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Double Vision
2nd PlaceDouble Vision

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Reflections without Mirrors VII (Standard Editing)
Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M1
Lens: Olympus 150mm f/2.0 Zuiko Digital
Location: Luce Bayou in Huffman, Texas
Date: Sep 4, 2017
Aperture: 2.0
ISO: 250
Shutter: 1/800
Galleries: Nature, Birds
Date Uploaded: Sep 5, 2017

A Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias) is sharpening it's beak on an available log in the early morning light on Luce Bayou in Huffman, Texas, USA.

I didn't get a chance to check the challenges until just before Hurricane Harvey hit. My initial thought was damn, there goes my chance to enter a great reflection shot. I had spent the last month exploring a new swamp. Well, it's actually called Champion Lake but it's really a huge swampy area off of the Trinity River and is part of the Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge. Here is an example of some of the great reflection shots I have been getting there.

I was able to enter a photo in the Adult Toy challenge from there that did very well.

On Monday (day before challenge ends) the levels in Lake Houston had dropped to within banks (I don't kayak in flood waters, just to dangerous) so I dropped the kayak into Luce Bayou (a bayou that feeds into Lake Houston). The Trinity River is still flooded and I can't even make it to that area yet................so something like the above shot was out of the question.

I figured I could find something reflection related to enter, little did I know that such a great opportunity would present itself. I spotted this guy about 50 yards ahead after rounding a bend and it took me 45 minutes to get into position. After getting into position I photographed him for about an hour while he hunted and preened before he started to sharpen his beak on this log. I didn't get anything really good the first time, but the second time he did it I was able to capture this image. He hung out for about another 30 minutes after this capture before flying off. I got some amazing photos of him (took 541 total over the 1 1/2 hours), but this was the cream of the crop.

I am really happy with this shot and super excited about the challenge. I am predicting a score of 7+ for this and it may even have a chance of breaking my personal best of 7.4746 from the recent Wildlife VII challenge. Not often does everything line up so nicely for a wildlife photographer. You take what nature gives you and do your best. So regardless of how it does, I am very happy with this shot.

About the photo: My camera has a 2x crop factor so this was an effective 300mm. I was pretty close and there is only a small amount of crop (about 300 pixels on the long end) to tighten up composition. Well that and going from my cameras native 4:3 aspect ratio to the 16:9 here. I felt the long narrow aspect ratio fit the subject better.

Place: 2 out of 56
Avg (all users): 7.2462
Avg (commenters): 8.1429
Avg (participants): 7.1923
Avg (non-participants): 7.2821
Views since voting: 1613
Views during voting: 128
Votes: 65
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1 (view)

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09/14/2017 10:59:40 PM
Congrats on the ribbon and on a beautiful image. This should go on the wall!
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09/14/2017 05:18:44 PM
Congratulations on your ribbon for this magnificent image!
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09/14/2017 05:01:45 AM
Hello from the critique club

An appealing image that meets the challenge well

A well deserved ribbon for another great natural history image that is up to your usual very high standard Ronnie, well done. The things that give this its impact are the composition, DOF and timing all superbly executed. Those reflections are divine fulfilling the challenge brief to a tee. Thanks for your fascinating write up, I̢۪m sorry you didn̢۪t achieve a PB but any 7+ score is a score to be well proud of, congratulations.
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09/13/2017 12:19:26 PM
Thanks for all the comments everyone
09/13/2017 07:52:48 AM
Big congats on the red. The cypress trees image you offered in your comment is really fine as well.
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09/13/2017 05:46:46 AM
Superb photo. I go kayaking too and know that these birds don't hang around too long when you get near them. Congrats!
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09/13/2017 04:03:03 AM
Spectacular photo, Ronnie! Congratulations.
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09/13/2017 02:04:29 AM
SO beautiful! Congratulations on your ribbon.
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09/13/2017 01:09:28 AM
Congratulations. Beautiful, and my top pick.
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09/13/2017 12:12:08 AM
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/12/2017 11:47:26 PM
Oh so near perfect if it hadn't of been for the yellow and green patch on the reflection, still a good find indeed, bumping up.
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09/12/2017 10:55:06 PM
Love the colors and composition.
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09/12/2017 06:51:31 PM
Beautiful. Bumping score.
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09/12/2017 02:57:57 PM
Beautiful great blue heron and its reflection. Luscious colors and bokeh. Serene and intimate. Handsome image.
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09/10/2017 09:09:42 AM
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09/07/2017 03:44:14 PM
One of the most beautiful photos in this challenge. Dang well captured!
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09/06/2017 09:31:02 PM
this is a well seen and photographed image top 10 for me 8
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