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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Landscape (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-2020Z
Location: New Paltz, NY
Date: Jan 12, 2003
Aperture: F11
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/100
Galleries: Landscape, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Jan 12, 2003

Photographed with Infrared filter (R72) and converted to greyscale

Place: 95 out of 219
Avg (all users): 5.6140
Avg (commenters): 6.1667
Avg (participants): 5.5227
Avg (non-participants): 5.7396
Views since voting: 1373
Votes: 228
Comments: 20
Favorites: 0

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01/23/2003 09:57:05 AM
Hello from the Critique Club- First I have to say that I know nothing, absolutely nothing about infra red photography. Since this is your first submission I don't know if it is your favorite method. The critique club computer assigns pictures randomly so perhaps someday, on a future submission, someone who knows infra red will review you.

This is New York, right? I know what this coniferous/deciduous landscpe looks like in the winter - bleak. And I also know how cold it was last week. You were brave to get out there at all. I totally disagree with the people who thought this might look better in color, blue and green and grey and white are not so interesting. At first glance it looks almost south western with that jutting rock formation. I think they were expecting some red clay or something. We forget that the East Coast was shaped by the same dramatic geological forces as the rest of the country because it is all covered with trees. Your picture portray a vast, lonely, emptyness that we don't associate with New York.

Your choice of black and white (and probably infra red, but I can't say) empasizes the Earth below and the Sky above, And deemphasizes the trees and bushes that try to cover it up. your sky of course is stunning, no one could have missed that. I like the way that the clouds are mirrored on the land in the corresponding patches of snow.

I like the compositional lines, the Z shape is a nice one for the eye to travel. Leads right to that pinnacle on the bluff. And a matching smaller peak of snow at the other end of the Z is a nice balance. What ever that pinnicle is, it looks man made. It even looks like a religious point of focus - saying "Look what God made".
However, I'm not religeous so I will accept it as an awesome visual point, like a beacon in the wilderness.

Out of focus? I don't see that, the blurry look is just all this bare tree, right? the sky is in focus, the ridge is in focus. My first thought was that this is the wrong venue for a picture like this. Small format, low jpg size doesn't do it justice. It wants to be a BIG print. I seems to vast a landscape to fit on my little screen. Not saying you should crop it, because the compostion is REALLY nice. I'm just thinking it might have scored better if it was less ambitious. 95th place is fine, doesn't make it any less of a photo! It's the same picture no matter where it places.

On the infra red issue, I will repeat what another commenters said. "if this is an infrared image, which is my guess at the moment, then I know firsthand how tricky it is getting things in your image sharp. Infrared has a different focusing point than the one given by your camera". DPC is a bunch of amateurs. I wonder how many even recognized that it was infra red?

Forgot my disclaimer - Please remeber that this is only one persons. far from expert, opinion

Message edited by author 2003-01-23 09:58:32.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/22/2003 09:44:02 AM
Uh Oh - I think I'm out of my league here. I know nothing about infared. I have been assigned this photo to review by the critique club computer. I will do my best. I'll be back, it takes me a day to digest a picture.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/19/2003 06:23:26 PM
The photo looks a little blurry. Also, with the use of infrared it makes it hard to look at the landscape.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/19/2003 06:39:16 AM
Very rich black and white, with great clouds and beautiful, textured trees/shrubs. The subtle element of the ... whatever that geological formation is!... in the background ties the photo together beautifully.
01/17/2003 07:08:01 PM
I'd like to see this shot in colour. I suspect we could see more detail. Everything seems to be lost in the Black and White.
01/17/2003 07:01:30 PM
I really like this picture. The clouds make the picture look 3D. The picture almost talks to you..
01/16/2003 10:33:14 PM
This is a nice shot, but the lack of focus makes it difficult to...well...focus. I like your use of black and white here. It is a good `subject` for the challenge. Maybe the DOF is not correct for the distance, or you need a tri-pod? Good luck in the challenge!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/16/2003 07:54:25 AM
I would love to see this photo in color. I bet that sky has a deep blue to it, right? I like the clouds, they seem to be floating pieces of cotton wool.
01/16/2003 01:06:31 AM
Looks out of focus slightly, but if this is an infrared image, which is my guess at the moment, then I know firsthand how tricky it is getting things in your image sharp. Infrared has a different focusing point than the one given by your camera, not sure if that's the case here. Focusing aside, excellent sky, very dramatic landscape elements!
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01/15/2003 11:29:44 PM
I htink the black and white gives this picture a feeling of desolation and loneliness. Is that what you were after? Also, it seems that the focus is a bit off, it just seems kinda soft. Maybe if there was an object or road in the foreground to focus on, it wouldn't be so noticeable.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/14/2003 10:42:15 PM
The sky has a bit of noise in it which could be removed by using a program such as neatimage. The contrast in your image needs improving. It is too hard to make out the trees against the landscape. Composition seems good to me though. I think this photo would be much more dramatic in colour. jgillard5
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/14/2003 02:25:17 PM
The sky is beautiful. The land all seems to kind of blend in together though. Not quite sure what could be done about that, other that to put it in color, but I'm sure the colors weren't impressive this time of the year anyway. Kind of a bad time for landscapes, but I guess that's what makes it a challenge. I like the angle and framing/cropping. The 'horizon' line is nicely placed and it's nice and big to see that there is even what looks like a lighthouse on the top of that hill. A nice view. Good luck in the challenge.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/14/2003 12:31:28 AM
What would it look like in color?
01/13/2003 09:55:34 PM
Had this picture been more sharp, it could have gone far. I also would have placed the top mountain peak a little higher in the frame. It seems a little too centered to me. I can see that you wanted to keep the clouds in the top of the frame.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/13/2003 06:51:54 PM
I would like to see this one in color...
Nice work.
01/13/2003 06:01:43 PM
Wow this picture almost has a "3-D" feel to it. Did you use a special filter or anything? Really cool. 8.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/13/2003 03:13:44 PM
Almost looks 3D. Very good 9
01/13/2003 03:07:10 PM
I feel this picture would have been more effective in color. Just not enough contrast in this version.
01/13/2003 12:35:41 PM
Excellent study in black and white
01/13/2003 10:10:19 AM
I think I would have prefered this shot in colour.

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