Author | Thread |
06/04/2005 10:02:22 AM |
My husband uses that expression all the time..that or "PoP Stand".
Very cute shot, love her expression, fantastic in b&w. |
06/04/2005 01:53:48 AM |
08/01/2002 03:05:00 PM |
i just joined this site today. i have been looking at a lot of the photos. this one is one of my favorites. some one made the comment about learning to shoot b&w. i think maybe they need to adjust their monitor. i think this photo has a good tonal range and is a very nice b&w. the cropping doesnt bother me in the least. to me the best photographs are the ones that stir the emotions in the viewers. this photo should be judged on that basis more than the techncal side, which i dont think is lacking at all. keep up the good work. |
06/18/2002 04:58:00 PM |
you could have cropped it so there was only one row of pixels across the top that contained the street lamp. i'm pretty sure no one would notice or comprehend it. suppose then you'd have to crop the shoes at the bottom to match ? |
06/17/2002 11:29:00 AM |
Cropping Explanation: I cropped the top of her hat because there was a street lamp behind her and it looked like it was coming out of the top of her head. To address whether or not she'd 'make it', in spite of the fact that she's starting in Alaska, she is a determined little girl and I am she she'd find a way. Thanks for all the comments. |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
06/15/2002 01:42:00 PM |
why is this black and white ? |
06/14/2002 12:15:00 PM |
I totally love this shot. Would've done well in people and b&w as well as this challenge. If only you hadn't cropped the top of her hat and I think I would've tried positioning her a little further to the right in the shot. Anyway, in my top 10. |
06/14/2002 09:55:00 AM |
06/14/2002 04:46:00 AM |
Very nice. I love the composition, especially the streetlamps lined up in the background. It seems a bit too staged for me, but still appealing. |
06/13/2002 09:12:00 AM |
This is a wonderfully set up shot.. All I see that might need improvement is the etail could have been clearer, and it looks like you may have cropped a little close. Otherwise, super! |
06/13/2002 08:47:00 AM |
Awesome shot -- SO setup, but SO well done. |
06/13/2002 06:58:00 AM |
Awesome. Great image. An actual picture with some sort of meaning or story. You don't see that often on here, I'm afraid I'm not so good at it either. Did you cut the top of her head off on purpose? If so what was the reason? I kinda don't like it but I'm not marking you down for it. |
06/12/2002 11:47:00 PM |
I'm sure hoping this is a staged and not candid photo... |
06/12/2002 06:04:00 PM |
Great embodiment of the theme! |
06/12/2002 05:13:00 PM |
one of my fave pics in this challenge. tells a great story. very cute girl. the framing, exposure, composition all are right on. i hope you win. |
06/12/2002 12:21:00 PM |
Adorable idea. B&W works well for me here (heck pretty much always-lol). The only thing I might change would be to frame it so that the mountains in the background did not appear to cut off her head. |
06/12/2002 09:05:00 AM |
Perfect expression, wardrobe, and accessories. Wish I could read the 'd'. I like the B&W. Nitpick about cutting off a tiny bit of the head, and I wish those cars weren't there, as it seems to spoil the somewhat 'old Hollywood' feel of it. |
06/11/2002 10:07:00 PM |
This one is too cute! Great idea! Nice positioning, love the props, expression, and I think b/w is perfect! High score! |
06/11/2002 08:44:00 PM |
Nice B/W work, but I find the execution of the theme somewhat weak. Yes, it's cute, but to me it's obviously staged for the purpose of cuteness. |
06/11/2002 04:50:00 PM |
This is entirely too funny. I love the expression on her face. She looks totally bored/frustrated/annoyed. I really like the use of bw in this picture. Great job. This picture is one that I just want to keep coming back to look at. :-) |
06/11/2002 04:16:00 PM |
06/11/2002 04:12:00 PM |
I can't put my finger on what I like about this picture. Is it the little girl expression 'Mom don't make me pose for another picture again.' or Somebody please help me get ou'ta this place.' |
06/11/2002 10:16:00 AM |
nice shot, but you cropped it too close for my taste.. |
06/11/2002 12:14:00 AM |
creativety 8 Meet the challenge 10 Interesting 8 Focus 9 Framing 8= 8 |
06/10/2002 10:28:00 PM |
06/10/2002 08:40:00 PM |
I really like this one. It is original and well executed. The B&W works good here. Good job. |
06/10/2002 07:49:00 PM |
06/10/2002 05:34:00 PM |
Love the tones, creative, clever, great job. |
06/10/2002 04:50:00 PM |
06/10/2002 02:55:00 PM |
I was going to do something like this, but I could not get my 19month old to stand still |
06/10/2002 02:07:00 PM |
I love the picture. Please learn to shot B&W or use color. You must have both black and white you have neither just shades of gray. The wonderful composition looks dull flat and lifeless because of that. If it were a balck and white or a technicaly good color I'd Give it at least an 8. BTW B&W was a good choice for the historic feel it just needed to be done right. |
06/10/2002 12:22:00 PM | much did you have to pay her for this one?? |
06/10/2002 11:27:00 AM |
Her look on her face is so great ! Really cute shot. |
06/10/2002 09:34:00 AM |
Did you try taking any shots that look less posed? I do like this shot, though. My only technical complaint is that the girl's head is slightly cut off. |
06/10/2002 06:57:00 AM |
Nice shot! I think the cropping on the top and bottom is a little tight however... a little more breathing room there would be a nice improvement :) |
06/10/2002 05:07:00 AM |
I wonder if she'd actually make it. Hopefully R. Kelly wouldn't pick her up. Very creative. |
06/10/2002 02:32:00 AM |
Funny topic and fit this week's challenge too. And I like the sleepy and bored look of the little girl as well! Great Job! |
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