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red cliff and waterfall
red cliff and waterfall

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: From the Ground Up (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-2100UZ
Location: South Africa
Date: Apr 28, 2002
Aperture: F2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125
Date Uploaded: Apr 28, 2002


Place: 24 out of 103
Avg (all users): 5.6543
Avg (commenters): 5.7813
Avg (participants): 5.1294
Avg (non-participants): 6.0874
Views since voting: 1383
Votes: 188
Comments: 32
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/05/2002 10:34:00 PM
Great colors! The orange and blue really complement each other well.
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05/05/2002 10:32:00 PM
Cool shot, but FROM the GROUND up isn't what's happenign here.
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05/04/2002 09:53:00 PM
cool postcard shot, not very interesting otherwise, unless it's your backyard
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05/04/2002 07:47:00 AM
Did you have your fly rod with you? Inviting, shot.
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05/03/2002 10:54:00 AM
Love the blue in the water. Did you take this around 1-3pm?
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05/02/2002 07:42:00 PM
Nice colors. very peaceful
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05/02/2002 06:49:00 PM
Fabulous photo and location.
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05/02/2002 12:56:00 AM

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05/01/2002 09:37:00 AM
I'm sure the camera is actually resting on a rock in the foreground, but I don't get the feel of "from the ground up" by looking at the photo. Nice fall though.
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05/01/2002 08:01:00 AM
Great location, I would have loved to see a shot of these falls from a much closer perspective looking up. I can see the potential here and like the composition.
04/30/2002 06:09:00 PM
Best of the lot
04/30/2002 06:55:00 AM
gorgeous photo!
04/30/2002 02:51:00 AM
Beautiful place...........Great shot........
04/29/2002 05:39:00 PM
I wish this picture was a little sharper. Nice color tones.
04/29/2002 04:40:00 PM
Can't go wrong with waterfalls! Great subject...Challenge met!
04/29/2002 04:00:00 PM
Maybe a little out of focus, still it's the right idea.
Nice work.
04/29/2002 03:34:00 PM
Nice shot...
04/29/2002 02:19:00 PM
beautiful location
04/29/2002 01:08:00 PM
That's a great picture. I disagree with it for the topic. What you did was take picutres of everything from the ground up rather then taking a picture from the ground and shooting up. This would have been difficult from what I can see here but it would have been cool if you could have jumped into the water and taken a picutre of the water fall from the base.
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04/29/2002 12:59:00 PM
The water seems to have a little bit of a blue tinge. Well done, but not remarkable photo.
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04/29/2002 12:19:00 PM
I feel like I could say this for a lot of the current photos, that if I listened to the "gripers" on the boards, I'd be recommending most of these for disqualification. But I like this picture, and think you captured something really strong, even if the camera angle isn't so dramatic as to give you whiplash :) Your colors are beautiful and you have decent texturing on the rock. I might suggest zooming in a bit more on the water, as that seems to be the stronger focal point. It would also give more dimension and make for a more powerful image. But definitely, good job overall.
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04/29/2002 12:18:00 PM
This is a very nice landscape photo. I like all the elements of this landscape. What bothers me here is that the falling water in this photo gives me a "from the top down" impression rather than "from the ground up". I'm also a sucker for longer exposures on waterfalls but since this is just *my* preference, i don't include that in my scoring :) Nice shot!
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04/29/2002 10:43:00 AM
appears to have been shot straight on, versus from the ground up
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04/29/2002 09:46:00 AM
Beautiful! The colours are great and the lighting is a little harsh but not badly. Images of moving water are often enhanced by a long exposure time, I've found. In this case it would create a glassy effect to the water with a haze from the spray, but maybe you don't want that.

The path of the waterfalls gives me the same feeling I get from Chinese landscape painting, ie. my eyes want to wander all around the picture.
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04/29/2002 09:19:00 AM
not really a picture of from the ground up, otherwise a really cool looking waterfall
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04/29/2002 09:11:00 AM
good landscape, but a bit over exposed. Maybe if you didn't have any sky in it at all it would be better ? Could be better at either dawn/ dusk with different light ?
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04/29/2002 09:09:00 AM
Great waterfall. I would have used a longer exposure to really get the smooth water look
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04/29/2002 08:48:00 AM
What a beautiful place. I like the capture and the angle. The water coming down isn't as clear or nice as it should be. That may just be the camera you have.
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04/29/2002 08:37:00 AM
Very nice.
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04/29/2002 08:24:00 AM
Fantastic photograph.
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04/29/2002 07:49:00 AM
dont go chasin waterfalls!
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04/29/2002 12:33:00 AM
The top looks a bit overexposed, and the water is a weird and somewhat un-natural color. A neutral density filter on the camera might have helped bring the contrast to a more caputrable level. At the very least, have the exposre lock on a mid tone (with the dry red rock, there is plenty here.)
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