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Scrambled egg
Scrambled egg

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Recipe (Food) II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: In my studio, Oman
Date: Jan 9, 2006
Aperture: f4.5
ISO: 400
Shutter: 2.3 sec (Irrelevant)
Galleries: Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Jan 10, 2006

I shot this on a D70 with an SB800 flash through some tracing paper. The synchronising of the hammer and the flash was done with some string, a clothes peg and so 2-core cable

Place: 18 out of 110
Avg (all users): 6.1888
Avg (commenters): 7.0294
Avg (participants): 5.3281
Avg (non-participants): 6.3891
Views since voting: 1743
Views during voting: 697
Votes: 339
Comments: 39
Favorites: 3 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/17/2006 08:35:18 PM
Great action shot. How did you get the egg to stand up like that? Did you actually "Prepare 1 or more dishes from a recipe" for this shot?
01/17/2006 05:56:08 PM
i cannot help but wonder how many times you had to do this before you got the right shot? regardless, it looks amazing!
01/17/2006 05:05:07 PM
wow - nice capture - how many takes did this take? good job :)
01/17/2006 03:52:01 PM
extremely cool! Definte ribbon....10 how many eggs had to die for this shot?
01/17/2006 01:58:24 PM
Wicked capture! I bet you had fun doing this, Kudos for trying something different, it really stands out from the crowd
01/17/2006 11:56:04 AM
Amazing photo. You captured the hammer hitting the egg at the perfect instant.
01/16/2006 10:35:36 PM
great action shot. and a cleaver way to crack open the eggs. Well done. How many eggs did you have to crack to get this shot and who was lucky enought to do the cleanup
01/16/2006 07:05:11 PM
Very nice stop action capture. Fun way to make scrambled eggs. Lighting is decent and crop is fine if just a tad bit cramped at the top.
01/16/2006 03:24:19 PM
Image lacks a bit contrast for my taste.
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01/15/2006 09:23:49 PM
Interesting interpretation!
01/15/2006 11:04:42 AM
Nice picture, Great capture. Love the splash and the focus is dead on. Not the typical way to make scrambled eggs...good idea.
01/14/2006 11:16:50 PM
Fun and decadent! Great capture.
01/14/2006 10:58:14 PM
So funny, so good, so origional..... This one is a super image.......
01/14/2006 02:09:53 PM
OK. Normally I am not a strict interpreter of the challenge descriptions but in this case I have to take off points for your entry which to me is not a recipe but an excellent stop motion. I do this because your entry could easily have been saved for a more appropriate competition. It is not time sensitive as you could have produced it at any time. It is a great photo nonetheless but I just don't think that special effects (without a recipe) should win this one. 5
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01/14/2006 08:37:53 AM
Funny - a good yolk.
Excellent clarity, only tiny niggle is light from right is a fraction strong. Still scores highly
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01/13/2006 11:50:51 PM
Doesn't seem to fit the challenge to me, but a nice shot regardless.
01/13/2006 07:10:43 PM
This is a winning shot! I hope you didn't have to scramble too many eggs to get this shot. What is holding up the egg before it gets hammered?
01/13/2006 03:35:18 PM
How many eggs had to die to get that photograph? Very humourous & excellant timing
01/13/2006 03:29:48 PM
While this is a very cool shot I don't see how it is appropriate for this challenge.

Challenge Description: Prepare 1 or more dishes from a recipe. Photograph before, during or after and use that as your submission. You should put the recipe in the details section of the submission.

What are you preparing? Can you eat it?
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01/12/2006 07:20:18 PM
nice matching of colors... i wouldnt show the edge though, its kinda distracting and the dof is kinda shallow... but i love th action capture...
01/12/2006 06:38:47 PM
Creative and dynamic! Not sure about the framing, though.
01/12/2006 05:14:15 PM
clever, very clever
01/12/2006 01:48:04 PM
Crikey what stop motion!
01/12/2006 12:46:16 PM
Brilliant Timing and execution. How many eggs did you have to break.
01/12/2006 01:37:59 AM
Beutiful and excellent timely shot. Regaards,
01/12/2006 12:22:54 AM
Great shot!
01/11/2006 04:10:33 PM
Very unique. I'm impressed
01/11/2006 02:46:14 PM
If this is how you cook I don't want to eat it! :)
01/11/2006 01:43:58 PM
01/11/2006 01:16:29 PM
good idea... a 10 is comming up
01/11/2006 11:17:24 AM
Fantastic shot (how many tried did it take?) but not really for this challenge since that is the wrong way to scramble an egg.
01/11/2006 07:31:54 AM
messy.. very original, i hope the hammer is clean.
01/11/2006 04:53:36 AM
Somebody's been havin fun. But I dont like the appeal of such cooking method. Though giving thumbs up for creativity.
01/11/2006 03:50:21 AM
well done! I really like this a lot. one of the best in this challenge
01/11/2006 02:29:53 AM
I'll pass on breakfast at your house. Great shot though the dirty hammer is distracting.
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01/11/2006 01:48:35 AM
Ouch! Looking at the slab, this wasn't your first attempt. :-) Nice take on the challenge. Good luck.
01/11/2006 01:47:46 AM
I'll have two please
01/11/2006 12:28:10 AM
This isn't the pun challenge if I remember right, you missed that one...
01/11/2006 12:20:31 AM
nice action shot! but doesn't the shells in the scrambled eggs taste bad???

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