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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: From the Ground Up (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-P5
Location: Texas
Date: Apr 24, 2002
Aperture: F10
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/320 sec
Date Uploaded: Apr 24, 2002


Place: 97 out of 103
Avg (all users): 3.5585
Avg (commenters): 3.3333
Avg (participants): 3.3614
Avg (non-participants): 3.7143
Views since voting: 1099
Votes: 188
Comments: 27
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/05/2002 10:04:00 PM
Bland subject matter. Ground up isn't really represented well.
05/05/2002 05:10:00 PM
The brightness is lacking, but great idea!
05/05/2002 12:15:00 PM
I'm guessing you're taking the 'ground up' interpretation of 'building' ... but even if so, the picture seems really boring and washed out.
05/04/2002 10:11:00 PM
05/03/2002 07:17:00 AM
lighting is flat. I wish I could fix that on my own work!
05/03/2002 06:10:00 AM
I like the more literal interpretations of the challenge.
05/03/2002 12:29:00 AM
A tad dark--or is it my screen?
05/02/2002 02:13:00 PM
The subject of this image just does not do a lot for me.
05/02/2002 08:52:00 AM
What would have been really cool is to take a picture looking up the crane, but obviously you can't just go running onto a construction site. Maybed taken from different angle or making the crane the focal point instead of just part of the picture. Black and white might have been neat.
05/01/2002 04:19:00 PM
A good take on 'ground up' but this construction hasnt got very far yet : )
04/30/2002 06:46:00 PM
I didn't score your shot based on whether your camera was pointed upwards. However, I felt the shot was too 'bland'. The composition wasn't bad but the shot had a flat feel. Please don't take offense.
04/30/2002 01:07:00 PM
It would have been better if you'd been closer up with the camera vertically capturing just the crane and sky
04/30/2002 11:49:00 AM
K, I get the challenge aspect -- considered shooting something similar -- the contrast on this seems flat though -- I also find the composition to be kind of bland -- would it have been possible to get any closer to the construction site?
04/30/2002 10:39:00 AM
A different interpretation of "from the ground up". Not the one I think was intended by the challenge. Otherwise an ok photo, but not one that holds my interest very long.
04/29/2002 03:46:00 PM
No relation to the topic.......
04/29/2002 02:10:00 PM
Every little boy's dream come true...
04/29/2002 01:32:00 PM
Good challenge concept here... The picture seems just a tad dim.. the contrast is a little low...
04/29/2002 01:21:00 PM
it would be nice if the shot was a little tighter
04/29/2002 11:43:00 AM
Feels a bit flat and dark..and I don't really feel the perspective. Maybe you could have moved in on the crane and pointed the camera up more.
04/29/2002 11:37:00 AM
"from the perspective of the ground up." I don't agree with your translation. Putting that aside, your picture looks to much like a snapshot. THe lighting is a bit dark, I feel like I'm looking through tinted glass.
04/29/2002 10:51:00 AM
looks to much like a snap shot. not very artistic.
04/29/2002 09:49:00 AM
Hmm... I think it could do with more contrast... but even then the subject matter isn't very interesting or captured in a unique way :/
04/29/2002 09:25:00 AM
doesn't really get at the point of the challenge
04/29/2002 09:02:00 AM
I like your interpretation of the challenge, but this shot needs better focus.
04/29/2002 08:32:00 AM
Could have done with being closer, and turning the camera to shoot it vertically.
04/29/2002 05:38:00 AM
Nice interpretation of the subject.
04/29/2002 05:18:00 AM
Although the camera was probably on the ground, I don't really get the sense of looking up

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