DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Black & White (Classic Editing)
Camera: Kodak DC210 plus
Location: House
Date: May 29, 2002
Aperture: n/a
ISO: n/a
Shutter: n/a
Date Uploaded: May 29, 2002


Place: 147 out of 153
Avg (all users): 3.8148
Avg (commenters): 4.6897
Avg (participants): 3.8938
Avg (non-participants): 3.7462
Views since voting: 1608
Votes: 243
Comments: 30
Favorites: 1 (view)

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06/10/2002 09:34:00 AM
Hello, Langdon... we meet again...
So, landgdon, have ANYTHING nice to say AT ALL about this picture??
Have you ever heard the expression if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all? You should be more like Magnectic ;-)

I noticed that this person hadn't had any previous entries so this is their first submission. Be a little nicer hmm? Instead of saying it's too dark. Mystery-it's probably supposed to be dark. If you only make a suggestion, you just make it seem like you're the better photographer, and I know most of you aren't any better than this person... It seemed like a lot of baby pictures got under the first fifty... babies and doggies, oh my! How creative :-)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/09/2002 09:13:00 PM
a bit too dark, but fits with the title
06/09/2002 08:45:00 PM
not a bad idea; pan a little left; use tripod for sharper focus
06/09/2002 08:05:00 PM
Very blurry and too dark.
06/07/2002 07:55:00 PM
If you were going for a sense of erie, you got it, your title implies it. Even so, the elements of this shot are not depicted clearly enough for me to do anything but assume you knew what you were doing and the effect you were after. Me, I can't see much, so I can't really tell what you were going for. The title should be Mystery to you. Photo 7 (sorry, but that's how I feel) Creativity 10 (I am hoping you were "reaching" for something) B&W 6 (sorry, too much mystery for me)
total 7 (in dire hopes this is really better than I think it is)
06/07/2002 12:02:00 AM
the dark fuzziness is appealing and makes me want to see more. i just wonder if you've gone too far with this one ..
06/06/2002 05:36:00 PM
not sharp.
06/06/2002 02:01:00 AM
I like this shot a lot! The darkness works well. That fan is beautiful.
06/05/2002 06:01:00 PM
to bluury, but i do like the darkness adds a touch mystery
06/05/2002 02:08:00 PM
This definately is a mysterious photograph. Just enough detail to almost make out the subject.
06/05/2002 01:46:00 PM
Looks a great image but just too dark to tell
06/05/2002 10:09:00 AM
Title fits it well. I like the feel of it.
06/05/2002 04:42:00 AM
Hmmm... I wonder what....
06/04/2002 11:51:00 PM
I think brightening the midtones a little would preserve the mystery while making the subject slightly more 'there'. Top and R could be cropped. Taken on stage?
06/04/2002 08:38:00 PM
Appears very dark, grainy, and oof to me.
06/04/2002 04:33:00 PM
Based on the title, I think the blurriness/graininess works well. However, it seems a little dark to me, which does add to teh mystery, but makes it difficult to see. Very artistic.
06/04/2002 03:10:00 PM
I think I'd have had the fan over her lower face...or maybe that's over-doing it...
06/04/2002 10:31:00 AM
Too dark!
06/04/2002 09:46:00 AM
This pic's a little dark for my likiing - hard to see contrast.
06/03/2002 07:59:00 PM
A tripod and a little more light would help.
06/03/2002 04:27:00 PM
Good title for this one. I really like the sense of mood you've been able to convey, very artsy and expressionistic. Good use of lighting also. The one thing I might suggest is to crop the distractive beam from the top (and thus the right side also to keep the aspect ratio).
06/03/2002 03:50:00 PM
Mystery abstract looking b&w. Fine job.
06/03/2002 02:56:00 PM
06/03/2002 01:01:00 PM
Where's the focus? Looks like jpeg compression really hurt you.
06/03/2002 11:38:00 AM
This is interesting work! I like the mood and the blur in this photo... The only minor detail that distracts me is the white line above her head... good work!
06/03/2002 11:10:00 AM
Unfortunately, this shot is a little too mysterious for my liking. Just a little lighter or a little more focus would've helped. Also, if you could've cropped out the light gray bar over the girl's head.
06/03/2002 07:51:00 AM
i love the feeling this evokes.
very mysterious indeed...
mabye just a liiitle more contrast (to bring out the white)
06/03/2002 06:15:00 AM
Very dark. The subject in the photo is hard to see.
06/03/2002 05:36:00 AM
Silent Hill~~~~~~~~~~~
06/03/2002 05:31:00 AM
a bit dark

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