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He Plays with Spirits
He Plays with Spirits

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Dreams (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D100
Lens: Peleng 8mm f/3.5 Fisheye MC In M42 Mount
Location: Home - my bedroom
Date: May 5, 2005
Aperture: f/16
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/800
Galleries: Candid, Animals
Date Uploaded: May 5, 2005

Used a Peleng Circular Fisheye lens
Bounced flash off ceiling

Inverted everything except eyes
played with highligh/shadow feature a few times
unsharp mask
Burned highlights in bed and edges
Dodged his nose, neck, and paws

My Photo: For those who still do now know what this photo is... it's my dog Dallas laying upside down on my bed. The squares on the right are cubes that you hang on the wall as decoration. The "spirit" is actually a shadow of my hand casted on the wall from my bounce flash. I was trying to get Dallas to lay upside down... however, whenever I would stop petting him, he would flip back over. So I tricked him by removing my hand VERY quickly, snapped the shot, then he rolled back over. At first when I looked at the picture I thought it was ruined by the shadow... but then saw this opportunity for it.

My Title - I consider myself a spiritual person and I do believe that dogs can see things that we cannot (you should have seen Dallas when I took him to the cemetery for the cemetery challenge!) When my brother died and I took care of his dog temporarily, I swear my brother was playing with him because the dog would do all sort of odd things. This photo is in memory of my deceased brother playing with his dog that is still with us. =)

Place: 4 out of 114
Avg (all users): 6.6308
Avg (commenters): 8.3030
Avg (participants): 6.3721
Avg (non-participants): 6.8047
Views since voting: 4944
Views during voting: 469
Votes: 214
Comments: 50
Favorites: 16 (view)

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05/14/2005 10:46:31 PM
simply fantastic
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05/14/2005 02:18:18 PM
this is absolutely incredible it just invites the eye to search it out. full of mood.
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05/13/2005 03:12:38 PM
Excellent work.. congrats on the placement
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05/13/2005 02:03:56 PM
Very nice work. The photoshopping makes it look more like a painting than a photograph, which normally I'm not into, but you've done a really good job. It's steely and cold, like a spirit's hand across your neck. Or so I'd imagine. My only suggestion is a better location next time, the bedroom doesn't seem to fit.
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05/13/2005 12:29:29 PM
Wow! Very cool! You should have won! Excellent work!
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05/13/2005 11:54:25 AM
I gave this a 10! It is so freaky and bizarre....very cool image. Sorry to hear about your brother, I lost mine as well in 96.
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05/13/2005 11:05:55 AM
Wow, great editing! I love it. Skeery dream too!
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05/13/2005 10:07:15 AM
Whoa- will spend more time looking at this one later. Well done. Very interesting.
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05/13/2005 01:35:34 AM
Wow, this is an amazing, dreamlike image - I was sure someone had just forgotten the editing rules with this one... I'm really glad they hadn't. Fantastic effort.
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05/13/2005 12:39:47 AM
Carrieanne, you know how much I loved your picture... I kinda wish my picture gets DQed to let you in.

Anyways, keep up the great work, I really enjoy your work (so does a lot of other voters too!)


