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After The Storm
After The Storm

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2012-11 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-1D X
Lens: Canon EF 17-40mm f/4.0L USM
Date: Nov 10, 2012
Aperture: F22
ISO: 50
Shutter: 3.2s
Date Uploaded: Nov 27, 2012

[Dec. 1st, 2012 10:36:53 AM]

It's been a good hike photography wise marked by some highs but for me some really lows for not using opportunities when it came. It was particularly stressful since on the hike Ive learnt of a close friends wife diagnosed with cancer and then my wife really not in good health and taking much strain in the office with me enjoying the freedom in the mountains. It was tough and I cursed my freedom there in a way. This really took my eye off the ball photography wise but I clicked away none the less.

Went with Stephen Child[user]Silent-Shooter[/user] and some other guys to the mountains on this hike and we had it planned for a very long time. This image taken after a Big storm the previous night. Ive experinced winds like we had in the past but not in terms of rain and lightning...my favourite subject yes.

My wife voted on this as an entry but I promise to lay off these sunrise shots in the mountains for future challenges. It's just becoem so predictable and though it shows the beauty of the berg, it's a shot that ha sbeen done a 1000 times before. Im glad people can enjoy the beauty of the Drakensberg in this shot but hopefully Ill be able to paint the whole picture of the berg in future entries. Stephen has done a mighty fine job in B&W also in this month's FS challenge. Hope his image scores well.

Thank you for the votes, comments and for DPC as a Web site that despite so many complaints from the doom sayers, remain the channel of choise for me to actively live out my passion for photography.

PS - Im glad to report that we have another South African - though a member for many moons, finally getting to enter and sign up as a full member. - Be sure to keep an eye on [user]ejosling[/user] Hoping to see him shoot more in the cahllenges.

Place: 8 out of 203
Avg (all users): 6.7788
Avg (commenters): 8.1818
Avg (participants): 6.8049
Avg (non-participants): 6.7097
Views since voting: 1513
Views during voting: 223
Votes: 113
Comments: 20
Favorites: 2 (view)

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12/09/2012 02:41:25 PM
So well done Rian! Congrats on the top ten!
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12/09/2012 09:23:18 AM
Moet nooit ophou om die Drakensberg aan die wereld te wys nie. Groete
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12/08/2012 09:48:53 PM
It's glorious - that light! How could one ever get enough of it? Congratulations on the top ten.
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12/08/2012 12:57:25 PM
Such an amazing vantage point. Fantastic shot, congrats on the TT.
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12/08/2012 04:08:32 AM
WD on another TT in a FS, Rian. Whilst they may be becoming "predictable" to some they are still enjoyable! There was a run of Kogel Bay images at one stage and those have sadly stopped too...
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12/08/2012 03:43:48 AM
You always get the best from your amazing mountains Rian! A well deserved TT.
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12/08/2012 01:32:13 AM
Love the light on the foreground. Great work! Congrats on a TT
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12/08/2012 12:08:18 AM
Well, I guess 8th. 9th is good too. Congrats on this fantastic image Rian.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/07/2012 11:46:07 PM
Great location, and nice job capturing the view so perfectly.
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12/07/2012 09:45:13 PM
Amazing light! Beautifully captured.
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12/04/2012 07:56:51 AM
There are so many photographers photographing here. Amazing picture.
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12/03/2012 10:49:56 PM
Very envious of the mountains. I always love seeing these images and you always do them so well.
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12/03/2012 06:39:07 PM
Nice Bright Colors...I like this shot....
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12/03/2012 11:06:57 AM
Love this shot, one of my favorites for sure, well done!
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12/02/2012 07:26:03 PM
Excellent capture of light. I just love the way the light wraps around the rocks and illuminates the grasses.
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12/02/2012 05:31:17 PM
I really like this image. Apparently you have waited for the right moment and shot this beautiful landscape and it's amzing colours.
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12/02/2012 03:36:06 AM
Fabulous 'berg scape. Great golds and enough detail in the dark areas. Not HDR'd to hell and back. Stephen? Chose the B&W as Stephen's :)

Message edited by author 2012-12-08 04:17:12.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
12/01/2012 12:26:13 PM
Front page
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12/01/2012 08:44:26 AM
I like how the worm light turns colder as the eye moves to the left
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12/01/2012 01:48:35 AM
Ahh, How I wish I was there...Love the extension of the sun in the horizon. Would have liked to see how the same frame would have looked like maybe 3-5 minutes earlier. Great shot!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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