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A calm winter afternoon
1st PlaceA calm winter afternoon

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Perspective (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S20
Location: Mandirac / France
Date: Feb 6, 2003
Galleries: Landscape, Rural
Date Uploaded: Feb 7, 2003


Place: 1 out of 94
Avg (all users): 7.2336
Avg (commenters): 8.4167
Avg (participants): 7.1429
Avg (non-participants): 7.4054
Views since voting: 7817
Votes: 107
Comments: 39
Favorites: 24 (view)

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09/07/2005 09:46:13 PM
This is a dramatic and very interesting photo. Hauntingly beautiful.
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02/06/2005 11:47:25 PM
This photo has haunted me for almost a year now, M. Beguin. I am still captivated by it, still delighted to see this image. Merci mille fois encore. Fascinante!
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07/01/2004 07:34:29 PM
I love this. It reminds me of a cycling trip to Normandy - so evocative.
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02/21/2003 12:17:54 AM
Greetings from the Critique Club
Firstly double congratulations on your win and your great perspective image, this is one I would like hanging on my wall!
Composition : Good
Exposure: You have made an excellent job of what must been rather challenging winter light conditions!
Some suggestions
What did it look like in black and white instead of sepia? I was going to suggest cropping a bit more but you would lose some of those beautiful reflections and the way that lines lead you into the image!
Great image!
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02/19/2003 11:55:00 AM
I'm sorry I didn't get to vote in this challenge, but your's was one of my favorites. Congrats on a very well-deserved win. :)
02/17/2003 03:35:12 PM
Thanks to all, great start in the week! Also I am pleasently suprised to see that 4 out of the 6 ribbons this week went to black and white photos.
02/17/2003 12:37:55 PM
Excellent job. Nice image... Dave
02/17/2003 10:29:56 AM
Very nice perspective. I like the sepia tones. Congrats on a beautiful photo.
02/17/2003 10:13:28 AM
Beautiful shot,you deserved to win, can not understand why anyone would vote a one!
02/17/2003 06:01:44 AM
Congratulations on your win :)
02/17/2003 12:03:06 AM
Very nice! Congrats!!!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/16/2003 10:53:59 PM
Very good use of monochrome.
02/16/2003 04:06:18 PM
A beautiful approach to perspective. Nicely done! Looks like the canal du midi. Je me souviens...
02/16/2003 03:01:39 PM
A work of art!
Something I would like having up on my wall
02/16/2003 11:17:07 AM
I like the tonal value on this shot....the perpective is very nice...it seems a bit out of focus, though...8
02/16/2003 05:37:25 AM
A serene almost French feel to this--it really suits black and white although I wonder what de saturated colour would look like.
02/15/2003 09:50:21 PM
Very nice!
02/15/2003 10:01:17 AM
Very pretty and serene. A little too busy for my taste, although the strong lines pull it all together well.
02/14/2003 03:32:44 PM
very nice shot, would have been nice in color too...
02/14/2003 03:18:10 PM
Beautiful scene. Sepia (it is Sepia, right?) seems very correct and effective here. Focus appears good, lighting works. Challenge well met. I feel another score bump coming! (I'm overcoming a bias on non-color photos!) from 8 to 9!! Swash
02/14/2003 06:03:02 AM
I love how your eyes are drawn toward the back of the photo by the bright light in the center, and the row of trees. Very clever shot. The front right is well done as well, as that curve also draws you in. Good take on the challenge. 10 -Annida
02/14/2003 02:36:18 AM
Great perspective shot. I like the leading lines, and the sharpness of the photo is great. I like the choice of sepia too. It's unfortunate that the sky was overcast that day, but still a 10
02/13/2003 09:23:17 AM
What an amazing spot to find. The trees alone would make for a great shot, but the lake and the sepia tone, it all forms together to make an amazing shot. I can't really offer any advice, it's already photographically perfect. Great shot...10! - xertion
02/12/2003 08:02:38 PM
Great job, the tone is superb
02/12/2003 07:16:12 PM
Beautiful. The sepia is gorgeous, and a good fit for this shot. Lighting and contrast are good, the repetitive pattern of the trees, as well as the perspective really make this shot stand out. One of my few 10's this week.
02/11/2003 09:02:42 PM
nicely done. great time of day to maximize the reflections. I like the sepia tone.. adds a timeless feel.
02/11/2003 09:01:53 PM
This picture has everything going for it. Composition is awesome, reflections are great, BW suits it perfectly, lines lead you down the canal. In the top 3. 10
02/11/2003 05:12:06 PM
beautiful perspective shot... the reflections are excellent :) I also like the toning... great shot :) - setzler
02/11/2003 03:11:44 PM
Very nice & tres jolie!
02/10/2003 10:22:07 PM
Beautiful. Almost like a painting. Very artsy, and refreshing compared to all of the straight lines we're seeing in the challenge. Good job! (9)
02/10/2003 09:17:19 PM
Excellent perspective shot ! Great contrast and tone.
02/10/2003 09:16:21 PM
great lines!
02/10/2003 06:53:20 PM
Just too beautiful for words.....I find this flawless!
02/10/2003 06:42:53 PM
What a gorgeous photo. Very relevant to the challenge and I asbolutely love the colours (sepia?). Good luck. Jacko. 9
02/10/2003 06:35:17 PM
Love this , great perspective shot, I really like the feel of it too 8
02/10/2003 02:58:47 PM
great use of pattern and repetition. The lines drag me along into the picture - needs a boat at the focal point though, or 'something'
02/10/2003 01:25:19 PM
One of my favourites this week. Great composition. Perhaps the ground in the lower right corner is a little disturbing. I love b&w and this sepia tone is very good. Contrast and focus is good too. Overall a great job and I wish you good luck!
02/10/2003 08:47:31 AM
Great shot. I like the sepia tone. It has very nice contrast.
02/10/2003 03:24:18 AM
I love the color of this shot. It's just such a calming, pretty image. Beautiful use of perspective!

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