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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: C2K -- DPC's 2,000th Challenge (Advanced Editing VII*)
Collection: Portfolio
Location: Vilankulo Mozambique
Date: Sep 4, 2014
Aperture: 6.3
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/2000
Date Uploaded: Nov 4, 2014

[Nov. 11th, 2014 04:01:14 PM]

I don't think this will ribbon but I needed a big score and I am pleased with this. First vote was a 6 and from there on it soared. It was a magical week in Mozambique and I shot so many pictures and used only 1 for the Free Study. The change of scenery was very good to me. This was one of the last photos I shot with the D90. It picked up moisture somehow, irreparable. I thought of replacing it with the D750 but matters turned worse and I cannot afford any new camera let alone the D750. So I am assigned to my old D80. But we will get it right, I'm sure. One of these days, I will be able to buy either a D7100 or maybe the D750. Meantime I'm re-discovering the D80.
Shot on 4 September my 43rd wedding anniversary. So special

[Nov. 11th, 2014 04:04:25 PM]

13 comments, thank you, that means more than the score. And thank you voters you restored my soul.

Place: 6 out of 264
Avg (all users): 6.8782
Avg (commenters): 8.1765
Avg (participants): 6.8678
Avg (non-participants): 6.9143
Views since voting: 1085
Views during voting: 267
Votes: 156
Comments: 28
Favorites: 1 (view)

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12/05/2014 12:39:28 AM
Sien nou eers die foto....absoluut stunning. Jammer om te hoor van jou D90 maar lyk my die D80 doen net sulke goeie werk.
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11/13/2014 12:49:02 PM
Gits Amanda, wat 'n goeie foto! Ek hou beslis die meeste van die een onder die eerste 20.

Jammer van jou kamera. Spaar maar, en hou die twwedehandse blaaie dop.
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11/13/2014 07:24:05 AM
Welgedaan Amanda.. op julle 43ste huweliksherdenking. Ek is jammer oor jou kamera maar ek dink Bees moet sorg dat jy n nuwe kamera kry :) Niks fout met die D80 nie maar watter plesiertjies het jy dan nou andersins as die druk van n knoppie... en die tyd saam met Bees.
Soso jy se.. Die plek is n bysaak op die foto maar dit bly n spesial oomblik vasgevang hier en bly dit het goed gedoen. Ek het begin stem op die challenge maar tyd is skaars hier
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11/12/2014 08:32:54 AM
Hard not to be pulled into this one. Excellent catch!
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11/12/2014 06:51:16 AM
Congrats, Ammie! So glad to see you do so well ++
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11/12/2014 06:27:32 AM
Wonderful finish Amanda! Congrats
Hope you win the Lotto and can get your dream camera :-)
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11/12/2014 01:36:47 AM
This is my favourite in this challenge- I just love how it is perfectly balanced between movement and tranquility.
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11/12/2014 12:35:48 AM
Great result Amanda. WD!
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11/12/2014 12:24:02 AM
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11/12/2014 12:23:32 AM
Brilliant Ammie, hope you don't mind, but I've been using this as my wallpaper on my Ipad, :)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/11/2014 11:41:02 PM
Very nice. One of my top votes. One minor nitpick: I can see a touch of haloing around the man's head and arm, but it is the sort of thing that may not show up on all monitors.
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11/11/2014 11:07:37 PM
wonderful capture. a little too much haloing, imo. maybe it's just oversharpening.
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11/11/2014 10:00:01 PM
Nice image, but halo around the man detract.
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11/11/2014 08:32:58 PM
Engaging image. Grabs me and keeps me.
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11/11/2014 04:20:43 PM
East Africa? In ones soul.
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11/11/2014 03:41:26 PM
Absolutely fabulous. 10
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11/11/2014 12:04:22 AM
Cool processing on this one.
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11/10/2014 10:08:30 PM
I want to get caught in a flock of egrets!!! Beautiful, although there's a bit of haloing around the man
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11/10/2014 09:18:53 AM
A classic image! A lovely silhouette, lovely detail, great light, great timing, great score!
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11/09/2014 07:41:00 AM
Incredible shot
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11/08/2014 11:05:10 PM
I don't think even a movie director could place the birds into their allocated positions to achieve this magnificent composition.

Bumping up to a ten, I've only given two of them.
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11/07/2014 10:09:19 AM
Wonderful scene and captured well. There is a halo around the person that is a little distracting, but a great capture nonetheless.
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11/06/2014 02:38:09 PM
So dynamic and full of life...wonderful!
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11/06/2014 12:31:19 PM
Real arty stuff, think this is in my top ten.
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11/06/2014 06:58:58 AM
this is great, love all the different poses on the birds in flight, so much to look at here
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11/05/2014 04:43:21 PM
*gasp* Gorgeous! 9
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11/05/2014 07:31:47 AM
Would have liked it to be a bit sharper. It's a bit grainy and there is a halo around the the man, but it's great shot!
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11/05/2014 07:26:13 AM
fabulous !!!!
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