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Me and my tail feathers by Mr. Peacock
Me and my tail feathers by Mr. Peacock

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Extended Free Study 2019-07 (Extended Editing)
Collection: 2018-2019 - CHALLENGES and outtakes
Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II
Lens: Olympus 40-150mm f/2.8 PRO M.Zuiko
Date: Jul 25, 2019
Aperture: 4.0
ISO: 320
Shutter: 1/320
Galleries: Digital Art, Birds
Date Uploaded: Jul 28, 2019

information about peacocks

the story ..
this peacock is a wild bird who has decided to hang around at my place occasionally ..
he likes the seed i put out for him and the other birds ..
he can disappear for days and days but when he's here he turns up in the morning and leaves at dusk when he flies up into a nearby ironbark tree for the night where he roosts .. way up high .. peacocks can fly .. but not very far ..

he did have a male friend but they had an argument .. they both left for a few weeks .. this one came back but the other one never did .. so this guy is alone .. it’s a little bit sad ..

but he’s a bit of a pain .. as he tries to frighten the other birds away by fanning out his tail and looking threatening .. if that doesnt work he will chase them ..

the other day he was standing no more than 3 or 4 feet from mr and mrs magpie who are here every day .. he was fanning out his tail and looked like he was going to attack them .. it was pretty funny as they took absolutely no notice of him .. just continued eating seed off the ground ..
seems that crying wolf works with birds too ..

anyway .. I was dying to get photos of when he fanned out his tail .. but he didnt do it that often when i was looking .. and when he did and i went out with the camera he would fold his tail feathers back in and run away ..

then i thought i'd be sneaky and hide around the corner of the house so he wouldnt see me .. but that didnt work either ..

i eventually got a pic of him fanning out his tail .. but it wasnt a great shot as he only did it for a very short time and i wasnt prepared ..

for his portrait i just had to have his tail in the pic … as its really his most attractive feature .. so i did the background from the shot i took of his tail ..

he really is the weirdest bird .. he will stand at the kitchen window looking in at me .. and i think he's begging for food ... so i will go out and put seed down .. and he will get quite close to me as I do it ..
other times when i go out and he sees me he will run away all frightened ..

i think he may have mental problems .. some sort of borderline personality disorder maybe .. either that or he's got multiple personalities ...
altho when i think of it .. looking at his head and his obvious lack of intelligence i doubt he could manage multiple personalities .. the one he has seems to be more than enough ..

after voting ..
totally agree with Sara about the reflection in his eye .. thought about trying to make it less obvious that the back of my house was reflected .. but never got around to it .. also may have been above my skill set .. lol .. ;)

Place: 14 out of 43
Avg (all users): 5.9737
Avg (participants): 5.9500
Avg (non-participants): 6.0000
Views since voting: 538
Views during voting: 65
Votes: 38
Comments: 9
Favorites: 0

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08/24/2019 11:30:20 AM
What a great story! Oh how I would love to have a resident bird like this in my very own yard! You have some glorious birds in your neck of the woods! I love this bright colorful art. It makes me happy.
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08/23/2019 08:46:11 PM
I think your peacock is stupendous! Detail/color is amazing and I enjoyed your attached story.. but no mention of the peacock's cry. Once you get to know the cry it's easy to identify where it came from. Some think it sounds like a cat but it's very loud and can be heard from great distances.
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08/22/2019 05:29:12 PM
Hah!! I love your notes on him!

I really like the composite, but the colors were too bright for me. It was a little painful. I'd be very curious what it would look like more soft and muted?

I actually think the reflection in his eye is rather interesting. It's not something you see very often, so it adds a bit of intrigue to the story.
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08/22/2019 10:04:17 AM
I've just read your notes, Roz. How exciting to have such an exotic bird coming to your garden! Mind you, I seem to remember they can be very noisy. The colours in this are totally fabulous.
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08/22/2019 07:04:56 AM
Wow what a magnificent feast of beauty and colour. Love it!
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08/22/2019 04:21:02 AM
So vivid Roz, how amazing to have this peacock hang around your house, that is amazing!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/18/2019 04:56:54 PM
Beautifully done and the compositions right on! Great capture!
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08/16/2019 08:15:43 AM
I really like this - the dreamy ethereal look to the tail feathers suits the subject very well. I do wish that the reflections in the eye weren't quite as busy as they are, though.
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08/15/2019 04:49:49 AM
wow the PP is just right for this image 9
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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