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Before and After
Before and After

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Before and After (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D100
Location: Davenport, Iowa
Date: Jan 31, 2003
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 500
Shutter: 30
Galleries: Humorous
Date Uploaded: Jan 31, 2003

lots of eating

Place: 62 out of 64
Avg (all users): 4.1939
Avg (commenters): 4.5455
Avg (participants): 4.0000
Avg (non-participants): 4.3958
Views since voting: 1238
Votes: 98
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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02/10/2003 02:37:45 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club :)

I think that the major points of this photo have been hit in the comments already...

1 - It's visually unappealing, which, on the other hand, creates some amount of impact, even though it is a negative impact. Creating impact is a good thing. The stirring of emotions may be the objective of this shot... if so, it was accomplished.

2 - The lighting is very weak. The image is flat where color is concerned. There is a severe lack of contrast.

3 - The eggs look yellow from tungsten lighting. Your D100 should have white balance capabilities that would correct this in cam for the most part. The eggs are not bright enough to really shuffle themselves into the role of 'subject' of the shot.

4 - Most importantly, this photo lacks good focus. There is no clarity to add to the 'definition' of the shot. Maybe 1/30" exposure time was a bit too long for a handheld shot. In an image that shows no real sense of depth, I believe that sharp focus is key in a 2 dimensional environment.

5 - The artistic value of this piece could be considered weak. It doesn't strike me as something that you would want to print and hang on your wall.

In my humble opinion, each of these 5 elements are fundamentals for scoring well at DPChallenge.

Keep Trying :)

John Setzler

Message edited by author 2003-02-10 14:45:48.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/09/2003 11:16:31 PM
The colors are a bit pale and the focus seems soft to me. Interesting concept... I like the fact that it's not egg to chicken... not even egg to fried chicken... but egg to eaten fried chicken! hehe
02/09/2003 09:58:25 AM
Oh dear lord.... as a vegan, all I can say about this photo is EWW! I'm sorry, but this is too ugly for words, and it's not even well lit or photographed. I don't intend to be mean, but if you had put a bit more work into the technical side of it, I might have been able to overcome the fact that I've always felt like retching at the site of deep fried chicken.
02/08/2003 10:46:05 PM
Perhaps not as appetizing as a nice stack of wings ready to eat, but does take the "after" component further along its course towards heartburn and eventually coronary artery disease...
02/07/2003 10:29:02 AM
great concept! wishing for a sharper, clearer image. composition is right on, and lighting could be better. so, just those 2 things.. lighting and focus
02/05/2003 09:51:45 PM
lol. pretty nasty. doesnt help that it's not sharp and needs a white balance adjustment.
02/05/2003 04:19:45 PM
A little extreme.....How about fried eggs and cooked but not eaten chicken? It looks like it will be a long time 'til the next feast! Picture quality very good, subject matter less good. A little dark. (Are those soap suds under the chicken?) Not something I'd hang on my wall, O.K? 7 Swash
02/04/2003 08:18:17 PM
lol...funny. I was wondering how I might do the "chicken and egg thing" and never considered this. Very good idea. It could be a little brighter to enhance it.
02/04/2003 12:01:46 PM
Out of focus and honestly not appealing!!!!!!!!
02/03/2003 04:01:05 PM
Ewwwww! Looks kind of gross! :-) Very funny though!
02/03/2003 04:45:35 AM
I had an idea similar to this one. The lighting seems a little lacking. It isn't as focsed as it should be. Think the wb might need some adjusting while you were taking the pic. - Inspzil
02/03/2003 12:19:01 AM
good concept...looks a little dark to me, though.

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