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Sky light!
Sky light!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Masters' Free Study (Advanced Editing II*)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Edja Lake
Date: Sep 3, 2004
Aperture: 4
ISO: 200
Shutter: 58.6
Galleries: Nature, Seascapes
Date Uploaded: Sep 5, 2004

The most amazing light show that I've seen in all my life!!!!

Place: 50 out of 69
Avg (all users): 6.3650
Avg (commenters): 6.5556
Avg (participants): 6.0000
Avg (non-participants): 6.4294
Views since voting: 1281
Views during voting: 809
Votes: 400
Comments: 60
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2004 11:46:14 PM
The storm is coming! Nice capture of lightning. Very hard to do! Great work! 8
10/07/2004 11:44:31 PM
beautiful shot... i have a thing for storms...
10/07/2004 11:33:07 PM
Wow, kind of menacing. Nice emotion.
10/07/2004 10:42:38 PM
Yup -- great capture. I might try to lighten/boost color a teensy bit in the sky above the upper clouds.
10/07/2004 05:16:52 PM
I think this picture would score higher if you crop the tolp half of the clouds of.
10/07/2004 11:02:22 AM
sometimes, the hardest thing to appreciate about an image is not the image itself, but the effort necessary to produce the image. this is one of those images where all i can say is thanks for going to the trouble to capture this! great job, hope it does well for you!
10/07/2004 06:22:41 AM
awesome capture....love the sky above the clouds
10/06/2004 11:46:23 PM
Great shot. Neatly composed. Somehow the top dark part overpowers the bottom though.
10/06/2004 08:39:59 PM
Visually interesting just a little dark for my tastes 8
10/06/2004 03:04:47 PM
The upper part of the image is soooo heavy. Did you think of leaving the black cloud only and cropping the dark sky above it?
10/06/2004 04:47:25 AM
A bit to dark but good moment.
10/06/2004 12:26:52 AM
A beautiful and really unique image of a crack in the sky and it's reflection in the water. It took me a while to get that the dark area in the top of the photo is a silhouette of the cloud and not a mountain on top of the scene, which in my mind created all kinds of questions about the image. Good capture of the lightening bolt as well. Love the color and the unique look of this image. Well done. 9
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10/05/2004 11:08:54 AM
A nice capture of the lightning - great colors in the bottom sky and the reflection. The top half of the sky is very dark - can make out the gray/blue at the top - but below the gray/blue area there's a lot with no detail at all.
10/05/2004 11:03:23 AM
Great capture of the lightning bolt. Looks as if the sky is splitting apart.
10/05/2004 02:08:44 AM
nice pic, it has a wonderful atmosphere, well done
10/04/2004 10:56:27 PM
What happens if you crop out more of the darker color at the bottom of the photo? Seems a little bottom heavy
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10/04/2004 08:25:47 PM
Rare moment! Impressive illumination, great reflection, and the color above the clouds is impressive. The composition is somewhat cluttered, though, so it's hard to tell what's going on.
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10/04/2004 08:07:24 PM
Capturing lightning can be challenging due to its random nature. The bottom half of this image has some nice symetry with the water, lightning and hills, however the darkness at the bottom and large expanse of sky take alot away from your image. I think this would work very well as a panorama isolating the lit portion of the image to emphasize the lightning. 5
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10/04/2004 07:07:28 PM
nice capture of this dramatic scene
10/04/2004 05:05:42 PM
That took some foresight didn't it? Did you know you'd get the reflection in the picture? Nice job.
10/04/2004 04:12:31 PM
I am very very sory to say this, but I (and that's me whos talking) don't think this is a wow image.
I'ts not something I could have made, no, I tried night photo's, didn't work...
But it's also not a spectacular lightning photo.... (sorry)
10/04/2004 02:09:18 PM
You've done well to capture the lightening. The reuslting light is good over the sea etc but I feel the clouds at the top take my attention too much. Tighter cropping may have looked better? 6
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10/04/2004 01:21:20 PM
very good capture, i might of cut out some of the bottom gray, but a 7 it is
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10/04/2004 12:47:20 PM
Neat shot, a little too much sky at the top for my tastes. Very nice.
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10/04/2004 11:42:43 AM
I'm not sure the negative space here really appeals to me. The actual subject of the picture doesn't seem to be emphasized enough, it would perhaps be better cropped a bit closer.
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10/04/2004 05:25:30 AM
I would usually say that this needed to be cropped in a lot closer, but upon looking at it I think it works well as it is which is giving it a foreboding sense of drama and doom.

