oh, how much fun was this to shoot! whale watching is definitely on my list of things to do before i die! thanks for sharing yours. i hope you are not getting some good comments and suggestions, and not getting overlooked in this monster-size challenge. as far as a challenge entry goes, i imagine that this is getting classified more as a 'snapshot', that is, an image that documents you went whale-watching, than a 'challenge entry', where you are presenting something that will visually arrest the viewers. sometimes, a simple snapshot can do that when it is processed for that purpose. this might be more 'stunning' if you had cropped it down to the whale's tail. the key is to really look at your images to see what you can pull out of them. now, remember, all of this is just my opinion. you have a nice image, and i'm sure you had a wonderful afternoon. please don't take this challenge personally. good luck in this and the coming challenges! |