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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Road Signs Revisited (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D1X
Location: Mariachi Plaza De Los Angeles
Date: Jan 17, 2003
Aperture: F-4.8
ISO: 125
Shutter: 1/90
Galleries: Urban, Vintage
Date Uploaded: Jan 18, 2003

Post processing is not something I generally do, but after looking at the entry by sulamk last week in the song challenge, I thought I'd give it a try. (Thanks for the inspiration sulmak).

Place: 5 out of 174
Avg (all users): 6.7664
Avg (commenters): 8.0750
Avg (participants): 6.9739
Avg (non-participants): 6.5253
Views since voting: 2653
Votes: 214
Comments: 47
Favorites: 13 (view)

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07/12/2003 06:26:47 PM
The fact that no one is in the truck make this a better picture
07/08/2003 08:11:12 AM
I love this photo. The color and aged look make it ART !
This is a photo only someone with a eye would take. Most would walk right by this truck and not see what could be :)
02/01/2003 11:33:42 PM
by karmat

Awesome shot!!

The positioning of the sign and truck is very near perfect, I think. It has an interestng angle that gives it some dynamics, its not just another straight on shot. The sign is in a very strong position in the frame, and the truck leads the eyes back to the left and out.

There is very little I can comment on negatively about this. It does fill just a touch unbalanced with more of the back of the truck showing htan the front, but that is a small detail. Like someone else pointed out, the upper right of the frame is almost blown out. Maybe changing the camera angle slightly would have prevented this, or cropping it so that the top of the frame was at the top of the truck. Given those options though (assuming you can't/won't reshoot), I would leave the bright spot in and keep the crop like it is.
The tight focus on the sign, with the truck just barely being soft is awesome. You nailed that!!

When I look at this, it makes me think I am looking at an old truck from a small rural community. Specifically, though I don't know the model, it seems like this picture could be from the 50s or so. Part is the truck itself, the other is the coloring, which is awesome! The sign (which looks very modern) provides a wonderful contrast.

Again, great shot, and sorry I couldn't offer a lot in the way of suggestions. You have already done a lot right!
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01/27/2003 10:08:43 PM
Your post-processing judgement is spot on for this photo. I think the colors you have selected to use go perfectly with the "old" feel. The yellow of the truck, the brown of the rust, and the color of the sign (give's it a vintage silent movie feel) are brilliant. Composition wise is perfect as well. Great angle to capture both the truck and sign. I would have preferred to see more of the front of the truck as well and maybe would have increased the angle more to take out the truck in the background (which is a little hot/bright). I give it a 9.
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01/27/2003 07:56:59 AM
this was so trippy. one of my faves!!
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01/27/2003 12:53:18 AM
i'm so happy this photo scored so well this week. i was worried that people would reject the color adjustments and (yellow) monochromatic aspects of the photo. i loved it, and hats off to you, great job!
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01/27/2003 12:49:45 AM
Congrats on 5th, I think this was my favorite of the challenge! great work, keep it up!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/26/2003 11:24:47 PM
Good composition, and the strong yellow cast makes this photo look very vintage. I like it.
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01/26/2003 03:47:46 PM
Love the surreal look to this photo. Great shot for the challenge. 9
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01/25/2003 02:30:35 PM
Really neat job with the colors and the angle of the truck. Very nice.
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01/25/2003 01:13:00 PM
I really like the colours and what I think is the Clarify effect. Very nice.
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01/25/2003 09:47:08 AM
Its all gone yellow...reminds me of a crate of bananas!
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01/24/2003 09:22:35 PM
Wow. I'm not sure how you got this effect, but it's fantastic. Incredible tones, and I love all that yellow. My only nit is the upper right hand corner, where things fall apart a little. Very fine.
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01/24/2003 08:06:29 PM
The monochromatic theme of this image has lots of power. The rough and ready nature of both the sign and truck add lots of character to the foto. The limited DOF certainly focuses attention on the sign. Good job.
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01/24/2003 01:49:47 PM
This photo has a really nice quality to it, but I can't put my finger on it! Very interesting to look at, nice colours, 9.
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01/24/2003 12:41:26 AM
don't understand what you're saying to me. the yellow truck is too extreme with the yellow filter?
01/23/2003 11:18:20 PM
Odd lighting seems to work OK anyway...I like the way the type looks spot-lit.
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01/23/2003 02:57:33 PM
nice tones. A person would have been nice. loading of course.
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01/23/2003 10:49:29 AM
This is a wonderful image! I like everything about this....Great job! 10
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01/23/2003 09:50:34 AM
The colors on this photograph are absolutely stunning. THis is the best photograph of an old beatup pickup truck I've seen for a long time, maybe ever. The perspective is great, the angle is great. The soft focus on the truck and sharp focus on the sign are as they should be. Very well done and thanks for sharing this gem - Inspzil
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01/23/2003 09:06:21 AM
Good composition and tone. Good luck
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01/22/2003 10:45:03 PM
a bit too yellow for me. it kind of distracts me
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01/22/2003 09:24:11 PM
I am not sure how you did this, but I love the effect you have created, really changes a boring scene into something very interesting. Good Luck!
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01/22/2003 07:06:23 PM
What a brilliant use of colour to make a relatively boring photo very interesting. It looks like a very shallow depth of field was used to focus the sign whilst blurring the truck every so slightly - very effective for this challenge. I'll be very surprised if this isn't one of the top places when results come out. Well done. I don't think I would have done anything differently in this photo.
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01/22/2003 05:39:38 PM
Normally, I do not care for shots with this much "contrast" (for lack of a more accurate word), but this one appeals to me somehow. The depth of field works well as the sign is focused, bu the truck is just a bit soft. I like the coloring as well.
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01/22/2003 12:50:22 PM
Excellent. 10.
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01/22/2003 08:56:41 AM
I really like the textures here.
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01/22/2003 02:02:15 AM
neat effect...

