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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Postcard (Classic Editing*)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7i
Location: Rt. 303 Ohio
Date: May 2, 2003
Aperture: f 5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/500
Galleries: Architecture, Advertisement
Date Uploaded: May 2, 2003

Train Depot is the main building in the downtown area of the Township where we still park on the main drag pulling in. Our world famous attraction is first, our street fair which is the only township allowed to block State highway for four days; next, is the frog jump contest which rivals Calaveras County' in CA.
The building was extremely difficult to get a good shot of because there are a number of power lines right in front of it. Also the shadows which are there all day, because of southern exposure. Photo was cropped for size, auto adjusted for contrast, then sharpened.

Place: 72 out of 106
Avg (all users): 5.4000
Avg (commenters): 6.1667
Avg (participants): 5.3733
Avg (non-participants): 5.4444
Views since voting: 1191
Votes: 120
Comments: 8
Favorites: 0

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05/19/2003 10:39:09 PM
Critique Club

Composition: In general I really like the composition. The building is nicely placed, the flag (so important to American's it seems) is prominent, and there is a lovely piece of sky to enter the text over. I think the text in the lower right corner is hard to read and unnecessary though.

Technical Quality: The photo is fairly good from a technical standpoint. The building is a little dark from shadows though - depending on the orientation of the building perhaps shooting earlier in the morning or late afternoon would have produced less shadow. Also the text is a little soft, but this is probably a result of the image being reduced to <150kb and not your fault.

Meeting the challenge: It seems to be a nice postcard which is appropriate for "Valley City". The text in the top half is quite appropriate for a postcard.

Creativity: Presumably the depot is a landmark and a sense of pride for the community, and therefore an appropriate subject for a postcard. The shot itself isn't terribly creative, but I think it's appropriate for the mood you were seeking.

Overall: It's a good shot which struggles a bit from harsh lighting creative shadows on the main subject. Also the parallax type effect of the building becoming smaller towards the right was initially offputting but fine once I looked at the picture for a couple of minutes.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/10/2003 10:58:18 PM
This has a nice 'old time' postcard feel.
05/09/2003 04:16:53 PM
Love the captioning! :) The front building is a bit too shadowed, maybe shooting at a different time of day, or a different method of metering would have helped?
05/08/2003 11:30:15 AM
Good composition, just the sort of postcard I would expect to find in Valley City although I've never been there :-)
05/08/2003 12:02:53 AM
good composition but the sky is a touch washed.. try a polerizing and UV filter
05/07/2003 05:21:41 AM
:-) I do hope this is an ironic entry ... it has all those crass elements of dodgy postcards down to a 't': just wonder how many people are going to agree with me. Too much text, pointless (even bizarre) message, excellently done. Really like this.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/06/2003 08:07:27 PM
Nice perspective of the (train station?). nice use of test to fill the sky. I like it. Jacko.
05/05/2003 10:29:48 AM
the hop on over got a grin from me - good entry. The phone lines on the left are irritating

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