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Sunset over legoland
Sunset over legoland

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Shadows (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-S70
Location: My house
Date: Jun 16, 2002
Aperture: 1:6.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/8
Date Uploaded: Jun 16, 2002


Place: 85 out of 138
Avg (all users): 4.6452
Avg (commenters): 5.7143
Avg (participants): 4.6311
Avg (non-participants): 4.6579
Views since voting: 1115
Votes: 217
Comments: 19
Favorites: 1 (view)

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06/24/2002 01:32:00 PM
ouch my lowest score so far! Wich is strange as I quite liked this shot.

Just to answer a few of your questions:

Why B&W? I used the B&W version of this shot as I felt the red and yellow of the Lego man distracted from the shadow.

Why Lego? As a kid I loved Lego.

Where is the hat/hair? All my Lego men lost their hair I just preferred them without :)

Focus? I kinda liked the soft focus, but you peeps didn̢۪t so I̢۪ll keep that in mind next time.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/23/2002 10:17:00 PM
Simple, but effective. Check your focus, it doesnt seem to be on the lego man.. he's a bit blurry.
06/23/2002 09:51:00 PM
simple but impressive!
06/21/2002 05:29:00 PM
Lego is usually so colorful, why did you choose b&w?
06/21/2002 04:17:00 PM
We love legos in our household. I think this would have been nice in a color version too.
06/20/2002 02:21:00 PM
nice picture...
06/19/2002 12:08:00 PM
I'm reconsidering this one.....I had voted too low....and am moving your score higher now. Really a nice composition and use of light, it just didn't strike me as favorably on first viewing.
06/19/2002 11:28:00 AM
where his hat/hair? lol
06/18/2002 04:44:00 PM
Heheheh :-)
06/18/2002 05:37:00 AM
LEGO MAN!!! Sweet, i like it.
06/17/2002 10:22:00 PM
Gotta ask...what's the attraction for taking pictures of lego and other plastic people? I've seen several and though they're usually technically good (like this picture) the subject matter seems quite lacking to me. Why'd you choose this subject?
06/17/2002 07:54:00 PM
I can't say exactly why, but I kind of like this one. You did a good job with the composition and lighting. No blown out highlights and good overall exposure. The composition and angle of view work nicely here. I would prefer a bit sharper focus, maybe more post sharpening.
06/17/2002 06:48:00 PM
Pretty good shot. Try two things: Move your light source farther back, it will help make your shadows more distinct (clear edges) and if your camera has any zoom, move back and zoom in to your subject, it will increase your overall definition (make everything appear more clearly).
Photo 6 Creativity 5 Shadows 7 total 6
06/17/2002 05:14:00 PM
this is a very simple picture. i like the black and white, it makes it look more dramatic.
06/17/2002 03:27:00 PM
nice shadow... I am curious why you chose to convert this photo to black and white?
06/17/2002 03:25:00 PM
Made me laugh, well done. Focus is off the face, but not bad.
06/17/2002 02:46:00 PM
Very clean image
06/17/2002 02:36:00 PM
Need sharper focus on the lego.

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