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Heaven help you ifyou do 10 in a 60 zone!
Heaven help you ifyou do 10 in a 60 zone!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Upside Down (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-2100UZ
Location: South Africa
Date: May 12, 2002
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/400
Date Uploaded: May 12, 2002

upside down speed sign on th motorway

Place: 87 out of 103
Avg (all users): 3.8796
Avg (commenters): 4.3913
Avg (participants): 4.0789
Avg (non-participants): 3.7478
Views since voting: 1073
Votes: 191
Comments: 26
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/19/2002 09:28:00 PM
The lighting is pretty dark, I think a different time of day could've fixed that right up.
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05/19/2002 08:38:00 PM
hehehhehe... took me a minute... but very clever :)
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05/19/2002 07:58:00 PM
:) Funny pic...and great caption...
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05/19/2002 08:26:00 AM
I am assuming the 09 is 60? I almost missed it because the guardrail and road lead the eyes to the stop sign. Then, they kinda stop on the middle of the page. It looks like a busy road, but if it had been possible to frame it differently, so that the 09 sign was the point of focus, it would have made more impact.
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05/17/2002 05:12:00 PM
not a good image at all ... better luck next time
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05/17/2002 09:29:00 AM
Lucky find. Well, unless you went out and MADE the sign be upside down... This is a little dark and kind of flat -- although I do recognize that it's probably morning/evening. A quick tweak in PS (or whatever editing program) would bring out the levels a little better I think.
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05/17/2002 06:31:00 AM
LOL. very funny... although the picture seems a little dark on my screen.
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05/16/2002 10:18:00 PM
nice find
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05/16/2002 01:35:00 AM
Oh no! Damn these law-abiding citizens!
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05/15/2002 11:26:00 AM
Me dumb, I don't get it. Photo 6 Creativity ??? Upsidedown ??? total 4
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05/15/2002 08:46:00 AM
good idea, but the picture is very dark...
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05/14/2002 11:08:00 PM
Congrats on finding this, and the title is cute. The picture isn't all that great though.
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05/14/2002 08:11:00 PM
damn foreigners and their terrible public works systems
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05/14/2002 12:13:00 PM
Nice idea, but it doesn't feel like you put much effort into the execution. I'd bet it's just a snapshot from the car, in which case I'd have to give you kudos for the composition.
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05/14/2002 10:56:00 AM
This scene is too dark.
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05/14/2002 08:16:00 AM
Eh, I get it. I think the sign is a bit too far off to the side, it's hard to understand that that's the topic of the picture without the title.
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05/13/2002 05:01:00 PM
where was this taken?
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05/13/2002 04:58:00 PM
indeed. i've often thought exactly that ...
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05/13/2002 09:43:00 AM
What's up side down? Is the 09 supposed to be 60? If so then why do you make your title "...10 in a 60...", should it be "...09 in a 60..."?
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05/13/2002 08:25:00 AM
I'm lost....
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05/13/2002 08:14:00 AM
Nice find!
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05/13/2002 03:30:00 PM
I guess I am just dense. I see no relation to upside down. With 103 to vote on I have wasted far too much time trying.
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05/13/2002 03:25:00 PM
LOL great humor! Wonderful shot.
Bit dark still very good.
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05/13/2002 04:39:00 AM
I may be missing something here but I don't see any evidence of 'upside down' anywhere in this photo. Oops.. I see that the title gives it away now... the 09 is supposed to be 60? I'm sure that you are going to hear much about this one but I do see the 'upside down' aspect of this photo now... I would have tried to search out something a little more obvious for this challenge. Without the title, this photo would suffer. These challenge photos need to 'stand on their own' without being saved by the title.
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05/13/2002 04:32:00 AM
I am guessing that the speed sign is upside down, but overall this photo does not say upside down to me.
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05/13/2002 02:53:00 AM
I think I get it... the speed sign is upside down, right? I hope you didn't do that on purpose!!

The lighting creates a cool mood, but overall the photo seems dim to me. Overall, I like it.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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