I think it's great that you took the time to take this at a show. It changed my critique quite a bit! If you had taken this at home, I would recommend maybe lighting them, and cutting down on how many you used a little, but, knowing now that you took them at a show, here's my critique!
LIGHTING: You took advantage of great lighting without having to use any of your own. I can see your flash glare, but that can be easily touched up in an editing program.
CHALLENGE: Definitely meets the yellow challenge. There were so many BRIGHT yellow entries, that this one may have gotten lost in the shuffle, and come off a little pale to some people.
SUBJECT: Cute and fun to look at. Definitely brings to mind warmth, and I can practically smell the vanilla and envision the show.
POST CHALLENGE SUGGESTIONS: Now that the challenge is over, I would recommend toning down the glare, and maybe putting a soft "fog" border around this. Really, overall it's a great shot, and I'm impressed you caught it in a crowd! |