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Desert Rain
2nd PlaceDesert Rain

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Art of 2015 (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Nikon D800
Lens: Nikon AF Fisheye-Nikkor 10.5mm f/2.8G IF-ED DX
Location: Liwa, UAE
Date: May 10, 2015
Aperture: f/13
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/160
Date Uploaded: Jan 10, 2016

Thanks so much for the great comments all, and thanks to Team Imagenation, Bear_Music, and GeorgesBogaert for the special awards!

I shot this in Liwa, UAE, during a trip where I was trying to find the area where they filmed some Star Wars scenes--found it by the way :)Star Wars desert scene. I'm glad I was able to use this in a challenge for 2015!

Also got published on 1x!! Desert Rain

Place: 2 out of 130
Avg (all users): 7.3235
Avg (commenters): 8.4286
Avg (participants): 7.3671
Avg (non-participants): 7.1739
Views since voting: 2952
Views during voting: 233
Votes: 102
Comments: 37
Favorites: 10 (view)

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01/23/2016 11:12:04 PM
Lovely Rob! Congrats!!!
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01/20/2016 11:34:35 AM
Love it, congratulations on your red ribbon.
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01/18/2016 05:00:10 PM
I can't stop wondering about the beauty of the world you're living in. And even more about the way you capture it time after time. This was one of my favourites. Congrats on the Red and all the bling!
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01/18/2016 04:21:54 PM
Brilliant B&W
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01/18/2016 03:58:12 PM
we thought it had all been done. you prove us wrong, sandswept by a master.
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01/18/2016 03:35:09 PM
This is so extraordinarily beautiful that it could bring tears to one's eyes.
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01/18/2016 02:44:48 PM
Superb image, Rob. Congratulations on the Red.
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01/18/2016 12:28:42 PM
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01/18/2016 11:27:22 AM
A sublime dessert shot, I suspected this was yours. Nicely done.
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01/18/2016 10:49:39 AM
Already said what I had to say, just back to say congratulations! Well deserved Red ribbon.
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01/18/2016 08:03:06 AM
Congrats Rob; I thought this might be yours. Very beautiful, as usual.
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01/18/2016 03:54:46 AM
Superb photo - congrats on the red.
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01/18/2016 03:18:28 AM
Congratulations on the red. Great shot!
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01/18/2016 12:48:29 AM
This is awesome Rob! Congrats on the ribbon.
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01/18/2016 12:38:39 AM
Knew this would be up there. Congrats.
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01/18/2016 12:05:59 AM
I nearly nearly entered something like this...oh well can't turn back the time. Congrats.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/17/2016 11:59:27 PM
What would make this look excellent and top it off, would be one human element!
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01/17/2016 11:47:20 PM
My favorite for the blue. I give it a 9. Can you post a color version of it?
I also give you my Blue Dragon Award
Bumping up to 10
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01/17/2016 10:43:41 PM
Fine Art ! really fabulous!
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01/17/2016 09:44:42 PM
I've got to say as someone who hates landscapes that this is beautiful.
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01/17/2016 08:25:19 PM
I would be hiding from God if I didn't say I love this.
You have been selected as a top choice by the ImageNation Jury in this year's Art challenge! Congrats!
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01/17/2016 07:02:29 PM
Most excellent work. The classic composition really binds the viewer to the scene. Then the leading lines keeps my eyes inside the frame and exploring.
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01/17/2016 03:58:20 PM
Sand dunes... We see a lot of sand dunes... but not like THESE. The atmospherics here are stunning, and the processing is simply excellent. Beyond that, the image is blessed with a sense of otherworldly presence: s portal, a sinkhole, a megaverse forming or collapsing. And all this within the classic tradition of B/W landscape photography. I'm awarding you my Silver Bear Paw.

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01/17/2016 07:01:18 AM
Rob is this you? Outstanding.
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01/15/2016 03:47:34 PM
Gorgeous mono, lovely detail
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01/14/2016 03:13:29 PM
Love the lines and symmetry.
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01/14/2016 12:06:19 AM
Lovely textures, repeating patterns and rhythms, seemingly endless undisturbed beauty. In my top 5.
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01/13/2016 09:38:52 PM
What a lucky shot magnificently done. A perfect shot IMO but up to 127 other very good ones. Hope it does well for you 10
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01/12/2016 07:03:39 AM
I quite enjoy the lights and darks here.
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01/12/2016 03:26:16 AM
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01/11/2016 06:06:45 PM
majestic. 8
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01/11/2016 02:59:37 PM
This looks really impressive in black and white, it is just an overall great photograph.
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01/11/2016 02:42:07 PM
So, before I started voting I told myself landscapes would not score well from me in this challenge.

There is always one exception to every rule and this is the one for me. Light, dark, texture, shape, contrast, depth. This really fits the challenge for me and my only thought would be to crop all/most of the sky out and leave more of an abstract set of shapes in a letterbox style (bump of 2 to a 9).
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01/11/2016 01:21:51 PM
So much better & different from the obligatory empty sky/sand dunes image. The light, the shadows, the clouds, and then.....the rain! Spectacular! 9
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01/11/2016 11:58:23 AM
Beautiful image. Looks like another planet.
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01/11/2016 07:46:29 AM
Absolutely stunning image. Bravo.10
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01/11/2016 01:03:40 AM
Breathtaking and profound.
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