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Garage Gym Rats
1st PlaceGarage Gym Rats
Art Roflmao

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Multiple Exposure Self-Portrait (Extended Editing)
Date: Oct 16, 2021
Date Uploaded: Oct 17, 2021

I think this was the closest I cut getting this submitted: 8:59pm, the rollover kicked in the second I updated the title. THEN I noticed a few spots I missed editing - dammit. Well I fixed it:

Wow! My second highest score! Thank you for all the votes and comments!

Originally posted by Neat:

I would really love to know if that is actually your gym, I love it.
Yes, my garage gym that my oldest son and I have been putting together since August of last year. More details and backstory on the image below...

Regarding the process of putting this together - I started with about 3+ hours to submit. I had several change of clothes, some wigs, arm tattoo sleeves and assorted things, many I never used. I set the camera in a good fixed position and then with one outfit, went to each of the different machines and acted like I was lifting or coaching. I did this with each outfit, each station and then put together the ones that made the most sense and where I was mostly visible. The part in the back where I am looking at my watch is me, waiting for me to get out of the sauna and sauna me is saying "just two more minutes" ;-) With about 8 minutes to go, I realized I left a big space right up front so I rushed down to the garage and shot one more of me standing there saying "pfft, look at these jokers!" Got back and edited that in just in the nick of time.

Place: 1 out of 14
Avg (all users): 8.0789
Avg (participants): 7.8182
Avg (non-participants): 8.1852
Views since voting: 1128
Views during voting: 135
Votes: 38
Comments: 34
Favorites: 4 (view)

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10/29/2021 01:21:01 AM
Hey Ken! So nice to see you on the front page with a blue! You are a freakin' legend!
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10/26/2021 10:11:40 PM
This is awesome Art! And a vaunted 8+

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10/26/2021 08:25:38 AM
previous comment was to make you laugh. This comment is to tell you that this IS IS IS IS what DPC is all about.
Awesome. I've done a few shots with this concept but this one was worth showing my kid to remind him what creativity combined with humor and know-how can do! Love it.
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10/26/2021 08:23:55 AM
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10/26/2021 06:47:36 AM
Well, look at you muscle man!! Huge congrats, this is brilliant! Now do a Tutorial please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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10/26/2021 03:36:28 AM
This awesome, Ken. Congrats on the blue and the high score ... and getting it in in time.
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10/25/2021 04:10:59 PM
Nice to see y'all! Congrats on the well deserved blue!
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10/25/2021 03:40:18 PM
Personal favorite of the challenge, of course. Man, you're one ripped dude.
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10/25/2021 01:32:00 PM
Nice work! Congrats!
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10/25/2021 11:31:42 AM
Soooo close to a personal best! Wow! That score!

Your work deserves it. This is definitely the BLUE... no question about it.

Congratulations, Ken!

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10/25/2021 09:58:22 AM
congrats, dude. don't get to see as much of you as I used to and this photo more than makes up for it! thanks!
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10/25/2021 09:20:26 AM
This image is one of the most perfectly executed images I have ever laid my eyes on.
Nothing left out, editing to perfection. A well deserved blue in an incredibly hard and high level challenge.
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10/25/2021 06:55:49 AM
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10/25/2021 06:41:30 AM
So well done, congrats!
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10/25/2021 06:08:26 AM
Wonderful capture(s) though I still don't see Godzirra anywhere...:-) Congrats on a well-deserved blue! And that score omg
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10/25/2021 01:45:40 AM
Helluva score for a helluva work! (and this is not even your PB, mind-boggling). Huge congrats Ken! I also feel a little sorry for you... how many originals do you have to submit? 150? ))
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10/25/2021 01:38:52 AM
OMG!!! Look at that score! And not even a personal best! This is beyond brilliant! I canĂ¢€™t even imagine the effort in pulling something like this off. You are aMAZING!
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10/25/2021 01:02:03 AM
Fantastic work, I gave you 10 :)
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10/25/2021 12:35:33 AM
had another look .
and OMG .. just noticed the tattoos ...
you went above and beyond for this .
and probably sideways too .. sorry lame humour ..
this is so jam packed with talent .. shaking my head here .. in a good way .. :)
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10/25/2021 12:17:30 AM
how cool .. second place on your profile page .
this totally deserved the blue .
its a fantastic image ..
and how lucky you got in with one minute to spare ..
over 8 in a challenge these days is almost a miracle .. unless you are you know who . !! .. ;)
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10/25/2021 12:10:23 AM
Wow that score is amazing!

So so close to your personal best. I donĂ¢€™t think the lack of editing mattered A big congratulations.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/24/2021 10:21:58 PM
I would really love to know if that is actually your gym, I love it.

Well put together. Top five for me.
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10/24/2021 06:04:03 PM
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10/24/2021 12:38:04 AM
real laughter here opening this ..
LOL are not just words on a page . !! ..
this is BRILLIANT . and i cant get over how many Kens there are .
i thought one was enough in this world . but it seems i was wrong ..
what i like a lot is how much 'trouble' you went to to get this final image . how many changes of clothes . hats . expressions . and more .
i think my fav Ken is the guy in the very back looking like he's getting ready for another wardrobe change .. oh and the guy who's going .. look at those idiots behind me . !!! .. very cool .. :)
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10/23/2021 09:26:57 AM
Best in show!
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10/22/2021 09:09:56 AM
Holy crap! Where to start? ummm ... don't HURT yourself? :-) Any good at darts? This challenge is certainly in your wheelhouse. Fun (as usual!).
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10/21/2021 11:30:00 PM
I bet you were sore the next day! :) Nice job!
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10/20/2021 07:35:43 PM
Lots of good details in this adding tattoos different clothing and dress, well done
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10/20/2021 10:39:50 AM
That's a lot of Art!
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10/20/2021 10:21:10 AM
wow you're even spotting yourself. I respect the grind.
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10/19/2021 09:47:28 PM
This is outstanding! So much going on. My favorite of the challenge.
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10/18/2021 01:59:24 PM
This is heavy. Great work out.. :)9!
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10/18/2021 10:50:20 AM
Oh my word, Ken!

This is SO WELL DONE!!
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10/18/2021 06:40:35 AM
whut, no Godzilla? Yer slipping, Art....glad to see you back! :-)
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