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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Road Signs Revisited (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: Spruce Pine, North Carolina
Date: Jan 18, 2003
Aperture: F8.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200"
Galleries: Humorous, Urban
Date Uploaded: Jan 19, 2003

I was going to skip this challenge until I saw this particular sign. I thought the 'nail through the heart' with the shadow added some nice elements to this image. I tried to capture the 'rainbow' sun glare on this sign as well for some added impact, but that seems to look better on the thumbnail than on the full sized image :)

Place: 69 out of 174
Avg (all users): 5.5942
Avg (commenters): 6.5455
Avg (participants): 5.7130
Avg (non-participants): 5.4457
Views since voting: 1526
Votes: 207
Comments: 23
Favorites: 0

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01/27/2003 01:59:00 PM
by karmat

Overall, I think the composition of this shot is good. The dude walking fills up the frame, and enough of the sky is included to give it some color contrast. For some reason, though, the little splotch of blue makes it have an "unbalanced" feeling to me. Maybe if there were another color or more blue in another part of the shot. Don't know if it would be better, just different maybe. When I first saw the shot, it struck me as being a little flat (most signs are, duh), but I am not sure what you could do to add context or depth without obliterating the nail. sorry.

The colors here are awesome. the blue and yellow form a nice contrast, and the black stands out. The nail is visible, and casts an interesting shadow on the sign. I like the perspective of the shot. I see in your comments what the line running down the sign is, and it would have added impact, but on the full size picture, it looks like a mistake in lighting.

This sign is extremely funny. You have to wonder if they nailed it like that on purpose or if they even realized what they were doing!! The brightness of the sign catches your attention, and the clarity of it keeps it. I like it.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/26/2003 11:09:55 PM
nice live color here, and you really caught the shadow of the nail as well as the rusty nail itself. What's that yellow streak running down themiddle of the sign? some kind of stain, or shadow?
01/26/2003 01:48:01 PM
great crop and brillant color!
01/25/2003 02:36:19 PM
Nice eye and title. The streak running from top to bottom is distracting though. Good job.
01/24/2003 08:08:45 PM
Great sense of humour. I like the bit of blue to compliment the overwhelming yellow. Nice tight shot. The nail shadow really adds value to your image. Good go.
01/23/2003 10:48:02 PM
01/23/2003 05:34:30 PM
Great shot! I got a good laugh from it. I was thinking the hail should be down a couple inches.....There's a odd orange line running diagonally throught the shot (hits his bent knee and forearm. It's odd, but I see no reason to change your score for it, just thought you should know. 8 Swash
01/23/2003 06:14:14 AM
One of my few favourits this time: I like it's almost graphical style, the angle of view and the small number of colors. The texture is great too.
The blue sky is very important and seeing more of it might have been even better.
Also the nail is a little dark and thus hard to see on the first look.
Still a wonderfull road-sign picture living from color, composition and of course the topic. Good luck to you.
01/22/2003 11:23:49 PM
funny. It that the real color or is it over exposed
01/22/2003 01:42:02 PM
that is so bright...i like that
01/22/2003 11:15:43 AM
Ouch, nice shot
01/21/2003 09:20:37 PM
Very unique take on the roadsign challenge. I like that it is different, and understand why the whole sign could not be included, I think that it is enough the figure was there. I don't reallyI like the rainbow effect going through the middle of the shot though it is a bit distracting. I can't believe the amount of detail you were able to pick up even down to the honeycombs (a bit tricky on the eyes though).7.
01/21/2003 05:48:23 PM
I love the way you filled the frame like this. Great job of doing a wacky crop... Great shot.
01/20/2003 11:51:49 PM
Ouch!! I like the close crop of this, and the colors are really attention grabbers.
01/20/2003 10:45:44 PM
That's a very aggressive crop, but it works fairly well. The biggest distraction I have is the yellow line running slightly diagonally down the sign. I susect it might be glare of some sort, although the shadow on the nail indicates the sun is hard right. Focus is good, as is the title - well done.
01/20/2003 07:01:45 PM
What's "Nailed" mean for this one?
01/20/2003 07:01:06 PM
01/20/2003 05:00:20 PM
Love this photo - my favourite in this challenge. The contrast between the blue and the yellow is great!
01/20/2003 03:04:46 PM
01/20/2003 02:07:59 PM
I would have liked it more without the nail.
01/20/2003 10:46:53 AM
i like the shadow of the nail
01/20/2003 10:40:49 AM
OUCH!! Interesting - like the neon glow of the sign
01/20/2003 04:41:59 AM
Just think if that nail had been a bit lower ;¬)

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