/17/2012 09:01:30 PM
Wha...! Talk about timing. 7
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07/17/2012 03:49:38 PM
Great Timing!
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07/16/2012 07:44:02 PM
My favorite so far. Absolutely love how you captured the smoke cloud, especially by his hat. I may have desaturated his face a bit as it seems a bit red and it would bring more impact to the other colors. But a good concept, and well executed.
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07/16/2012 02:40:27 PM
This is one cracking shot - literally! Timing is amazing, and your technicals spot on.
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07/16/2012 10:05:48 AM
nice capture
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07/12/2012 11:45:21 AM
Top 3, awesome
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07/11/2012 04:44:38 PM
Love the color and action here.
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07/11/2012 03:33:14 PM
Spectacular stop motion moment! Time is standing still here! This photo also has great even, diffuse light and wonderfully rich color tones!
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07/11/2012 09:34:29 AM
Spectacular. Great job! Meets the challenge well. A few minor issues with the smoke cloud, but should ribbon. 10
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07/11/2012 12:14:31 AM
What a FABULOUS idea to do this! AND well-captured! Love it!

(commenting only)
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