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10/04/2004 03:44:32 AM
This is a very interesting experiment, but I tend to feel that the proportion of unrelieved dark shadow in which no details can be seen is a bit too high.
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10/03/2004 10:55:21 PM
Very interesting capture, but too dark to be very appealing to my eye. Still I don't know how you caught this. Amazing. 8.
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10/03/2004 04:53:07 PM
WOW. What a great shot! I wonder if you've considered cropping out the vast amount of negative space above, making this entirely even-steven? My eye was distracted a bit by the not-quite blackness above, I was looking for patterns in the clouds when I should've been looking strictly at the reflections in the water... also the red light in the center...a home, i'm assuming, was a tad distracting. But overall, it's really a great photo! Thanks!
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10/03/2004 01:16:37 PM
Now, this is more of an impressionistic image but it fails to render its full strenght due to the high ceiling which fails to capture my interest. Now, this may be due to the cyber space presentation which hampers a lot of detail. This is an image which I would love to see in print because the pixel limitation keeps it from shinning. However, the general effect is strong enough to get bumped to 6
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10/03/2004 12:47:14 PM
This image fails to touch me. While it is a good capture of the bolt of lighting, I find the composition confusing. I would have liked to see more detail in the big part of the sky or have it left out.
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10/03/2004 12:42:27 PM
Great composition, and what a subject! Just wish the sky above the clouds were a tad lighter (and bluer) to provide better contrast with the mass of clouds
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10/03/2004 12:25:06 PM
Great timing to get this shot. I might have cropped it a little closer.
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10/03/2004 11:49:45 AM
looks like an interesting storm. the clouds and foreground are very dark. I would have like to see a longer exposure that could have added additional details.
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10/03/2004 11:15:28 AM
Perfect timing. This is personal taste, but more detail on the shoreline would have made this more interesting for me.
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10/03/2004 10:13:44 AM
From my own experience it is hard to capture lighting. YOu did a great job.
10/03/2004 09:20:57 AM
Is that fire where lightning hitted? Good catch.
10/03/2004 07:44:33 AM
I might have tried cropping more of the left out, but I'm not sure what you had to work with. Nice timing.
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10/03/2004 06:42:18 AM
Lovely, very bold composition. Lots of impact. Great colour and PS work. An inspired location to patiently wait for a strike from, great dedication! One of the most original shots I've seen here for quite some time. Thankyou! 10
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10/03/2004 03:37:22 AM
Good use of relection off the water.
10/02/2004 07:40:25 PM
The sky is very foreboding, interesting shot.
10/02/2004 04:51:34 PM
Well done for catching the lightning flsah, just too much dark sky. Wish I could have voted it higher, but can't. Sorry.
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10/02/2004 02:42:35 PM
Awesome capture of the lightening and its reflection in the lake. Good use of negative space.
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10/02/2004 12:11:50 PM
Great capture 9
10/02/2004 12:03:00 PM
At first I didn't know what I was looking at then I saw the lightning! I think it would be even more impressive if it were the sole light source in the photo (clone out the lights near the water). The big dark clouds contribute to the stormy feel of the photo. 9
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10/02/2004 11:49:28 AM
I'm pretty sure my monitor is properly calibrated, but I find that the detail in the sky is almost not there. I had to pump up the brightness to see that it was not just a blotch in the dark sky. Not sure if you were going for total darkness, or if you meant to have detail there. Anyhow, excellent capture of lightning, and well reflected in the lake. Just a little too much neg. space for my taste.
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10/02/2004 06:00:19 AM
In my opinion there is too much black space in this photo. A much closer crop on the lightning would drastically improve it. 6
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10/02/2004 05:58:53 AM
interesting composition
10/02/2004 04:17:03 AM
This is very dramatic but also very dark
You must have very good timing
I think this is the type of image that needs to be really blown up very large and dominate a large white wall in a room or gallery with the proper lighting it would then show just how effective this is
viewing it on a computer screen is difficult
I do like it though
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10/02/2004 01:18:24 AM
awesome capture!
10/01/2004 10:57:11 PM
Neat lightning shot, great reflection, could stand a bit more detail in the upper clouds - 7
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10/01/2004 08:57:39 PM
I would like to see just a bit more of the sky. If the orange spot is not a fire started by the storm, it distracts from the shot. 6
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10/01/2004 07:30:39 PM
This photo is alright. I appreciate the lightning capture, I'd never have the patience. It just doesn't pop out to me like other lightning shots I've seen. There's too much brightness that the lightning doesn't accentuate enough. Also, there's too much negative space in the dark clouds. To have the effect you're looking for I think, they could be lighter? 5
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10/01/2004 05:49:35 PM
great timing and drama - could have juiced up the mid-tones a tiny bit
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10/01/2004 05:41:21 PM
Hmmmm. This is interesting, and lightning is certainly hard to catch as it lights up a sky. I gave this a 5 because it didn't grab me for a higher rating. I think for me, the large black space at the top detracts from the whole image.
10/01/2004 11:59:30 AM
I like that she image is divided by the darker elements. The blue sky at the top resembles what the sky might look like at dusk. Below the first separation though, the lightning offers a stark contrast to the peaceful connotations drawn from the top. The reflection of the water at the bottom is a little bit of a return to a calmer subject. I don't know if this is what you were intending when you shot this, but I think it really makes this special. Nice work.
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10/01/2004 09:20:53 AM
You must have caught this one pretty quick after opening the shutter. Nice job!
10/01/2004 08:32:50 AM
feels like there is too much image on top
10/01/2004 02:21:21 AM
Wow! Love the wa the grey and black clouds show above the pink open sky. You must have been thrilled when you saw that you caught this. Wonderful.
10/01/2004 01:23:19 AM
This photo is a tad too dark for my taste, but it is a great shot of lightning.

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