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Breadwinner, mother of five
3rd PlaceBreadwinner, mother of five

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Mother (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di for Canon
Location: durban
Date: Dec 31, 2005
Aperture: f3/2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/100
Galleries: Candid, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Dec 30, 2005

all kinds of editing, to whole image.
[ran it thru draganizer, i'm not very good at it, mostly click to next.
dodge & burn. if the pic is too dark to start i lighten with levels.]
draganizer action

tutorial by joey here

wasnt gonna add "mother of five" then i thought some may think she's a he!

*thanks for the comments and votes*
another gentle spirit, street vendor, sells peanuts for a living.

Place: 3 out of 125
Avg (all users): 7.1824
Avg (commenters): 8.4340
Avg (participants): 7.2308
Avg (non-participants): 7.1651
Views since voting: 10987
Views during voting: 658
Votes: 296
Comments: 125
Favorites: 25 (view)

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07/18/2006 02:34:00 PM
I know i am late in saying this, but this photo should have won FIRST PLACE. What a wonderful shot!

it's too bad so many folk like fluff.
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01/14/2006 05:04:36 PM
Love this! Outstanding!
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01/12/2006 02:28:13 AM
Shot Les! She is lovely..........
Les M F
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01/11/2006 10:47:39 PM
I will also add that I felt this was best in challenge. WOW.

The fact that she sells peanuts for a living really hits home with me. I spoke with a vendor in TaiZhong last weekend who is a single mother of two high-school aged boys.

She was very strong, and you could see that she worked very hard. My friend talked to her for a little while and it was touching how she expressed her fears when she said that if she got sick and could not work, she would sit at home and cry all day. (there is no real social assistance in Taiwan and their education system is fiercely competitive and hierarchical)

This mother you have portrayed in Durban speaks a similar tale, yet hinging as it does on the sale of peanuts has a sharp potency to be something immensely powerful and touching.

Nice work. Nice choice.
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01/11/2006 09:52:01 PM
Congratulations. I knew this was yours you've done this style previously with success Well Done !
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01/11/2006 03:53:43 AM
Impressive shot, way to go!
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01/10/2006 11:18:17 PM
this is a fantastic portrait. I enjoy the original as well. they both have a lot of soul in them.
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01/10/2006 01:53:59 PM
i thought i recognized the dragan...you did well with it though, it just adds character to her skin. nicely done, doraletty!
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01/10/2006 08:31:35 AM
what is draganiser?
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01/09/2006 11:03:28 PM
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01/09/2006 09:11:49 PM
Stunning photograph, Congratulations on your ribbon. :)
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01/09/2006 06:13:16 PM
too much contrast on this one. But the face expression is really good!
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01/09/2006 05:48:26 PM
Very nice image. Congrats on the ribbon. Glad you changed the title - at first look I did think it was a man.

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01/09/2006 04:17:01 PM
Congrats on your ribbon. Very strong character, telling you a story, making you think.
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01/09/2006 04:11:10 PM
Simply awesome work, a truly compelling and mesmerizing image. I was sure this would beat my entry! I'm honored to be on the home page with you.

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01/09/2006 02:37:37 PM
Congratulations! Excellent portrait as usual. Was going to leave it at that except ... there's something abt her eyes (can't explain it)... I keep getting drawn back to them. Almost wish you had zoomed in. Mesmerizing!
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01/09/2006 02:13:41 PM
hey rob, will you teach me how to half dragan, have no idea ;-)
01/09/2006 02:03:36 PM
Congratulations, Les! Following up on my earlier comment, I see it was draganized. I wonder if about half that much dragan might be more optimal? Wonderful shot regardless, of course.
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01/09/2006 01:00:26 PM
Congratulations Les. Best image in the challenge, damn fine one, according to me :)
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01/09/2006 12:53:05 PM
Great to see this in the winners circle. It's a fine portrait with such character in her face.
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01/09/2006 12:52:03 PM
Congrats on your Les.
Amazing warm & emotional portrait of reality!
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01/09/2006 12:23:52 PM
Congratulations on a great finish Lesley- This is an awsome portrait!
I am soooooooooooooooo happy it ribboned!
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01/09/2006 12:05:35 PM
smoothly my number one ;-)
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01/09/2006 10:58:59 AM
Blue quality, not yellow. Congrats, Lesley.
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01/09/2006 10:52:59 AM
gorgeous job leslie, congrats on another win!
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01/09/2006 10:27:17 AM
Greta capture how ever I think the imaged is over sharpened and that makes it look funny
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01/09/2006 10:14:48 AM
Originally posted by goodman:

