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Extreme S'mores
Extreme S'mores

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Desserts (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: challenges
Camera: Canon EOS-400D Rebel XTi
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Date: Jul 17, 2012
Aperture: 5.0
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/100
Date Uploaded: Jul 17, 2012

IMG_1715 extreme patio smores

I wish I had controlled a few variables better, the background, Ruby's shirt, etc- but it was cute enough to enter.

After the challenge. I know this was "half assed" in a sense. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes its a quick thing that you just snap and don't worry about the technicals. I thought about thus too late to plan it any better, and didn't want to stress the family or my number one model by seeking perfection on this one.

Thanks for the comments, hope it brought a smile beyond the average piece of cheesecake.

Place: 35 out of 51
Avg (all users): 5.2672
Avg (commenters): 6.5294
Avg (participants): 5.0000
Avg (non-participants): 5.3647
Views since voting: 325
Views during voting: 250
Votes: 116
Comments: 20
Favorites: 0

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07/25/2012 12:20:35 AM
love the expression - great idea!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/24/2012 03:33:22 PM
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07/24/2012 12:01:56 PM
Love the idea. Not a fan of selective desat, but I think it works here. Your model is great! But, I wish the marshmallow was down more in the shot (I know you don't want to point an arrow at her, but just bringing it down a bit would make it more part of the shot, imo. Right now, it's almost an afterthought.

Fun idea -- -7-
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07/24/2012 09:56:46 AM
Hilarious concept. I wish it was a little clearer without seeing the title, but the creativity factor is extremely high here. Well done!
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07/23/2012 10:06:51 PM
hahaha very cute idea. lovin it.
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07/23/2012 04:29:21 PM
This is a really cute concept and I love the little bit of color accentuating the flaming marshmallow. A different angle between the camera, girl and arrow might have filled in the frame a little more efficiently and you wouldn't have quite as much extra space around the edges.
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07/22/2012 08:55:42 AM
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07/22/2012 06:23:01 AM
Nice idea. Perhaps the B&W need more contrast to make it really pop.
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07/21/2012 11:25:07 PM
Voted earlier coming back to comment.

O.k. this got a chuckle from me - that is definitely one extreme way to make S'mores:-) I do think the little girl would enjoy (and be much safer) the S'mores if held her hands out from her body though (Mom, in me can't help but think safety sometimes) O.K. getting back to the composition - as a humor piece on extreme baking it is amusing - the girl's open mouthed excitement on catching the marshmellow is great. With food photography whose main subject projects 100% that it is all about the dessert it doesn't focus solely on the dessert. There is 'action' in this shot, there is humor in this shot and that is where the main focus lies; that is what captures our attention. The dessert only comprises mayhap 5% of the physical space of the photograph - it has become the supporting cast in the composition rather than the main star that takes front and center. I do think that this composition would be far better suited in a humor challenge or a challenge tht plays to it's strengths.
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07/20/2012 03:34:24 PM
I tried to spot the focal plane but coud not find it, except for the few square inches on the wall behind the arrow.
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07/20/2012 12:16:45 PM
I like the concept on this one so much! I wish it was more dramatically angled and cropped much more tightly though. There is a lot of space that just isn't really necessary and is distracting to the great elements in the concept. Good use of color for emphasis too.
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07/20/2012 07:01:04 AM
This is a tough challenge to vote. I'm torn between "what are you trying to do here" and "what do I expect here". Further complicating matters is the question "what would I do here".

What I would expect would be a technically strong piece of eye-candy that would present the dessert in a way that I would want to at least sample it, if not order it. Along these lines I'm looking at technicals: backgrounds, distracting elements, exposure, sharpness. I'm also looking for creativity, imagination, and originality, which can make up for less than perfect technicals.

So, where does this leave me with your image?

Fantastic take on the challenge! Not a fan of the tones used in the desat, though. I understand why you did it, but think it would have come across better if you had mixed the bw with a slight sepia based layer. You still would have been able to make your fire stand out without it being quite so contrasty as to look like a gimmick.
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07/19/2012 07:04:17 PM
humor is apreciated here while there are some focus issues I like that this is funny it gets one of my higher marks for creativity and thinking outside the box. Thanks for the laugh.
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07/19/2012 03:46:00 PM
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07/19/2012 01:40:29 PM
so funny lol
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07/18/2012 11:16:37 PM
Great idea, good comp, neither the girl nor the bow is in focus clearly but overall very cool capture 7
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07/18/2012 12:29:04 PM
A good concept, but the execution is lacking some. A simplified or "bokeh'd" background would have helped a lot. The fence is distracting.
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07/18/2012 09:31:34 AM
cute, not sure about the col sparkler, demeans it a bit. 7
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07/18/2012 07:59:52 AM
Not a technically wonderful image, but it's a very clever concept.
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07/18/2012 01:39:17 AM
Miiiiiiight have to try this now.....
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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