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The Strong, Silent Type
The Strong, Silent Type

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Landscape (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: Cades Cove, TN
Date: Jan 9, 2003
Aperture: 5.0
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/100
Galleries: Landscape, Rural
Date Uploaded: Jan 10, 2003


Place: 32 out of 219
Avg (all users): 6.3190
Avg (commenters): 7.7000
Avg (participants): 6.3233
Avg (non-participants): 6.3131
Views since voting: 1420
Votes: 232
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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01/20/2003 07:17:32 PM
(- Critique Club -)

This is a very strong image indeed. The inverse diagonals of the light/dark under the tree and the clouds on the opposite side draw your image to the right of the image.

But.. uh.. there is nothing there. It might seem ironic somehow, but my eyes are actually pulled away from the tree. I think this might be the reason for why the image fails a little bit in my eyes; In an image that has such incredibly strong visual pull towards the right, you sould almost wait to find something in the intersection of shadow and light. Anything would have done. Somebody sitting with their back to the camera (a nude? A naked back, for example? An old wooden chest, perhaps? A pot of gold? Anything, really).

Technically the image is very good, but it could easily have been sharpened several degrees; I want to see the individual branchlets of that tree! (if you don't know how to sharpen an image,

have a look at this tutorial). Furthermore, a tad more contrast would also have been an option, although the clouds are already burnt out (I know you have a tremendous span in this image - bit I still believe your image is a tiny tad overexposed)

When all that bickering is done; That is a damn fine image you have there, my friend! There is a good reason for why I gave this thing an 8.

Haje Jan (SharQ)
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01/20/2003 12:14:58 AM
I actually chose this time of day on purpose so that I could get that shadow. I like the layering it creates. I took this from outside a fence while my bf stopped on the road. Maybe next time I'll brave the barbed wire so that I can move to the right a little for a better composition. Winter is just NOT the prettiest time of year to photograph my region. There are also trees just off the left side of the frame so that is why it is cropped just where it is on that side. I did use a polarizer to help the sky, and I did up the saturation a bit. Winter is just too blah.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/19/2003 10:14:32 PM
wonderful composition! I like the simplicity of this one.
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01/19/2003 08:34:47 PM
Love the colors and the strong diagonal at the bottom. The angle and framing/cropping are excelent. Great lighting conditions. The tree is great, and the background behind the tree is beautiful. Great focus and clarity. The clouds are almost too bright, but not quite. wouldn't want them any brighter though. Great view. Good luck in the challenge.
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01/19/2003 06:39:47 PM
I really like the composition, color and dof, plus it's just a good picture! 10
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01/19/2003 06:11:00 PM
Beautiful. I would have cropped out a little more of the dark on bottom and added that space in the beautiful sky, but that's just me. I love the composition and arrangement of it. Great job. 7
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01/19/2003 05:05:35 PM
01/19/2003 01:53:53 PM
Very aptly titled. Good capture of mood, colors, and detail.
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01/19/2003 12:31:08 PM
Excellent composition. It looks good in b/w but I think I like it better with the colors. Great job. One of my highest rated this week.
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01/19/2003 02:50:49 AM
I can't believe how amazing the trees are in all these photographs, and this is one of them. A gem of nature! My only gripe with this photograph is that if you had walked about hmm... 30 more paces to the right, and had taken the photo, you would have been able to get the picture with the tree silhouetted in the sky, and the peak of the mountain showing in its own glory :) I give you an 8! lovely work! -Annida
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01/18/2003 07:34:02 PM
Like the tree there, adds interest. Would like to have seen a little more detail in the ground and background however. Still a 9 in my book though.
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01/18/2003 07:56:21 AM
Nice composition. The shadow (front of picture) takes away from the colours. Maybe better during another time of day. Lovely sky colour. Like the contrast between mountains and fields. Jacko.
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01/17/2003 07:04:42 PM
I'm not too keen on that shadow across the bottom of the picture. This might have worked better at a different time of day. Even cropping half way between the bottom of the tree and the photo base works better for me.
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01/17/2003 03:04:57 PM
Very nice...well balanced. A polarizing filter would have really popped the colour in the sky and provided a bit more contrast...I'm also not convinced that it's the best place for the tree...covering the peak with the branches throws me off. I'd prefer to have the tree intersect a lower part of the horizon, such as off to the right. Still, very good.
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01/17/2003 11:01:55 AM
I think this shot could have been spectacular if a polorizing filter had been used to bring out the sky.
01/17/2003 05:32:57 AM
Very nice job on the lighting. I like how everything is in shadow except your tree. Composition is good too. An excellent example of how you can make a really nice shot of a pretty average subject.
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01/16/2003 09:08:02 PM
This is a wonderfil shot! the shadow in front is a partner to the mountain shadows. The light against the tree and just behind it is perfect. Nice crop and crisp focus! Congratulation on an excellent shot!
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01/16/2003 04:19:09 PM
Good composition, good shadows. I like the coloring.
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01/15/2003 11:35:28 PM
Good colors and composition. A little too much shadow in the foreground. Well done. 8 md
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01/15/2003 08:00:13 PM
I wish that big shadow was'nt there. Good shot though.
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01/15/2003 05:57:27 PM
I like the compostion, but probably because of the time of year the rest of the frame lacks really interesting bits. Good exposure.
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01/15/2003 01:09:14 AM
This is a great shot, simple but appealing. Good color and detail throughout. Nicely utilizing the rule of thirds. Nice work. Gotcha
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01/14/2003 05:08:07 PM
I dig the lonely tree type.however in this the tree is not the sole focus.The darker forground diminishes the impact as well asthe mountain peak. you still get an 8
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01/13/2003 05:20:32 PM
Excellent composition. Boost the saturation and sharpening a little bit, and you are going to have a picture that snaps!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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