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Even Trees Will Cry
Even Trees Will Cry

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Transitions (Classic Editing)
Camera: Casio QV-4000
Location: Construction site
Date: Apr 20, 2002
Aperture: F4
Shutter: 1/170
Date Uploaded: Apr 20, 2002


Place: 95 out of 104
Avg (all users): 3.9604
Avg (commenters): 3.9032
Avg (participants): 3.9630
Avg (non-participants): 3.9587
Views since voting: 1235
Votes: 202
Comments: 33
Favorites: 0

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04/29/2002 09:54:00 PM
To answer some of the questions.
1) Yes - the bluecast was intentional. It was done using white balance on fluorescent light, and a blue filter. I hoped the blue would give it the dark night/deathly feel.
2) Yes - the 'transition' was one of technology/construction replacing nature. Hence the 'cry' of the trees being bulldozed away.

The transition was much more in my mind/heart than in the photo. It would've been too much to expect anyone to 'see' what I saw as transition. Thanks for taking the time, though, to try and figure it out. Especially to those who came back for a second look. That alone is gratifying!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/28/2002 11:20:00 AM
Did you use a filter to get this level of blue? The blue seems almost glowing. I'll be interested to see your description of the 'transition'.
04/28/2002 08:06:00 AM
I have no idea what the title ia about or how it is transitional
Besides that I really like the picture
04/26/2002 09:30:00 PM
I will be honest with ya. I don't get the transitions here. I have looked and come back and looked some more and still clueless.
04/26/2002 03:06:00 PM
looks like you left the camera white balance on 'incandescent' - blue cast
04/26/2002 09:07:00 AM
This is a really strange blue on my monitor (sort of a bluish-green), is it me or you, and if it is you, was it intentional?
04/25/2002 02:54:00 PM
04/24/2002 12:32:00 PM
was your white balance off deliberately? i'm not sure it works. i might have pulled back a little to catch the same lights on both sides of the, um... machinery
04/24/2002 10:14:00 AM
how'd you get that color shift? Good title
04/23/2002 10:29:00 PM
What's with the color. I don't get the point of a transition here.
04/23/2002 08:27:00 PM
The blue tint adds nothing to this shot. Seems gratutitous and detracts from the vlaue for me.
04/23/2002 08:24:00 PM
not sure what the transition is.
04/23/2002 06:03:00 PM
Interesting use of the colourbalance tweak. Not sure you quite hit your mark though; maybe an actual crushed sapling would get it.
04/23/2002 10:41:00 AM
The whole blue cast is not too appealing. I'm struggling to understand your meaning here too, but I'll give it a shot.

Trees are crying because this is a picture of a bull dozer and it's going to transition the land into apart complexes, buildings, etc? :)
04/23/2002 09:05:00 AM
This is a stunning photograph. Maybe I'm dense, but where's the transition? I guess it has to hit me over the head in order for me to understand it.
04/23/2002 08:53:00 AM
i'm not sure i'd understand the transition without the title but i still feel like i'm reaching
04/22/2002 08:25:00 PM
I'm not sure I like the blue overcast of this image...Also trying to get the transition, I'm guessing something to do with pollution, but I'm probably way off. The focus is good on this though, very clear
04/22/2002 08:18:00 PM
lighting looks un-natural
04/22/2002 08:12:00 PM
i love the tint, don't know about the transition, however
04/22/2002 07:24:00 PM
Is the transition being described here that the dozer is gonna tear down the trees? If so, it's an interesting transition. This photo could have used a little different lighting situation possibly. However, the 'blue' does a nice job of accenting your theme of 'crying'. Nice shot!
04/22/2002 03:53:00 PM
I don't get it.
04/22/2002 02:09:00 PM
Nice picture but whats the transition?
04/22/2002 10:40:00 AM
Is that the 'flouescent' white balance? oh did you change the levels post-shot.
04/22/2002 10:36:00 AM
What was the transition, nice picture.
04/22/2002 10:32:00 AM
Unusual color theme.
04/22/2002 09:03:00 AM
Blue, blue and more blue ! Might want to have a look at your white balance, unless you meant it like this. Not sure I'm getting a transition from this - are the trees being demolished ? Composition needs some work to more effectively show the transition/ tell the story.
04/22/2002 08:48:00 AM
I'm not sure I care for the contrast this has.
04/22/2002 08:21:00 AM
The blue cast is very disturbing to my eyes.
04/25/2002 01:25:00 PM
Strange lighting - was the sky really that colour??
04/25/2002 01:16:00 PM
I've looked at this a number of times, and I'm still not too sure I get it. But it is an interesting image, tho maybe a little too blue.
04/22/2002 02:39:00 AM
Good shot, but unless I'm missing something I don't get the transition.
04/22/2002 01:38:00 AM
I'm not seeing "transition" and the title isn't helping me see how you're interpreting the challenge. I'll give it another look later. :)
04/22/2002 12:58:00 AM
I'm sorry. I just don't get this as being a transition.

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