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Growing Old Neath Timeless Skies
1st PlaceGrowing Old Neath Timeless Skies

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2013-09 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-1D X
Lens: Nikon AF-S Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8 G ED
Location: Mnweni
Date: Sep 13, 2013
Aperture: F2.8
ISO: 5000
Shutter: 25
Date Uploaded: Sep 10, 2013

I have been eyeing this tree for the better part of 11 years now...driving past it countless time, storing it in the back of my mind for future shots. This truly is no ordinary tree. You will most of the time find old Madalas, seated on these rocks in the shade of this tree on hot summers days. Believe me..it gets hot in the berg and there is not much shade. People gather here and I can picture the stories shared underneath this tree. The tribal issues discussed between the Three Tribes ruling. Stories of days gone by before electricity came to the mountains...and hikers ruined the peacefulness of the berg.. The younger generation welcomes the development and Western influences creeping in with much talk and promises of improvements..bridges built..roads creeping deeper into remotest parts of the hills...and eventually cliffs.. and other developments not to mention here.

Yet on a night like this when the Milky way looks down on this very old tree standing beneath a timeless sky.. not much has changed. I see in this image the ghosts of bygone spirits who have dreamt the dreams of a young man sitting underneath This tree but grew old with this tree in moutains unchanged

I dread the day driving past this spot and the tree no longer there..for it will mean also I have changed..grown older, quicker than any fearles man dare challenge

Thank you for the nice comments and people who voted. This image I will remember as one going out with my boys not even in the mood to shoot anything but simply spend time with them. It seems that all of the really nice images are simply gifts and I cant take credit for any of them. Glad I could present something different from the berg

Place: 1 out of 171
Avg (all users): 7.6939
Avg (commenters): 8.8333
Avg (participants): 7.5915
Avg (non-participants): 7.9630
Views since voting: 3256
Views during voting: 173
Votes: 98
Comments: 44
Favorites: 26 (view)

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11/07/2013 12:30:11 PM
Rian, I was traveling and didn't get a chance to see this FS. Well done on a beautiful shot. It has Africa written all over it. Congrats!!
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10/14/2013 12:27:13 AM
This is absolutely gorgeous! Congrats on your blue!
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10/10/2013 11:30:54 AM
Rian, congratulations on this. Great stuff!

I took a Milky Way photo a couple of months ago and the Milky Way was straight up and down in North America. Yours is side-to-side. Guess the earth really is round! Ha!!
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10/10/2013 10:44:11 AM
Originally posted by Giles:

Why a Nikon lens?

Canon doesn't have a so wide (and fast) lens.
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10/10/2013 05:27:12 AM
It is such a gorgeous picture, Rian!
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10/09/2013 05:21:06 AM
Fabulous image and well done on coming first. The comments you made for it are also a work of art that has come from deep within you. Thank you for sharing.
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10/08/2013 09:34:29 PM
Let me just say that this is such a beautiful shot. I am an amateur astronomer and I love how the Milky Way just complements the tree and oranges just makes it that much more captivating. A fantastic job, a picture wonderfully taken, and a story very well remembered. It literally put me there mentally.
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10/08/2013 09:11:18 PM
Well, look at you!!! :~D
This is outstanding! Congrats on the blue!
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10/08/2013 07:34:31 PM
Congrats! So happy for you.
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10/08/2013 04:16:29 PM
Because I Can... with a Canon ;) But you cant canon with Nikon
Seriously... It's a lovely lens - one of the best. whish Canon would make one on par or better. been waiting to long for empty promises

Message edited by author 2013-10-08 16:17:49.
10/08/2013 03:05:58 PM
Why a Nikon lens?
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10/08/2013 10:32:56 AM
Rian, this image and your story is one to remember. A new favorite for me. Huge congratulations on the win!
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10/08/2013 09:08:54 AM
Stunning photo. Love the story too. Congrats Rian, truly deserved top spot.
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10/08/2013 08:41:06 AM
Good for you!!! What a stunning image...well deserved ribbon!!!
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10/08/2013 08:03:27 AM
Baie geluk, uitstaande werk. Daai melkweg is die ideale ondersteuning vir n baie besonder Welcome to Africa!
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10/08/2013 07:50:32 AM
Congrats on the blue. Fantastic shot - 10 from me.
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10/08/2013 07:28:42 AM
Way to represent Suid Afrika, Rian. Baie Mooi!
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10/08/2013 07:07:30 AM
Congrats on the win Rian!! I was one of your 9's, as this was one of my favorite shots of the bunch. Great photo and a great story to go along with it!
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10/08/2013 06:19:37 AM
WOW Rian congrats my friend your shot is amazing.
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10/08/2013 05:54:46 AM
Dammit! this is absolutely stunning. Most deservedly the winner of the blue.
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10/08/2013 05:04:36 AM
What an amazing photo! Absolutely stunning. Well done.
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10/08/2013 04:21:29 AM
Oh Rian, a blue in a FS, personal best and what a photo!

I really enjoyed to read the story man, you are a special guy :)

ETA: no one knows the real reason of your win: you used a Nikon lens ;)
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10/08/2013 03:11:19 AM
Congratulations,you did great.
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10/08/2013 03:08:58 AM
Mooi man, so bly jy word nou weer gedwing om in te skryf. We can feast our eyes. Geluk
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10/08/2013 03:05:39 AM
Simply stunning Rian!
Fires on the ground competing with fires in the sky - neither winning but one lasting MUCH longer than the other...
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10/08/2013 01:50:18 AM
As Herman said.
Your beautiful shot tells exactly the story that you wrote. Your tree is timeless.
Reminds me of Nabokov:
"Everythingis is as at should be. Nothing will ever change. Nobody will ever die"
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10/08/2013 01:40:41 AM
Ag, Rian dis 'n wonderlike foto. Dis ook maklik om jou verbintenis met die boom te verstaan. Baie dankie dat jy wel die storie bygesit het, dit verbreed die foto soveel meer.

O ja, geluk met die lint. Welverdiend.
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10/08/2013 12:33:48 AM
careful job you did, great result you achieved.
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10/08/2013 12:29:36 AM
Well done Rian, congratulations. Truly awesome image.
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10/08/2013 12:18:11 AM
Well-deserved Blue here, and fantastic score for a Free Study.
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10/08/2013 12:12:38 AM
Rian what a great shot, 10 no question. This is a new favourite for me, and a great story. Well done.I look out for trees like this and keep them in the back of my mind as well. This is a shot that I will remember. regards Keith
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10/08/2013 12:03:54 AM
Worth all the effort! WD Rian.

Message edited by author 2013-10-08 00:15:12.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2013 07:00:24 PM
Wonderful work. Perfect timing. And to find a flat top Acacia in that environment is quite odd. At least Top Ten. Mooi man.
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10/07/2013 11:22:41 AM
incredible shot!
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10/07/2013 10:18:35 AM
Excellent! The tree there really adds to this.
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10/07/2013 08:59:08 AM
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10/07/2013 01:06:23 AM
Its photographs like this that make me want to go out & try astrophotography.
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10/06/2013 10:15:24 PM
Wow, that is a fabulous sky.
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10/06/2013 05:19:03 PM
That is stunning!!! Love the orange light!
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10/05/2013 12:06:06 PM
A great example ,top tenner.
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10/03/2013 11:11:52 AM
Well done.
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10/03/2013 12:25:18 AM
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10/01/2013 10:49:21 PM
WOW! A Most Excellent Shot -10
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10/01/2013 07:36:15 AM
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