For anyone who thinks taking pictures of Mo is taking the easy way out -- it's just taking the convenient way out. When you wait until the last couple of hours to shoot, there's not much available. :)
Anyway -- to talk about Mo, Cinders, and shooting...
Just to give you an idea of what's involved.
I have a vaulted entry way, that has a short "bridge" that overlooks the entry. So obviously that had to be the vantage point. I had seen a shot of a cat somewhere, where the cat was sitting and the shot was completely from above. It was funky and cool.
Do you think that you can get a cat to just sit in the entryway while you're up above trying to take the shot?
It was hard to even get them to walk through! After awhile, I asked Jeff if he could get the cat (either one!) to sit there, or even walk through.
I kept calling Mo's name, but then he'd just run upstairs and sit next to me looking confused.
At one point, I'm standing on the bridge, hanging over with the camera in one hand and the laser pointer in the other. Which is all well in good if they're both pointing in the same direction. But I wanted them looking up, not down. So trying to point the laser pointer at the ceiling and the camera at the floor was an interesting experiment in dexterity.
I'm not dexterous!
After fails at the sitting/walking, I went for the chair idea.
That was better. You could get them up on the chair.
Cinders just looked like a blob.
While Mo would get in every position other than the ones you were looking for.
I just went to find some of the funny outtakes to show you, but I had to get rid of them to make room.
I took 155 shots trying to get one.
Yup -- that's not a typo.
Jagar is right, however. I'm paraphrasing -- but the photo is a little soulless. But it probably would have taken about 855 shots. :)
One of the problems of waiting until the couple of hours is that you can't let things simmer awhile. I think I should have gone with this one. I liked it at the time, but I just wasn't sure. But it still calls to me more than the entry:
I also really liked this one, but it was too soft, so I had to process the heck out of it and it didn't really work. But I still like the composition of it.
Well, it's 11:37 pm, I don't have an entry for impressionism... I wonder if there's still time...
Thanks for the comments!
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