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Got Catnip?
Got Catnip?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Advertisement (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F505V
Location: home
Date: Apr 29, 2002
Aperture: 1:3.4
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/90
Date Uploaded: May 3, 2002

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So here is my best guess

Place: 76 out of 79
Avg (all users): 3.8852
Avg (commenters): 3.9688
Avg (participants): 3.6571
Avg (non-participants): 4.0000
Views since voting: 1421
Votes: 209
Comments: 34
Favorites: 1 (view)

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05/19/2002 01:49:00 AM
Love the photograph (Exceptional creativity!), but I also have to agree it's too blurry. Hint: For action, try your best to focus on the EYES of animals. You'll have a better chance the camera will focus correctly. It seems your camera focused on the tags instead.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/12/2002 11:30:00 PM
Feel the tension!! Very cool.
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05/12/2002 07:20:00 PM
At first glance I thought this was a projectile vomitting cat - Perhaps your cat chasing a catnip filled object, showing motion trails would better explain the catnip thing (?) - little unsure what it is your ad is addressing.
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05/11/2002 12:13:00 PM
That expression is priceless.
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05/10/2002 06:11:00 PM
The blur is a bit distracting, to be honest.
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05/10/2002 04:49:00 PM
you sellin tags? about the only thing close to focus
05/09/2002 09:47:00 PM
Hmmm...at first the cat looked like it was throwing up. It is out of focus.
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05/08/2002 03:12:00 PM
Oh, if only this was sharp. Pretty funny though.
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05/08/2002 01:34:00 PM
maybe switching to a single spot focus here would have made the cats head better in focus. Though that might have just been motion.
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05/08/2002 10:44:00 AM
A clever play on the got milk ads, but the focus really harms this one I think. Instead of a cat trying to get at the catnip, as gross as it sounds, to me it looks like a cat projectile vomiting. I think a sharper focus would have prevented this.
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05/08/2002 07:36:00 AM
oh my god, what a trippy picture. LOL. would have been better if kitty was in focus but I understand this was probably a grab it while you can shot.
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05/07/2002 11:37:00 PM
good capture - scary perspective, shame you just lost the ear a bit but it would be hard to capture!
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05/07/2002 09:32:00 PM
This wouldhave been much better if it had been in focus!
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05/07/2002 08:29:00 PM
The focus is on the cat's feet rather than her lovely reaction.
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05/07/2002 11:01:00 AM
You have one scary-looking cat!! Picture would be improved if the focus was on the cat's head and not the background and if the ear wasn't chopped off. Love the angle of the photo and the idea though.
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05/07/2002 06:47:00 AM
mad looking cat, shame its a bit fuzzy
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05/07/2002 06:22:00 AM
That is just way freaky! Cool shot.. but if I saw my cat doing that... I'd think twice about going to sleep with the door unlocked.
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05/07/2002 01:50:00 AM
I was worried from the thumbnail that this cat was in the midst of furballing or something.... My cats have this thing about projectile vomiting, unfortunately :)

I don't think the motion blur on the face really helps this picture. The expression on the cat is interesting though. The background is very dull.
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05/06/2002 10:59:00 PM
could have been clearer.
05/06/2002 07:58:00 PM
You should have put more time into getting the cat in focus and set up a better back drop if you were going to bother to take the picture and I don't think the image sells catnip.
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05/06/2002 07:46:00 PM
Too bad you didn't get the focus on the cats face, this is a fun picture
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05/06/2002 07:19:00 PM
I'm scared
05/06/2002 06:49:00 PM
great idea, if only a faster shutter speed!
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05/06/2002 05:49:00 PM
A little more focus would have helped this cool psycho cat shot!
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05/06/2002 01:55:00 PM
At first glance I thought the cat was heavin' it's lunch, had to read the title to "get it". Too bad fluffy is out of focus.
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05/06/2002 12:48:00 PM
kool...is that cat throw'n up?
05/06/2002 12:46:00 PM
Sadly the motion, focus, and darkness keep us from seeing what this is??
I do see the cat but what is this an ad for? Selling green leaves? I see by the title it's catnip, but we don't see it.
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05/06/2002 09:43:00 AM
That is just freaky looking. I'm gonna have nightmares now. I don't think you are supposed to scare your viewers, unless this is an advertisement against drugs or for a horror movie.
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05/06/2002 09:40:00 AM
I would like this one much more if the cat's face and the catnip were in sharper focus...
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05/06/2002 08:44:00 AM
That is frightening.
05/06/2002 08:28:00 AM
05/06/2002 08:04:00 AM
cool idea, kind of out of focus
05/06/2002 07:55:00 AM
would have been much better in focus.
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05/06/2002 12:48:00 AM
Wow, never saw "raw" catnip before.. They must love that much more than the crap they cut with baking powder..

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