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Say it With Flowers
Say it With Flowers

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Impressionism (Advanced Editing II*)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Bangkok,Thailand
Date: Nov 14, 2004
Aperture: 2.8
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Fashion, Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Nov 14, 2004

I am not sure about this picture...whether PS work will be allowed or whether it indeed belongs to the "Impressionism" genre. Nonetheless, I worked on it before I read the forum threads about this topic and I decide to give it a go...after all, I spent quite sometime trying the PS filters that would achieve my desired effect.

DQ or not....I have fun doing this.

PS steps:

Curves adjustment
Filter/Distort/Brush Stroke/Angled Stroke
Sharpened again
Dodge tool on background
Sharpened again
Adjust Curves again

Actually, it was a short process...but the experimenting took almost an hour.

Taken during our studio shoot today with the photographic Society that I belong to.

Place: 24 out of 39
Avg (all users): 6.0951
Avg (commenters): 6.3750
Avg (participants): 5.4688
Avg (non-participants): 6.1587
Views since voting: 3724
Views during voting: 817
Votes: 347
Comments: 19
Favorites: 7 (view)

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11/22/2004 12:36:42 AM
This was an image that impressed me and it has more hidden than meets the eye. Yes it lacks the impressionistic technique but it brings its own beauty.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/21/2004 10:01:23 PM
This is quiet a bit different from all the rest, I see. Bumping up
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11/21/2004 08:31:16 PM
I like the sketchy effect, it worked well.
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11/21/2004 06:25:50 PM
I'm not sure I like the effect you've used. I makes her look like she's got hairy arms and back.
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11/21/2004 02:55:48 PM
This looks like a lovely photo. I like the intimate feel and directional light. I'm not sure the added texture improves the image any, but I still like the overall effect and composition.
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11/19/2004 11:31:42 PM
Looks photoshopped and as such doesn't appeal to me. Nice composition and photo in general if you have a version with soft focus i'd like to take a look. Perhaps it would look slightly more appealing flipped hoizontally too.
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11/19/2004 09:49:15 PM
returning for comments:
A very different approach lacking the impressionistic purity but a such a strong comp that it brings another element of beauty to this challenge. A lovely execution. Bumping up.
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11/19/2004 05:50:19 AM
I liked the picture very much, but it seems the scratch effects are somewhat understated. Was this done in PS or with a very heavy nylon over the lens?
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11/18/2004 12:21:32 PM
this is such a beutiful composition.Perfect!
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11/17/2004 05:21:31 AM
This was a very difficult challenge to judge. Impressionism is so very subjective.

You have produced an excellent emotive and artful image here. For my own taste (subjective) the image is a little too crisp and/or harsh to fit my personal ideas of "impressionism." In a free study I'd have given a 9 as this overall compostion here is just beautiful in it's communication. Well done. 7.
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11/15/2004 09:26:06 PM
A beautiful pose with just a touch of digital manipulation helps to create a very interesting mood. I like the pose and the lighting as well.
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11/15/2004 08:24:31 PM
Good try but I just feel that if there are two components to this photograph (the original image and the camera technique/distortion/filter) then together they don't amount to more than the sum of their individual parts.
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11/15/2004 05:16:04 PM
don't really like the effect here. not really sure i would enjoy this as a "regular" photo. the lighting seems a little too strong on the arm and face (although it is perfect on the flower). the texture seems somewhat forced, and that takes away from my overall viewing experience.
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11/15/2004 03:45:06 PM
i think that everything about the compositino and lighting of this pic is excellent. however, i think the high noise look with pointilissm brush was not the best chioce for the image. it sort of makes it look lower in quality without conveying a mood.
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11/15/2004 11:04:04 AM
I very much don't care for this filter, which makes the photo look like graphic design, and in no way gives an impressionist feel to the shot. 1
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11/15/2004 07:23:24 AM
8 - Great shot. I really don't like the effect you used on her. There are very few of the texture filters that were used that I think are OK. This one makes her look hairy.
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11/15/2004 04:12:17 AM
Excellent photo, the light works well and the mystery created by not seeing her face help make this a good photo. 10.
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11/15/2004 03:10:17 AM
Looks like a Painting ! Excellent !
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11/15/2004 02:08:48 AM
Awesome. Truely a Master's work.

Back again because this is so beautiful. I would be proud to have done this, or have this done of me if I were female. There is no legitimate critique a person could give on this. Truely perfected.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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