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01/21/2003 11:18:33 PM
The most intriguing photo of the bunch. Very skillful use of dodge & burn (??) Nice compsition, nice colors. My only two other knocks would be the mirror coming out the side of the Loading sign - seems a bit distracting for some reason. And the passing car / blown out section in the upper right. Seems out of balance with the rest of teh photo. Otherwise, and excellent photo, and so far my favorite of the challenge. Good Job! 9 md
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01/21/2003 11:12:17 PM
Great picture. Love the filtering.
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01/21/2003 05:48:50 PM
Wonderful! A great photograph!
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01/21/2003 05:19:19 PM
Love the toning here, the composition is nice, I can feel the rust :) One of my faves from this challenge.
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01/21/2003 02:01:04 PM
Love this, can't wait for the explaination. One of the top three IMO.
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01/21/2003 07:52:03 AM
seems oversaturated.
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01/21/2003 05:28:56 AM
Nice effect. I am interested on hearing how you achieved it. I like it.
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01/20/2003 08:10:40 PM
great colors! good cropping.
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01/20/2003 06:32:05 PM
Wow, that's really cool with all the yellow. How did you do this?
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01/20/2003 03:15:39 PM
I really liked the colours and the retro feel to this one. 8
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01/20/2003 02:53:13 PM
Awesome shot... striking contrasts, warm tone, very creative.
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01/20/2003 02:36:48 PM
This is my second favorite! Still a ten though!
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01/20/2003 02:16:00 PM
Love this pict. The texture is superb as well as the composition. I would do nothing different. Excellent.
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01/20/2003 02:07:56 PM
i love the color in this photo. great shot. one of my highest votes this week.
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01/20/2003 10:47:30 AM
I like the color and grittiness in this one. Nice composition
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01/20/2003 04:35:56 AM
Stylish and interesting I think I would have cropped it tighter to lose the road and the background detail
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01/20/2003 01:46:58 AM
I like the tones and composition in this one. Very good shot. 8
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01/20/2003 01:24:08 AM
This is a beautiful, amazing shot. The high contrast adds a cartooney feel to it, almost. The monochromatic color emphasizes that, and the overall composition couldn't be better. Congrats. Perfect. (10)
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01/20/2003 12:47:19 AM
Looks really cool, how'd you do it?
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