Author | Thread |
11/30/2012 02:49:43 PM |
07/29/2008 10:54:52 AM |
LOL what a wonderful creative idea, well executed too. |
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11/15/2006 10:07:31 PM |
March of the Penguins, the sequel |
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08/28/2006 11:37:18 PM |
I wonder how far they travel? |
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04/30/2006 01:44:26 PM |
Love this one I didnt notice at first it was a nude! LMAO |
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04/30/2006 09:54:55 AM |
I see you mention Teger, in fact I was reminded of his work when I saw this image. You gave it a nice twist with the penguins. It might have worked better however, with a deeper DOF, it would have given the impression of a smaller scale, less like a macro. |
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10/26/2005 11:37:33 PM |
Made me smile, love those little guys , not a fan of nudes , but couldn't resist the humor in this one! |
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10/26/2005 10:06:12 AM |
this has imagination,,not just a show of skin,,i love it!! |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
08/28/2005 11:35:43 PM |
I just saw that movie a few days ago. What a clever idea. Are those icebergs I see? LOL. Great sense of humor. |
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08/28/2005 10:22:54 PM |
fun entry for the challenge. |
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08/28/2005 12:56:33 PM |
Very original. Made me smile. Nicely shot too. |
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08/28/2005 12:02:29 PM |
Cute. Like the idea. Think the toning is a little harsh on the penguins. Good on the body. |
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08/28/2005 04:04:25 AM |
So would this be the south pole? Doesn't look so cold to me! |
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08/28/2005 12:25:06 AM |
I love this entry, it's just so different from the others. great work. |
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08/27/2005 11:07:43 PM |
Where can I buy the postcard? This is great. |
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08/27/2005 08:18:52 PM |
LOL. Cute. Don't know if a tux is considered nude though. Anyway, nice tone, lighting, and concept. |
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08/27/2005 07:35:17 PM |
This made me laugh, love the photo :-) |
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08/27/2005 07:17:27 AM |
Very fun concept. Reminiscent of some famous work with nudge photography, with the same odd humorous twist. |
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08/27/2005 06:32:21 AM |
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08/27/2005 04:09:20 AM |
I Love this picture. Very creative!!!
I like the use of lights and textures in B/W.
Great! |
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08/27/2005 01:35:04 AM |
funny, good use of DOF, perfect lighting for the nipple in the foreground. I guess I would have called it "caravan of penguins" but that may sound funny to American ears, associating the word with cars instead of camels, like I do.
Bruno |
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08/27/2005 12:24:37 AM |
funny and clever - a wonderful idea. (lucky penguins..) |
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08/26/2005 11:03:21 PM |
So how many times did you have to reset the penguins?
J/K All kidding aside, a very nice photo. Very clever and well executed photo |
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08/26/2005 10:19:29 PM |
An image with great humor of penguins marching along a highly sensual terrain. Bumping up. |
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08/26/2005 09:15:38 PM |
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08/26/2005 09:25:29 AM |
Since I saw this movie, I do get it! very good! |
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08/25/2005 09:30:58 PM |
I am coming back to comment on this photo. I really like the humorus side of this photo. I hope it does well. |
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08/25/2005 06:39:47 PM |
GREAT job with the suggested terrain and lighting, thanks for the humor too |
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08/25/2005 06:07:05 PM |
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08/25/2005 08:42:53 AM |
Dang buy I have a soft spot for penguins (though not usually my bosoms) and this just totally appeals to me. But then I like surreal art and this is certainly that. I'm sure there could be all kinds of messages about womens' bodies in comparison to peaks of snow drifts but I won't ask! Works for me though! |
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08/25/2005 08:15:15 AM |
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08/25/2005 05:46:15 AM |
Too cute! Interesting exercise in exposure here, getting those little black and white guys just right. An adorable shot. This gets me on cuteness alone! |
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08/25/2005 05:14:07 AM |
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08/25/2005 01:10:57 AM |
Fun photo. I really like it. |
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08/25/2005 01:09:26 AM |
Well done. Gave me a chuckle. |
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08/25/2005 12:38:12 AM |
humorous, cute...nice nipples |
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08/24/2005 07:40:32 PM |
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08/24/2005 07:13:42 PM |
It doesn't look cold enough for penquins :) The shadows are nice, the dof is right on imo. Good crop and use of b/w. |
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08/24/2005 01:12:29 PM |
This is a wonderful image. Makes me wish I was a penguin 9 |
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08/24/2005 12:37:46 PM |
I´d like to be one of those penguins. 7 |
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08/24/2005 06:13:07 AM |
This is cool.
Reminds me of the climber series.
