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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Yellow (Classic Editing)
Collection: challenges 2002-5
Camera: Olympus C-2100UZ
Location: Randburg, South Africa
Date: Feb 15, 2003
Aperture: F2.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/80 sec
Galleries: Animals
Date Uploaded: Feb 16, 2003


Place: 222 out of 252
Avg (all users): 4.2621
Avg (commenters): 4.3333
Avg (participants): 4.1277
Avg (non-participants): 4.5538
Views since voting: 1172
Votes: 206
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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03/02/2003 08:02:27 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club
By Inspzil

Composition - Firstly, this meets the challenge by a thread, on a good day. That's my opinion anyway. The rooster is in pretty bad shape judging by his feathers. He doesn't look to pleased to have his picture taken either. If you took this in the day with no flash, I don't think he'd look terribly yellow. I think the flash is the biggest reason he has any yellow at all. He's framed pretty well.

Technical - The flash on his right breast is killing me. It's way too bright. The focus is okay and the rest of the lighting looks okay. Without better lighting, I think you did the best you could with what was available. Maybe during the day would've worked out better though. You could've done a little more in PS to make his color seem a little more yellow, if you didn't already try.

Overall - Not a strong picture. Not a very healthy bird by the way he looks. Doesn't have much appeal to the viewers IMO. Very hard to give much useful advice on this picture. It really just isn't challenge worthy material. Better luck next time. Sorry if this seems a little harsh. - Inspzil
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/23/2003 10:43:59 PM
I lie the texture in this photo.
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02/22/2003 10:40:53 PM
From years of experience this does not look like a healthy one. Or did you take out a lot of the color. And by the way, it's a rooster. From his feathers on his back and chest, the color and condition of his beak, and the color of his rib and comb, he is not very healthy. We wouldn't even cook this kind for Sunday dinner. Just thought I'd pass that on FYI. But the photo is good technically speaking. You get a 6 for the photo but I hurt for the subject. Honestly it hurts to look at him.
02/22/2003 01:08:23 PM
that hen looks grumpy. I would have liked a little more contrast and beter lighting, but thats not your fault, I'm sure you didn't want to disturb it.
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02/21/2003 11:04:28 PM
What a great expression on this hen! I like the colors and contrasts. Experiment with raising or lowering your camera so that the photo isn't split right in the middle by the line contrasting the straw and the blackness above.
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02/20/2003 08:31:36 PM
Looks very sickly, a little green around the gills.
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02/20/2003 09:55:27 AM
The yellow is definitely present in this image, but I can' get too excited about the overall image. The visual appeal, to me, is weak :( - setzler
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02/19/2003 07:55:04 PM
Interesting shot. Focus seem very good, everything is sharp and clear. Framing - well, it works well enough. Color - I'm no chicken expert, but the color seems wrong. Did you manip the color? (It's totally legal, just asking) Even the red parts seem diminished. What's going on with the bird's back? Wierd looking. Background - nearly gone (a good thing!), but some distracting flecks remain. Challenge met. Interest - medium. 5 Swash
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02/19/2003 09:00:26 AM
Seems too washed.. but I think I like the effect
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02/18/2003 11:10:23 AM
That is borderline yellow, nearly a green in fact. But there is still a little yellow recogniseable so you did meet the challenge. You didn't wake that hen up did you? It looks kinda sleepy :-)
02/17/2003 10:02:19 PM
One ugly chick!
02/17/2003 09:30:27 AM
Yikes! This is definitely a candidate for our next challenge: Despair!
02/17/2003 02:04:34 AM
That's a very hagard looking yellow hen. The lighting is pretty dark.

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