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 This image was disqualified from the A Fork in the Road challenge.
A Few Too Many Forks
A Few Too Many Forks

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: A Fork in the Road (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-550D Rebel T2i
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 II
Location: Exeter, UK
Date: May 21, 2013
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/400
Date Uploaded: May 21, 2013

This was my first majorly edited picture that i have submitted.
The background is the road near my house and yes, that is me in the pyjama bottoms (I can't help that i revise in them!!)

Edited in PS CS6.
Disqualification Details
You may not use ANY editing tool to move, remove or duplicate any element of your photograph that would change a typical viewer's description of the photograph (aside from color), even if the tool is otherwise legal, and regardless of whether you intended the change when the photograph was taken.

Views since voting: 355
Views during voting: 324
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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05/30/2013 08:54:39 PM
lol I knew this was illegal, didn't vote on it! Good try though, remember the shadows next time :)
05/29/2013 12:18:42 AM
walk on air and carry a big fork I say.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/27/2013 11:33:33 PM
It must be contagious
05/27/2013 10:49:02 AM
interesting idea. the lack of shadows for the cloned figures can give the impression that they are above the surface of the road. the checkered pants are a distraction.
05/26/2013 09:13:32 PM
is this even legal? if it is then it should be dq'ed for those pants!! jk, ok no Im not.
05/24/2013 12:39:59 PM
lots of floating people who cast no shadows...*cue Twilight Zone theme*
05/23/2013 10:54:12 AM
Not sure how you did this under advanced ruleset really...the boys are obviously the same boy who have been placed into the image in PP, and advanced does not allow for multiple captures to be used in this regard.

"you may not: * combine captures of different scenes, move or change a feature between frames, or combine different captures to create a new scene."

most obviousness is the lack of shadows even without the rough edging around the boys outline.
05/23/2013 08:36:35 AM
Those "humans" are amazing with their ability to not cast a shadow.
05/22/2013 08:02:12 PM
I love the idea of this! I wish the background were more... blank and ... the far guy were more in focus. Perhaps if you'd gotten them closer together and closer up, yet still staggered... and the background blurred...

Great wardrobe choices and the pitchforks are fabulous!

(commenting only)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/22/2013 12:07:56 PM
Weird,this looks outside the rules but maybe not,still weird.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/22/2013 12:43:31 AM
This is weird, like in a good way weird, I can't wait to see how you did this...
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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