Good lighting, composttion etc, and good for a laugh. |
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08/24/2005 12:08:37 AM |
While the penguins are very cute i don't really understand their presence in this... area. Are they known for climbing mountains? |
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08/23/2005 11:48:34 PM |
Cute. I like the high key tones on the body. The lighting is perfect for this concept. |
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08/23/2005 11:12:07 PM |
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08/23/2005 11:00:26 PM |
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08/23/2005 10:54:13 PM |
funny .... good idea ...thinking outside the box |
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08/23/2005 08:29:35 PM |
This made me chuckle. the lighting in the top right corner is over exposed. perhaps moving the lighting back a bit would help ease that. I like the creativity here, but because of the improper lighting, I can't give it a high score. |
08/23/2005 07:31:50 PM |
You don't often see a whimsical nude. |
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08/23/2005 06:07:07 PM |
Funny twist on current cinema, I'd say too washed out on the right side, however it could represent the harsh arctic landscape. |
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08/23/2005 03:03:07 PM |
I usually vote down the 'clever' images, probably because I'm not that clever, but in this case I'm not going to. The positioning of the beguins and the way they are lit is good. The little guy trailing behind adds some drama. And most important, it made me smile. Thanks! |
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08/23/2005 01:32:04 PM |
This is one of the better nude pictures of breasts, sorry you had to ruin it with plastic penguins. |
08/23/2005 10:39:10 AM |
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08/23/2005 07:37:56 AM |
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08/23/2005 06:21:35 AM |
i hate props.. but this is one hell of a good pic using props. bumping up. |
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08/23/2005 12:50:14 AM |
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08/22/2005 11:56:49 PM |
Added to my favorite. Hope you Blue ribbon with this. 10. |
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08/22/2005 11:39:47 PM |
I love the lighting, it does make me think of snowdrifts. The penguins were a nice touch. I hope that she enjoyed posing for this. |
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08/22/2005 10:54:31 PM |
hahaha. Very funny, I'm sure you had fun playing with those penguins for the shot :) |
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08/22/2005 10:25:19 PM |
I like the creativity in this shot.Good lighting to keep the skin very soft and smooth. Good composition and crop too. |
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08/22/2005 10:02:42 PM |
Great movie and creative approach to sensually represent it. |
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08/22/2005 09:47:28 PM |
7 is my humor score. Cute idea. The exposure is a little blown. |
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08/22/2005 09:36:44 PM |
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08/22/2005 08:44:34 PM |
wow ... perfect all around - very different .. a rare 10 |
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08/22/2005 07:38:02 PM |
Nicely creative. It made me smile. |
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08/22/2005 07:16:30 PM |
Cool shot! extra points for humour, 9 |
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08/22/2005 07:00:13 PM |
original and funny, make me smile - a8 |
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08/22/2005 04:41:39 PM |
Lol, cute picture. Nice...model also. |
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08/22/2005 02:01:50 PM |
Coolest one that I have seen so far. Everything, from the penquins shadows, to the gentle slopes on the human form, fit together excellently. |
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08/22/2005 01:08:36 PM |
very original. I always like body landscapes. Penguins are very well placed (love the trailing penguin in the back, great detail). I wonder if the photo had been more high-key, if it would have added a "snow effect" look to the image... like it was in the great north. 8
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08/22/2005 10:46:16 AM |
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08/22/2005 10:36:36 AM |
Award winning shot with an idea |
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08/22/2005 10:05:40 AM |
DOF and lighting are wonderful on this, I'm not sure I like how shes arched her ack but all in alkl this is a cute photo! 7 |
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08/22/2005 08:22:36 AM |
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08/22/2005 07:41:51 AM |
If that's the way to the artic I also want to go :)
Very nice job. |
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08/22/2005 06:57:46 AM |
and you know, when one penguin dives, they all dive... |
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08/22/2005 02:24:14 AM |
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08/22/2005 02:00:59 AM |
Almost gave this a big fat one, but I was too busy chuckling to even see the nipples! ROFL! Cute, clever, creative. Good job. |
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08/22/2005 01:51:10 AM |
very quirky but cool. a very nice shot. 9 |
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08/22/2005 01:31:36 AM |
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08/22/2005 01:21:18 AM |
nice play on the movie. Got a little smile out of me. I love the last peguin in the line. The lighting is a bit harsh over the shoulder and the right breast fades into the background a little too much for my likings. |
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08/22/2005 01:20:17 AM |
Great humor in this otherwise "serious" challenge. |
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08/22/2005 12:46:41 AM |
GREAT IDEA. Oh oh, watch oooooooout!!! |
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08/22/2005 12:16:45 AM |
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08/22/2005 12:16:39 AM |
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08/22/2005 12:15:32 AM |
hahahahaha i just saw that commercial like 20 seconds before this loaded
hahahah funny |
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