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Chess Moves
Chess Moves

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Games (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony Mavica FD-95
Location: Union Square, San Francisco CA
Date: May 12, 2002
Date Uploaded: May 14, 2002


Place: 43 out of 94
Avg (all users): 5.3892
Avg (commenters): 5.9412
Avg (participants): 5.2716
Avg (non-participants): 5.4672
Views since voting: 2121
Votes: 203
Comments: 38
Favorites: 0

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05/27/2002 08:28:00 AM
i still think this was the best picture.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/26/2002 11:04:00 PM
Some blowout on his hand and the pieces, but a great capture of the indecisive moment.
05/26/2002 08:41:00 AM
Nicely caught, I wish the light wasn't so harsh on the chess board though.
05/26/2002 03:03:00 AM
Good subjectamundo
05/26/2002 12:18:00 AM
For me, nothing beats live action in this challenge.
05/25/2002 05:44:00 PM
On my monitor the highlights are a little blown-out...
05/25/2002 04:19:00 PM
The quality of the photo doesnt seem very good, however the compositon of the shot is good, I like the guys arm hanging over the board.
05/25/2002 10:30:00 AM
My favorite people shot of the week (cept for mine :-)

Love the guy in the hat, glasses and coat. He is stylish whether he intended to be or not and makes the shot..which I am sure is why you took his photo:-)
05/25/2002 08:15:00 AM
Interesting shot. I like the expression--intense.
05/25/2002 12:32:00 AM
Too bad the table is blown. Nice composition.
05/24/2002 09:36:00 PM
The hand and the board are a little overexposed ...
05/24/2002 08:22:00 PM
I think the character of the man robs from the main game subject. Or is that the game? Rare action shot of chess. Good job.
05/24/2002 02:20:00 PM
Great shot, love it that they are ACTUALLY playing, the angle is great. The whole photo looks just a tad out of focus though.
05/23/2002 09:11:00 PM
ah, the concentration of a chess player.. great moment captured.
05/23/2002 02:14:00 PM
I love the way you captured the concentration of this man! Too bad you couldn't oust the guy in grey...
05/23/2002 09:29:00 AM
The intensity is electric! My eye is drawen directly to his face that is telling me about the concentration being spent on the game.
05/22/2002 09:55:00 PM
05/22/2002 09:06:00 PM
my favorite
05/22/2002 05:14:00 PM
Good action for chess! Some harse glare, filters might have helped here. Photo 8 Creativity 6 Games 7 total 7
05/22/2002 07:25:00 AM
This would have been good for the "people" challenge too.
05/22/2002 06:22:00 AM
Nice candid shot. Looks a little over exposed.
05/22/2002 02:53:00 AM
I am very fond of found photos as opposed to set up photos. This was good timing as well.
05/21/2002 10:01:00 PM
I don't like the way this is cropped. Having a headless guy really detracts from the picture ;o)
05/21/2002 09:51:00 PM
I like photographs of people much more than photographs of objects, which this challenge is full of. This is my favourite chess picture so far. The expression on the man's face and extended arm are very poignant.
05/21/2002 07:58:00 PM
clean, crsip picture but doesn't grab my attention
05/21/2002 04:42:00 PM
extremely difficult to get a reasonable exposure here with sunlight and shadow - fill-in flash needed low down at maybe table level from right and camera set a couple of stops under exposed
05/21/2002 03:22:00 PM
I like the use of what appears to be natural light in this photo. The look of concentration is evident even with the sunglasses. A good photograph. I might have tried to crop out the lower left just a little bit.
05/21/2002 11:00:00 AM
The overexposure of the chess board and the background elements are a bit distracting, though this does present a more spontaneous (I think) picture than many of the other ones here
05/21/2002 10:46:00 AM
the position the player is in doesn't seem very natural. I think showing him just thinking about a move (eg hand on the chin) may have worked better
05/20/2002 07:18:00 PM
A little bright in spots, but best of the chess photos. Looks like a character.
05/20/2002 06:52:00 PM
Good story. The slight tension is evident.
05/20/2002 04:16:00 PM
This is definitely one one of my favorites this week... It's not a technically excellent photo but you have captured the intensity of this chess match. I love watching these outdoor chess matches.. These guys are usually playing for money and they are quite impressive players as well. I would love to hear the story behind this photo after the challenge. If you want to tell me the story sooner, this comment is coming from jmsetzler or tell me at setzler@charter.net via email. This is an INTENSE score of 10 for capturing some raw and unabridged emotion! Excellent!
05/20/2002 01:33:00 PM
Oh darn, arn't you wishing you could use this photo next week? A bit to bright on the center of the board.
05/20/2002 01:19:00 PM
caught the moment this one I like
05/20/2002 01:18:00 PM
Good work, I like what you've done and where you were going with this. I feel the composition could of been improved but ya work with what ya got! Nice job.
05/20/2002 10:33:00 AM
I llike the candid approach.
05/20/2002 07:26:00 AM
i'd have stood on a chair to take this shot.. maybe underexposed a smidgen to get rid of glare if neccesary. beats all those fucking dominoes shots though, eh?
05/20/2002 01:09:00 AM
Looks like my dad

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