original if anyone is interested

Good original :) No wonder you milked something nice out of it.
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01/09/2006 10:12:25 AM
Congrats on another wonderful shot and ribbon.
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01/09/2006 08:30:56 AM
Just beautiful. Congrats!
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01/09/2006 07:34:54 AM
Lesley, as soon as I saw this, I thought it might be yours. It looks like your wonderful style that I love so much!! I'm so glad it won a ribbon. I just love it! Someday, I want to take picture like this (when I grow up :)

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01/09/2006 06:49:54 AM
A graphic and hard hitting image which thoroughly deserves the ribbon.
Great work as always.
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01/09/2006 06:29:01 AM
Many, many congrats! Happy to see you in the front page! :)
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01/09/2006 05:41:55 AM
congrats lesley... another beauty...:):)
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01/09/2006 05:31:51 AM
Congrats Lesley. Good work.
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01/09/2006 05:25:29 AM
Congrats! So glad to see this ribbon. Just a truly amazing image on many levels IMO. Very well done :-)
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01/09/2006 05:16:52 AM
what have you done to the original picture !!! they are realy diffrent?
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01/09/2006 03:58:33 AM
there you go...another super portrait of africa!
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01/09/2006 02:30:51 AM
well done cuz....
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01/09/2006 02:15:11 AM
So much character in this face, well done.
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01/09/2006 02:06:25 AM
Very nice. You deserved the ribbon
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01/09/2006 01:43:04 AM
congratulations on 3rd. i still rate it a 10!
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01/09/2006 01:41:13 AM
A signature Lesley Goodman portrait. How do you get their eyes to speak? Wonderfull shot!
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01/09/2006 01:39:04 AM
original if anyone is interested
01/09/2006 01:36:43 AM
... beautiful.
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01/09/2006 01:33:11 AM
I was hoping this would be in the top 5, sure glad to see this is the case! Timeworn faces like this always grab me.
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01/09/2006 01:06:45 AM
Truly great photograph. I love the character the photo brings out. The wrinkles, eyes, and smile tell a lifetime's story. Commendable!
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01/09/2006 12:55:43 AM
So, so pleased you got a much deserved ribbon..... So well done.
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01/09/2006 12:42:39 AM
nice one, cuz...
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01/09/2006 12:39:00 AM
Congrats on your ribbon. This is my favorite of the challenge.
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01/09/2006 12:34:03 AM
You have been robbed Doris ;-)

Can everyone have a mango now?
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01/09/2006 12:31:48 AM
what a beautiful shot...and a beautiful mother. congrats, les! excellent work, as always!
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01/09/2006 12:29:38 AM
Hey Leslie: I knew this to be yours and what a character study. Congratulations on your YELLOW!
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01/09/2006 12:23:53 AM
Originally posted by Joey Lawrence:

wooohoo doris
??? Oh well....WooHooo from me too, Doris!
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01/09/2006 12:18:34 AM
Many congratulations on another beautiful, beautiful shot.
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01/09/2006 12:14:08 AM
I love this shot! Congratulations!
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01/09/2006 12:11:36 AM
Go lesley! happy new year!
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01/09/2006 12:10:59 AM
This deserved the blue hands down. Love this so much!!!
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01/09/2006 12:10:26 AM
sweet work, les. gratz!!
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01/09/2006 12:04:20 AM
wooohoo doris
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/08/2006 11:11:50 PM
What a truly majestic pressence... congrats on a great capture... :)
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01/08/2006 05:00:46 PM
Beautiful tones in this shot.
good luck

