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Yields Green
Yields Green

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Secondary Colors (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7i
Location: Home, Ohio
Date: May 12, 2003
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Interior, Nature
Date Uploaded: May 12, 2003

The blue end of the spectrum (pot) mixes with the yellow (spout) blending into a blue/green mix (fertilizer), eventually turning into the green of the Christmas cactus. Shot it as a portrait. Cropped for size, adjusted color balance and sharpened.

Place: 183 out of 225
Avg (all users): 4.3652
Avg (commenters): 5.1250
Avg (participants): 4.2710
Avg (non-participants): 4.5070
Views since voting: 896
Votes: 178
Comments: 9
Favorites: 0

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05/27/2003 12:46:24 AM
*Critique Club*
While I can see and read your explaination, I think that the red/yellow watering can is a little too brightly colored for this shot. It kind of 'steals the spotlight'. It's so much brighter than the plant that it really is a distraction for the plant.
The yellow alone might not bee SO harsh, and would still allow for your 'story' to stand true. In your explaination, I don't believe you need the red.
The lighting is not ideal here. The shadows are also a bit of a distraction in my opinion. As suggested, moving a bit away from the wall will help to reduce this shadow. Also, play with different lighting. That will helps shdows also.
The solid white background was a good choice, as there are no distracting elements in the background alone.
Focus and clarity seem ok to me. I especially like the detail in the water.
The angle and framing/cropping are OK, but maybe a little close to the plant on the left. Either crop more of the plant out, or include the entire plant. I tried a crop on the top also, and it actually doesn't look bad if you crop out ALL of the red part, and just let the yellow peek in through the top. Just my opinion though.
It's a neat idea.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/20/2003 11:26:01 PM
I actually kind of llike the shadow of the flash(?). It gives this shot a whimsical, fun feeling.
05/20/2003 01:44:45 PM
The texture created by the water is nice.
05/19/2003 04:20:40 PM
This has almost a snapshot feel, probably a combination of the lighting and the focus (which is either odd, or sharpened strangely in postproduction). The composition's also a little mushy - the eye isn't drawn to any one particular place, and so it wanders around to no purpose, as it were. Still, fits the theme well (nice colors).
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05/18/2003 08:42:07 PM
red and yellow are primary colors
05/18/2003 10:58:35 AM
Good idea. Shadows are unappealing and the picture could have been cropped to include the whole plant and pot. A little more work would have made this an exceptional picture.
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05/15/2003 06:26:01 PM
I really like this idea - using the primary colors you "grow" secondary. the colors are good - I would have focused the comosition in more - just the spigot of the watering can, the water and the green leaves. Better lighting would help loose distacting shadows. Still fun work!
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05/14/2003 11:52:49 AM
Could have used a 'leafier' plant, this one looks a bit anemic.
05/14/2003 08:12:54 AM
The light is too harsh. If you put your subjects more from the wall it might improve the photo.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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