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Disappearing Cars
1st PlaceDisappearing Cars

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: On the Road (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S30
Location: Vancouver, BC
Date: Jun 8, 2002
Aperture: 6.3
ISO: 100
Shutter: 5
Date Uploaded: Jun 8, 2002

North end of Cambie street bridge at night

Place: 1 out of 108
Avg (all users): 7.2944
Avg (commenters): 7.8286
Avg (participants): 7.0395
Avg (non-participants): 7.4194
Views since voting: 3613
Votes: 231
Comments: 43
Favorites: 4 (view)

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07/16/2003 06:09:02 AM
hurray for vancouver S30 owners!
06/21/2002 08:07:00 PM
superb long exp with minimal gear
06/17/2002 08:37:00 PM
Congrats on winning!! Great pix!!
06/17/2002 03:34:00 PM
Thanks everyone for your comments.

This photo was taken from my apartment balconey with a tripod which, unfortunatley, does not have a level bar; hence all the comments regarding the lack of a true vertical building/horizon.
06/17/2002 11:03:00 AM
Very well done. LOVE the light and action. Congrats to you!!!!
06/17/2002 12:26:00 AM
Brumos, congrats on the win :)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/16/2002 07:58:00 AM
Excellent placement with areas available. Color and use of time delay is well done. Color and light only add more effect to this well done photo. Some may not like the building in the photo but I think it adds to the oveall effect.
06/15/2002 02:50:00 PM
i love the lights at night!
06/14/2002 11:08:00 PM
06/13/2002 10:30:00 PM
WoW!! This is a terrific shot...great execuiton! Slightly on the bright side for a night shot, but there are quite a few lights along the bridge.
06/13/2002 09:45:00 PM
Excellent Pic!!!
06/13/2002 01:15:00 PM
I love the lights in this..good job
06/13/2002 10:43:00 AM
Wow, what a wonderful photo. I always love these types but this is extrodinary! 9
06/13/2002 10:11:00 AM
great exposure. twinkly! needs to be rotated a degree or 2 clock wise. one of th ebetter pics in this challenge.
06/13/2002 09:52:00 AM
I like the composition with the road curving around the building and the building following the ROT. However, the building is leaning to the left - you need to straighten out your horizon - it's very distracting.
06/12/2002 11:56:00 PM
Good execution!
06/12/2002 12:24:00 PM
Not sure what to look at here. Sure is a lot going on. I like the movement and colors, but its a little overwhelming to me.
06/12/2002 08:41:00 AM
I don't like the title, but not going to mark down for that :) It seems a little tilted though...the edge of the building isn't quite parallel to the edge of the frame. I like the colors though, and the curve of the road there is interesting.
06/11/2002 05:29:00 PM
I like long exposures quite a bit... This shot does an excellent job of describing the 'on the road' challenge... As I look at this image very closely, I believe I see some lack of clarity that may have been caused by camera shake. I'm not sure how long this exposure is but I'm assuming it's at least 2 or 3 seconds long. If you were not on a tripod for this shot, I can see where the shake may have come from. If you *were* on a tripod, you can still get camera shake from simply pressing the shutter release button. When I do a shot like this, I setup my composition and framing and exposure, and then let the camera timer take the photo. If the timer opens the shutter, you minimize your camera shake quite effectively... Nice shot!
06/11/2002 04:10:00 PM
Great colors
06/11/2002 11:30:00 AM
how do you do that? I've always wanted to know.
06/11/2002 01:57:00 AM
Where did you take this pic? A helicopter or something? Pretty cool shot..
06/11/2002 01:03:00 AM
This is really a great shot - How much (if any) color correction was used?
06/10/2002 11:59:00 PM
nice pic
06/10/2002 11:55:00 PM
Nice, lots of color.
06/10/2002 11:30:00 PM
This is a really cool shot. I looked at it for awhile trying to decide what to do to improve it. The two biggest lights really jump out, becoming the focal points of the picture, I think. The curve is effective and emphasizing "motion" in the picture, but there is so much here, it is difficult to isolate any one thing as the main point of the picture (besides those lights). Not much by way of suggestions, though, because cropping it causes you to lose road, etc. Overall, I think it is a fairly effective shot.
06/10/2002 10:42:00 PM
This should probably be a little darker, also, the scene is a little busy but nice
06/10/2002 09:31:00 PM
Very nice!
06/10/2002 08:48:00 PM
beautiful colors and blur
06/10/2002 08:23:00 PM
Hey, where did all the cars go? Good spot for this and a decent idea for a difficult subject. Good job!
06/10/2002 07:40:00 PM
Very nice night shot...
06/10/2002 05:48:00 PM
Nice long exposure, Love shots like these :)
06/10/2002 05:31:00 PM
Nicely done night piece.
06/10/2002 05:27:00 PM
Really like well done time exposure, Good job! How many seconds? (You must have a tripod)
Photo 10 Creativity 8 Road 9 total 9
06/10/2002 03:54:00 PM
Nice job here, well done.
06/10/2002 02:52:00 PM
Love this picture!
06/10/2002 02:15:00 PM
I had an idea to do something like this but could not find a proper vantage point. This is very well captured.
06/10/2002 01:15:00 PM
it looks like your camera was tilted a bit. When taking pictures of landscape like this its usually better to keep your horizon completely horizontal. You don't have a horizon on this picture but I'm look at the right side of the building and it looks tilted. Other than that I think its one of the better images in this challenge.
06/10/2002 11:17:00 AM
This is excellent. Looks like a nightlife/alcohol ad, and I mean that in a good way. I still see detail on the parked cars, and then all the blurs... I really like this shot.
06/10/2002 05:28:00 AM
This would have been perfect had it not been ever so slightly tilted.
06/10/2002 03:37:00 AM
Cliche'd shot, but well executed.
06/10/2002 01:09:00 AM
Seems just a little too bright overall to me, and the building that's fighting for the center of attention seems to be out of focus and slightly distracting.
06/10/2002 01:06:00 AM
Wow, great shot. Long exposure make it look almost like day. Very well done -- s'all bling bling n'jank.

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