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Carriage Ride
Carriage Ride

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: On the Road (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7
Location: Lexington, KY
Date: Jun 9, 2002
Aperture: F3.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/8
Date Uploaded: Jun 9, 2002


Place: 65 out of 108
Avg (all users): 4.9956
Avg (commenters): 5.6667
Avg (participants): 5.2237
Avg (non-participants): 4.8800
Views since voting: 887
Votes: 226
Comments: 16
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/16/2002 08:08:00 AM
More of snapshot image. Could have gotten a bit more creative with shot of horse from front angle showing road way behind with vehicle or building. A bit static of a shot
06/14/2002 11:04:00 PM
too bright whites burnt out
06/13/2002 02:19:00 PM
On my monitor, the coach is a little too white, and all the reflections in the shop window are a little distracting - but I understand that htey were probably impossible to avoid.
06/13/2002 10:14:00 AM
this is great. i would have prolly cropped the left 2/3 to get in closer (ie right behind the driver.
06/13/2002 12:48:00 AM
I would have tried this with a lower exposure compensation (if that is available on your camera). The white carriage is a little blown out, especially in the middle. Good candid shot though
06/13/2002 12:03:00 AM
Great choice of subject!
06/12/2002 09:16:00 PM
Poor horse.... His feet must be tired. I hope no heavy customers show up.
06/12/2002 01:31:00 PM
Nice picture, nice framing and nice background.
06/12/2002 11:50:00 AM
Nice buggy! I like it... I don't know if your camera has white balance or not... or if it accepts filters.. this shot is a little 'hot' on the exposure... the carriage is screaming at me :) I would have possibly tried to frame this a little closer as well.. *I* don't feel that the road in the foreground would have been a requirement to convey your message in this photo... good shot!
06/12/2002 11:20:00 AM
Looks pretty much like a snap shot -- it needs an artistic touch.
06/11/2002 07:52:00 PM
very nice, sorry, no critique or suggestions, this works for me. photo 9 Creativity 6 Road 7 total 8
06/11/2002 05:49:00 PM
Nice composition and good timing to capture the driver's position. The one thing that detracts from this photo is that the carriage seems to have some blown out areas.
06/11/2002 03:10:00 PM
Excellent contrast between horse and carraige. Would have been better with a couple in back or maybe w/o the rider? Hm..
06/11/2002 12:32:00 AM
creativety 6 interesting 7 focus 7 framing 10 = 7
06/10/2002 10:13:00 PM
It's hard to do this kind of shot, but once attempted there should have been more detail in the white carriage and the shirt.
06/10/2002 05:39:00 PM
Looks like fun.

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