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01/08/2006 01:11:04 PM
A deeply piercing image that relays a high sense of character and quiet pride. Bumping up. This haunting image brings me back for yet another bump!
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01/08/2006 12:40:53 PM
Just cannot stop looking at this one. It is so well done. The great character of the face, the wisdom and history that is so evident and the absolute joy that emminents in the sparkle of the eyes. Superb.
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01/08/2006 10:36:27 AM
What a beautiful capture. Just a bit of a smile and a twinkle in her eye.
Mom has probably seen a lot of hardships but she can still stop and offer love and warmth. Exceelent job !!
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01/08/2006 09:13:57 AM
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01/08/2006 02:32:54 AM
I'm torn on this one - a very powerful photograph and message, but the obvious sharpening makes it seem unnatural. However, sharpening of this sort is accepted well at DPC, so I wouldnt be surprised if this ribbons.
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01/07/2006 09:51:55 PM
this is probably going to be a winner...
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01/07/2006 09:21:34 PM
I was looking for one dead on portrait when I came to this challenge and this would have to be one of the few. I had a preconceived notion of what a portrait of a mother would look like. This will score strong from me.
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01/07/2006 05:39:12 AM
Remarkable portrait ... she looks like a fine bronze sculpture! This is a particularly interesting image in challenge terms. On the face of it (pardon the pun), there's nothing about it to explicitly say "mother". And yet, when you look at that face, those beautiful eyes, and the air of quiet, unflappable dignity, she really can be nothing else BUT a mother. The kind of mother with the strength and patience to be a breadwinner for a family of five children. It was a bold decision to show us a mother who is not doing any overt, unequivocal "mothering" in the picture - I suppose some voters may be unable to cope with that level of subtlety. But even so, the outstanding quality of the photograph should still see you on the front page of the results. 9.
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01/06/2006 11:27:42 PM
LOVE This! She is beautiful, and this is a beautiful portrait.
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01/06/2006 06:50:12 PM
I absolutely love this. What character and wisdom this woman must have. I wish I could meet and talk with her. Good luck!
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01/06/2006 11:18:55 AM
brilliant, looks like goodman´s work, a ribbon perhaps?
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01/06/2006 11:03:05 AM
Stunning photo, hope you win! :)
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01/06/2006 07:49:42 AM
Excellent study
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01/06/2006 05:58:37 AM
In many ways this is my favorite in the challenge, but it feels a little too harsh and edgy, possibly oversharpening but more likely a combination of other effects. It gets a high score from me, but it's IMO not quite what it could be.
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01/06/2006 03:07:19 AM
I love it...
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01/06/2006 02:27:16 AM
Ugogo Omhule!
Humbling. Beautiful. Perfect.
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01/06/2006 02:05:35 AM
will probably ribbon! nicely done! really nicely done actually!!! such detail in the face! 10
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01/06/2006 01:31:11 AM
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01/06/2006 12:09:41 AM
Amazing character study.
If time-worn skin has many stories to be told, this is a novel!
She looks happy, content, pleasing to be around.
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01/05/2006 07:57:39 PM
wow... powerful portrait.
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01/05/2006 07:26:19 PM
I think I get what you were going for here. I like the idea of grundge, but I think for a mother shot it may not be the best thing. I think of mothers as soft but strong and she has such wonderfully wisdom filled wrinkles that I think either leaving it the original color or making it b/w or even sepia without the grundge might have worked better here.
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01/05/2006 06:00:24 PM
Love the subject. Criticism: I feel like if the original picture is not sharp and too much USM has been used or some filters like poster edges...
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01/05/2006 03:47:36 PM
This...is beauty
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01/05/2006 03:18:26 PM
7- This photo has the feel of a painting or a cross between a photo and a paiting. I like it. good luck
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01/04/2006 10:56:28 PM
Powerful Image. Very earthy.
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01/04/2006 10:11:06 PM
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01/04/2006 10:02:31 PM
Wonderful portrait.
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01/04/2006 06:31:38 PM
WOW!!! Absolutely stunning shot. The personality and character of the model really reach out of the frame to the viewer. Outstanding capture and perfect processing. Congratulations. I'm sure I'll be seeing this on the front page... 10
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01/04/2006 03:19:39 PM
beautiful shot
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01/04/2006 10:23:01 AM
great portrait
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01/03/2006 09:54:04 PM
Composition is ok. The subject matter could have been better. The image quality is ok. Could have been a little more creative. - 5
01/03/2006 09:37:09 PM
Love the detail here. Really gives a feel for the inner person here. A strong woman with lots of love. Nice dipiction. Bumping this up.
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01/03/2006 09:12:52 PM
Excellent shot. I like it a lot.
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01/03/2006 08:46:18 PM
I love the color and the capture of the lines in this face.
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01/03/2006 08:26:30 PM
The mother of all mothers... this photo speaks to me at an extremely basic and primitive level. The eyes speak volumes, wonderful photo!
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01/03/2006 05:00:46 PM
Fantastic picture. There is a quiet stength about her, from her eyes. Wonderful!
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01/03/2006 01:12:38 PM
At first the face seems so sad - but look closer, she is smiling!
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01/03/2006 12:33:38 PM
Great real-life portrait. Weatherworn people always make interesting portraits, and this lady is no exception. I'd have to see the original, but I wonder about cropping a little less tight so we see a tiny bit of her left shoulder. It looks slightly odd this way. 7
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01/03/2006 10:52:07 AM
Beautiful...wondering if it's an rgo portrait...such depth and emotion. :)
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01/03/2006 09:50:28 AM
Wow.. she must have so many stories.
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01/03/2006 07:11:59 AM
Age has no boundries, and the love in this image is so strong. Her eyes sparkle , each and every wrinkle is etched with love, a very moving and powerful image here, and another one that so deserves a ribbon...... So, so good.
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01/03/2006 05:41:35 AM
I love it.
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01/03/2006 12:51:56 AM
Forgive me for modifying your beautiful image, but I had to make one little suggestion. See image below. Otherwise, I think it's a lovely photograph that is just perfect.

