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La Cerveza Mas Fina
La Cerveza Mas Fina

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Advertisement (Classic Editing)
Camera: HP PhotoSmart 318
Location: Key Biscayne, Florida
Date: May 4, 2002
Date Uploaded: May 4, 2002

Shot this out at Crandon Park on Key Biscayne. It was only a prop. :)

Place: 24 out of 79
Avg (all users): 5.9902
Avg (commenters): 6.3696
Avg (participants): 5.9722
Avg (non-participants): 6.0000
Views since voting: 4549
Votes: 204
Comments: 47
Favorites: 0

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05/13/2002 06:55:00 PM
24th place? I guess my tastes are way off the mark relative to the average on the site. I rated this shot a 10. Keep up the good work.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/12/2002 11:17:00 PM
Very pleasing composition.
05/12/2002 11:02:00 PM
Nice use of backlighting .... however the label is a little dark ...
05/12/2002 09:05:00 PM
Strange place to find a Corona, eh? The nice white sandy beach works well though.
05/12/2002 06:07:00 PM
I'll take one. Good composition and dof, and color.
05/11/2002 09:00:00 PM
I like the gold light coming through the bottle, but the bottom seems a bit dark. It's hard to tell from this angle, but it might have gotten more light if you had moved a little bit to the right.
05/11/2002 08:35:00 PM
good shot, don't really like how the beer is in an unatural place, would have liked it better if it was in the sand or on a table
05/11/2002 08:01:00 AM
Interesting idea, but it's too shadowy in the foreground for my liking
05/11/2002 07:12:00 AM
ALL RIGHT! you on vacation? really good natural light
05/10/2002 05:51:00 PM
A bit more saturation/brightness as well as possibly less fizz or the cap open would have been better.
05/10/2002 02:04:00 PM
But... why is the beer foamy? You don't get to drink the props until AFTER the photo shoot...I like the backlighting of the label designs.
05/10/2002 11:08:00 AM
This shot has potential if possibly a flahs was used to brighten up the front of the shot. The background is in the proper exposure but not the front.
05/10/2002 02:01:00 AM
nothing to complaing about here, move along.
05/10/2002 12:22:00 AM
Very inviting. Foreground is very dark, though. A reflector to bounce a little light onto the palm tree and front of the bottle would help a lot.
05/09/2002 05:18:00 PM
Scott ? Was going to comment on the very phalic nature of this shot as it was the first thing that I thought when I looked at it. Not sure it really works as subliminal though, it's a bit too unsubtle :)
05/09/2002 03:40:00 PM
great but hasn't this been done already? It does make me want to drink on the beach photo is nice I like the framing of the bottle and background of the beach
05/09/2002 02:26:00 PM
This is great. I wish I could be there.
05/09/2002 01:43:00 PM
Nice setup, but it's a little dark in the foreground.
05/09/2002 11:49:00 AM
it's a little dark around the bottom of the bottle, and maybe a litlle too dark in general, but the light coming through the bottle is a nice effect
05/08/2002 02:33:00 PM
I think it needs beeter lighting and a slightly different angle.
05/08/2002 01:22:00 PM
Nice background, but the foreground is too dark.
05/08/2002 11:09:00 AM
Clever idea, but the foreground is SO dark. I'd suggest using either a fill flash or some kind of bounce to get some more light on the beer and the palm tree. If the flash is too bright, try using a piece of paper over the flash to tone it down a bit.
05/07/2002 11:21:00 PM
Verrry cool picture. You might want to try a levels adjustment to brighten up some of the darker tones, as they seem a little heavy.
05/07/2002 10:18:00 PM
foreground is too dark
05/07/2002 10:13:00 PM
A little dark, but nice one! 8/10
05/07/2002 07:50:00 PM
nice composition, and i like th back lighting that shows the beer, but it could benefit from a little light reflected on to the label
05/07/2002 04:32:00 PM
Great shot. Very appropriate for the product. Just a bit too dark though.
05/07/2002 04:08:00 PM
i like the use of palm fronds and boards as a frame for the subject. Also the wet bottle in the shade, out of the heat outside, makes me really thirsty. You've got all the elements - white sand, blue skies and a cool long drink. Great!
05/07/2002 01:54:00 PM
niice. i hope you were on vacation when you took this : ) maybe a tiny bit of fill flash to bring up the tree trunk, the palm husk and the lower part of the bottle.
05/07/2002 10:51:00 AM
I should vote you ow cos I am jealous that I'm not on a beach but I won't.
05/07/2002 08:22:00 AM
Fantastic shot!! I like the mood set here. It looks like a setting where a cold one would be most welcome. I give it a 10.
05/07/2002 06:26:00 AM
great setting. I would have played around with the exposure a little to get more detail in the foreground
05/07/2002 06:26:00 AM
terrible lighting.. better lighting might have made this a better shot.
05/07/2002 04:10:00 AM
I like the light coming through from behind the bottle, but unfortunately there isn't enough light from in front of the bottle to read the label clearly.
05/07/2002 01:44:00 AM
05/06/2002 10:54:00 PM
very nice. too bad the lighting wasnt better, but i evny your location.
05/06/2002 06:52:00 PM
underexposed where it counts
05/06/2002 06:00:00 PM
Great idea! It's a shame it's so dark, though.
05/06/2002 05:00:00 PM
wish I was there!
05/06/2002 02:36:00 PM
very corona like
05/06/2002 12:00:00 PM
Oh close. Can't read or really see the bottle.
Nice try.
05/06/2002 11:11:00 AM
Something about the wood elements of the shot...a bit too dark. Photo 8 Advert 9 total 8
05/06/2002 09:50:00 AM
The thumbnail for this shot doesn't do it justice at all. I like your work here. The only possible improvement that I could suggest is possibly a muffled fill flash or a reflector card to cast some more light into the foreground to bring out the bark on the tree and the face of the bottle... This makes me ready for summer vacation :)
05/06/2002 09:41:00 AM
Ug, all you light beer drinkers. Don't worry I won't hold it against you. Its a good place to take a picture of a corono (the beach) but the the tree and the bottle is a bit too dark.
05/06/2002 08:45:00 AM
I would have rated this higher if the lighting has been better. Maybe fill flash would have helped.
05/06/2002 08:20:00 AM
Had the photo been a little brighter, this would have been a 10!
05/06/2002 05:24:00 AM
Too dark, to see the brew bru.

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