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Electric Dreams of a Passionate Mother
Electric Dreams of a Passionate Mother

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude III (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Location: Home
Date: Aug 20, 2005
Aperture: 4.5
ISO: 400
Shutter: 2.5
Galleries: Abstract, Nude
Date Uploaded: Aug 21, 2005

Shot under blacklight using blacklight paint and neon pink wig. This was done 3 months after my wife had a C-section to deliver our son. She has been rather self-conscious about the scar that was left so this shot took a great deal of courage for her to do. During post-processing I could have easily cloned out the scar to give her a more "perfect" look, but that would take away from who she is. I think she is "perfect" just the way she is. I know I'll probably get voted down for this choice, but I really don't care. I can't begin to say how far "out of the box" this shot is for me, but it's a concept I've always wanted to experiment with and I'm rather pleased with the end result.

Technical details:

Shot in RAW
Tv: 2.5
Av: 4.5
ISO: 400
Exposure Compensation: +1/3
B/W with yellow filter and sepia tone.

Crop, brightness/contrast, USM, NeatImage - done.

Place: 63 out of 118
Avg (all users): 5.3381
Avg (commenters): 6.0000
Avg (participants): 4.8352
Avg (non-participants): 5.4543
Views since voting: 9407
Views during voting: 1465
Votes: 485
Comments: 40
Favorites: 4 (view)

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01/22/2007 11:01:54 AM
Damn fine art.
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06/06/2006 05:50:18 PM
Please tell your wife that she has inspired me. Although children are far in my future, I have been thinking. A natural birth would be hard on my body due to experience in my family, and I want a c-section although of course I'm worried about the scar. But your wife is so sexy. The scar doesn't detract at all from her beauty, and instead says - this is who I am and what I've done, and I am proud. I am so glad that she agreed to do this photo shoot. I also noticed your other picture, where you painted blacklight words onto her (Duality) and the scar really helps add to that shot, telling the story of her motherhood, and making me admire her even more as a mother. So again, if you could please let her know that she is an inspiration, I would be very greatful.
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12/06/2005 11:55:38 PM
Tuyet voi
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09/03/2005 10:05:52 PM
*Critique Club*

Who could say it better than eschelar? I can relate to your wife, I have had three children...all c-sections! She looks amazing for just having a baby! This shot is VERY different and unique. I love it when I see something new! Good luck in future challenges!
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08/30/2005 10:07:13 AM
I am commenting because you felt you didn't have enough constructive criticism. I am hardly a person with skill or experience, but if you can accept my opinions, I think I have found three things that are perhaps the reasons that people didn't like it. Knowing how it was done helps a lot in making this sort of comment.

I personally feel the picture is very interesting, very punchy, but a little lacking in basic appeal.

1. The lines - I saw three kinds of lines on her body. Straight-ish, hurried lines, Wild, passionate, electric lines with lots of squiggle and spark, resembling lightning (even the ones that were shorter still fall into this category for the erratic pattern) and finger smudges.
I found the finger smudges very appealing. They added greatly to the picture's content and meaning.
I felt the unstable lines (right leg, both sides of the belly and arms) added to the picture both in the sense of adding electricity and providing the setting for the passionate smudging on the breast
I felt the straightish lines looked hurried and didn't add much. The fact that they were quite prominent in the main focal areas (foreground leg, and most notably center belly) meant you had to look harder for the more complex and interesting lines. They weren't really terrible, so don't take that meaning, but perhaps just a little too straight.

Personally, I would guess that a few more smudges, sparingly added, particularly to break up the straighter lines, would have added a lot more tension and passion to this very good picture.

The C-section scar didn't need much explaining except that it was on such a trim woman. Post partum weight loss is your friend! I felt it added a lot to the picture. Having known a handful of women who were open about being uncomfortable about the way they looked to their SO's with that scar, I could see this as being a real expression of uninhibited passion.

2. The face - Burn tool? That would have taken some work because of the hair. Would it have been possible to mix some of her real hair in with the Pink hair? It looks like the pink hair really caught all that black light and brightened the face disproportionately. Another thing you might try is the black light paint in the hair in streaks instead of a wig? A little sensuous toussling of the hair with some paint and styling gel might reduce the light and reduce the straggly hairs.

3. The eye - there is something very sloppy about the appearance of the eye. It is a sensual picture overall, but the eye looks somewhat too young or too innocent? Perhaps a little more starkness, again, maybe burning?