Message edited by author 2006-01-09 16:10:02.
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01/03/2006 12:44:21 AM
doris is briliant
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01/03/2006 12:38:23 AM
Absolutely superb, in every single sense. I just can't fault it.
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01/02/2006 11:46:47 PM
amazing details! well done!
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01/02/2006 11:24:25 PM
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01/02/2006 10:41:26 PM
Youve captured her, Ill put it texture, incredibly. Framing is right on and her expression fits the title. Nice job
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01/02/2006 10:06:50 PM
Stunning portrait... I love the desaturated background and the direct look into the camera. 10.
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01/02/2006 09:09:38 PM
The years of wisdom and hard work are very evident on her face and you did a wonderful job capturing this. I think this is one of the top finishers!
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01/02/2006 06:59:01 PM
WOW!!! This just went straight to my favorites folder! It is so powerful! I would love to see this a ribbon winner! Good luck! 10
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01/02/2006 06:02:29 PM
wonderful! should get a ribbon
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01/02/2006 05:59:08 PM
Great texture in the face!
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01/02/2006 05:47:11 PM
Awesome, but a LITTLE too much PP for MY tastes. 9 anyway :)
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01/02/2006 05:46:37 PM
Is this Joey Lawrence? If not...it reminds me of him. It's a stunning capture, and a beautiful take on motherhood- something beyond the romanticism usually associated with them.
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01/02/2006 04:50:21 PM
If this is not a Goodman ya sure have grasped her style!
Lovely portrait, shows so much about the strength of this woman
I will definetly be looking up at this shot on the leader board
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01/02/2006 02:43:52 PM
Wow this is great! Such charecter in that face! So well composed. 10 Good luck!
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01/02/2006 01:11:28 PM
great portrait, doesn't convey the "motherly" feelilng... just a portrait (wonderfuly executed) but not exactly a "mother" shot. I think you should have saved this one for best of 2005 challenge
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01/02/2006 12:58:45 PM
Nice, I'm guessing you have used the craganizer action on this. It works very well.
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01/02/2006 02:08:20 AM
just worlds above the rest. i wonder what it would look like if the background weren't so similar in color to her face. still, a 10 for me.
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01/02/2006 01:08:39 AM
This looks like a goodman shot. Just amazing.
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01/02/2006 12:44:56 AM
great shot
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01/02/2006 12:42:16 AM
RIGHT ON!!! This is absolutely fabulous. If this doesn't win the blue, then I'm going to really be mad. Just lovely. The DOF and the warm brown tones. Great clarity - her eyes! The entire image is beautiful. Needs to be on the cover of National Geographic. BRAVO (clap clap clap) 10 10 10 10
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01/02/2006 12:41:43 AM
Is this a goodman? Great photo.
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