Message edited by author 2005-05-13 03:26:28.
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05/13/2005 12:32:27 AM
Congratulations on your 4th placing. This image is truly in the fantastic realm with bewitching blue tones.
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05/13/2005 12:15:28 AM
Very surreal--congrat's on your super finish!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/12/2005 11:20:53 PM
I love this. great idea and nicely executed.
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05/12/2005 09:43:11 PM
An outstanding and bizarre entry. Convincing job. Bumping up.
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05/12/2005 07:24:33 PM
This is one of thoes that I am waiting to see the otcome of.
It symbalises the unknown nightmares that prey in our subconsious and intrigues me on its set up...
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05/12/2005 06:27:49 PM
I can't figure this out, which makes it all the more intruiging.
The fisheye effect works well and the overall colours are great. Can't say much more!
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05/12/2005 12:25:53 PM
Amazing work how do you do this, makes me think of payote?........9
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05/12/2005 03:28:00 AM
Cool! Out there in dreamland.
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05/11/2005 11:56:50 AM
Shooting animals and babies can be really tough. This is simply wild. Great choice with the negative. Those curtains just jump out at you and those flowers are superb as well. They look like calla lilies. Most cultures relate those to death. This pic is made even better with the light blues. I wouldn't be surprised if the voters decided that this pic was worthy of a little more blue.
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05/10/2005 04:19:16 PM
great shot!
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05/10/2005 04:09:35 PM
Very nice, I love the contrast and angle.
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05/10/2005 12:56:53 PM
Wonderfully bizarre! The colors are incredible! Looking forward to your processing notes...
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05/10/2005 06:09:00 AM
Wild dream...interesting image. Can't wait to check back later to see how you did all this. <7>
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05/09/2005 06:46:14 PM
REALLY cool! Something that actually looks dreamlike...or a bit nightmarish in this case. This is great...love the darkness, the limited color pallette, the skewed perspective, It took me a bit to figure out what the image actually was ( silly doggie ) : } ...this is really fantastic!...you captured my attention, sucked me in and now I feel rewarded some how. I really hope people take their time with this image and don't get hung up on what they might think the technical problems are....one can dream can't they?
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05/09/2005 02:30:18 PM
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05/08/2005 09:45:57 PM
That's a powerful dream :-) Nice colors
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05/08/2005 10:46:34 AM
Wow, wow, wow. I'm speechless. Bravo.
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05/07/2005 04:58:16 PM
I can see a dog ore a wolf some suspended items and a chest of drawers, getting curious to know what/how you did this...like it lots
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05/06/2005 06:10:28 PM
what the hell is that? freaky picture....but cool...I like it....
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05/06/2005 04:34:16 PM
Love this, very weird and compelling stuff.
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05/06/2005 02:34:03 PM
I hope you realize that you had me hanging upside-down in an attempt to see what the subject might be. One of the strangest dog pictures I've ever seen. The lighting and colour really give this a 'dream sequence' feel.
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05/06/2005 02:10:58 PM
Love the lithographic feel of the image. Great concept & execution.
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05/06/2005 11:57:47 AM
Awesome shot. Love the coloring and fisheye. Has the feeling of an illustration.
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05/06/2005 10:29:03 AM
confusing yet very dream like photo. I llike this one. It gives me a feeling of a wolf totem or somthing of the like. Is it a blanket a stuffen animal.. it looks like a bedroom. This is just as belildering in a photo as it would be in a dream nice job!
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05/06/2005 09:51:57 AM
interesting concept for theme
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05/06/2005 09:24:07 AM
Wow - intense. Beautiful selection with the blue highlighting. Nice job! (9)
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05/06/2005 07:24:06 AM
what the? this looks like some deranged horror movie! Excellent photo, if this is what you dream about than maybe you should stay awake!.......10
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05/06/2005 06:04:10 AM
Now, this is my type of dream. Very well done. Love it!
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05/06/2005 05:11:30 AM
this is a most creative image.10
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05/06/2005 03:47:14 AM
I love this! It's in my favorites. I'd love to have it framed poster size. Really cool. Truly original in every aspect, very well executed. That's my favorite in the challenge. Good luck! I just changed my 9 to a 10, that should help.
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05/06/2005 03:27:29 AM
wierd and wonderful
Good image nice effects
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05/06/2005 02:02:07 AM
Took me a minute to figure out what this is and how it was done. Very clever!! Really spooky and very cool. Extremely original! One of the best.
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05/06/2005 01:52:38 AM
cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and very unique
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05/06/2005 01:38:24 AM
How'd you get the dog upside down in the room? Surreal.
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05/06/2005 01:05:18 AM
Excellent, Il ove the perspective and the curves, as well as, the colours. 10
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05/06/2005 01:04:51 AM
VERY COOL. Making this a favorite for sure. Lovely job. I love the surreal feel. It makes me feel like I'm in some kind of crazy dream. AWESOME colors, tones, and lighting. I would love for you to PM me and tell me how you pulled this off. Wow! 10!
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05/06/2005 12:57:36 AM
What a wild entry. I can't even begin to imagine how you shot this, but it looks surreal and frightening. Great expressive piece.
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05/06/2005 12:34:14 AM
By far the best in this line up. If this doesn't win I will be very dissapointed. Definately makes me think of dreams. I love the light, the color and the composition...10
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05/06/2005 12:29:36 AM
I am interested in seeing how you did this - really cool image with the effects -10
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05/06/2005 12:22:54 AM
can't tell what the heck this is???
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