Hope it's useful. Well done with the pic. I never would have taken anything like this. Both because of my limited skill with cameras and my limited skill with females :(.
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08/29/2005 09:18:51 PM
i didn't know you could get a shot using just a blacklight. it's an awesome shot, and the model, is beautiful
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08/29/2005 11:55:47 AM
Thanks for all who commented. I'm a bit disappointed in the score, but not suprised. Special thanks for all those who took the time to see what I was going for. I realize the shot was a bit extreme and some could be disturbed by my choice of titles. I would really like to see the "1's and 2's" do better, but I guess there's no pleasing the trolls. I will journey back into the box for future challenges. Well... maybe after the D&L challenge ;-)
08/29/2005 07:29:58 AM
This was one of my favorites in the challenge...I noticed her 'badge of honor', seeing as how I have an identical one myself. She is gorgeous, the shot was interesting and pose very sensual. And she looks amazing for having just had surgery 3 months ago! Congratulations :)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/28/2005 11:47:41 PM
Looks like she's been busy!! Hahahahaha..............but seriously, I love the effect of the light here! Well done!
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08/28/2005 10:11:25 PM
Nice theme, interesting composition.
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08/28/2005 11:55:48 AM
Interesting take on the challenge. Like the idea but I think the post processing misses a little. The face is overly light but I like the tones of the body. Composition/crop works for me.
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08/27/2005 07:11:58 PM
I don't really understand the title. I am not sure this photo does anything for me, and the lighting is kind of dull. I do really like the composition. Good luck.
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08/27/2005 01:42:08 PM
now THAT'S a title :-)
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08/26/2005 11:21:09 PM
A fun shot. I would recommend a slightly tighter crop with a slight rotation to exaggerate the lines on your subject.
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08/26/2005 09:08:16 AM
Not a beautiful photograph perhaps, but a startling one (which I much prefer anyway). I thought MY dreams were hard to explain ... I can't imagine what you might have to say about this one! Good, original idea and a thought provoking image. 8
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08/25/2005 11:46:43 PM
Interesting concept. The light streams distract from her form. Back off a bit on the light streams.
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08/25/2005 05:59:12 PM
Very sexy. Nicely done.
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08/25/2005 05:13:03 AM
The title really throws me off - in my mind, it's an odd collection of words. The composition on this is pretty good, but something about the image just doesn't feel right. It's almost as though the black background area was erased or cloned or something. It looks very unnatural, and choppy and hard-edged around her body. I thought, at first glance, that it was black and white, but on her arms I see a purplish tone, and that looks a bit odd as well.
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08/24/2005 07:59:07 AM
amazing shot i really like it, good lighting
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08/24/2005 06:27:01 AM
This is a cool idea. Makes a very erotic image.
Don't like the black line where the legg and behind are somehow missing. 7
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08/24/2005 04:09:49 AM
Not sure what to think of this photo. I t certainly makes you look harder and that has to be a good thing. I think if the lines were in a different pattern it has the potential to be beautiful, also has the potential to look like a crime scene. Either way it is creative and keeps the viewer engaged. i gave it an 8.
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08/23/2005 09:42:37 PM
Very interesting shot. That looks like glow paint of some sort, I like it. It draws my eye over the model without focusing on the model herself, which is an interesting effect. Good shadows and lighting. Nice use of black bg to set the model apart. Good job.
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08/23/2005 09:10:06 PM
is this image inverted? its a neat effect, and it looks like you painted her. Certainly took a different direction and I commend you for that.
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08/23/2005 01:32:54 PM
Her hair has made her face loot absolutely ghostly - wouldnot have hurt to burn it in a bit.
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08/23/2005 09:09:26 AM
what a very interesting title, and a very striking image
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08/23/2005 07:43:08 AM
Not sure the purpose of the lines, but to me it didn't work at all.
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08/23/2005 06:31:35 AM
one of those love - hate pics, i think. me, i like it, good concept.
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08/23/2005 12:12:35 AM
Very funky! I would have edited out that dark line that runs across the abdomen, and maybe used a less squishy surface (so the model wouldn't sink so much into it), but the basic concept is great!
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08/22/2005 11:46:56 PM
A little to starnge for my taste. 7
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08/22/2005 11:46:47 PM
Very interesting painting on the model, though I think that a more intentional and interesting pattern could be used. Maybe the line could trace an interesting path around the model, or create a pattern of marks. Good creativity.
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08/22/2005 09:19:07 PM
I'm missing the point of the white. It is too random and messy for me to really see much of the point, with some point to the lines, I think the score could have been quite good.
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08/22/2005 04:59:51 PM
I love the idea here, very post-modern. Could you have cloned out what I believe is a c-section scar? Although as I leave these comments I see the word "mother" in the title. Perhaps one has to do with the other. 9.
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08/22/2005 01:51:58 PM
Very cool. Nice contrast ( taken under black light )? It looks like she is floating on a sea of nothingness.
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08/22/2005 12:48:41 PM
This has kind of a yellow journalism magazine to me. The idea is smart, but maybe work on the post editing just a bit more. Hope this is helpful.
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08/22/2005 12:12:21 PM
What you have tried to portray escapes me. Sorry!
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08/22/2005 10:37:03 AM
Very interesting composition. I like the painting, just wish the fingers were not so noticeable or that they were going in the same direction as the rest of the paint.
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08/22/2005 02:50:16 AM
This is different. This is a personal observation, but, the last thing I want to know when viewing nudes is that I'm looking at someone's mother. That is unless the woman is about to give birth. To me, the blanket takes away to much from the models shape, especially on the thighs.
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08/22/2005 02:20:12 AM
Bizarre - or should I say unique. Creative and erotic for sure.
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08/22/2005 01:48:48 AM
overall i think this effect is a bit wierd...
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08/22/2005 12:12:06 AM
very nice effect!
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