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Recipe for Success or College Cuisine
Recipe for Success or College Cuisine

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Recipe (Food) II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 8700
Location: Mobile, AL
Date: Jan 10, 2006
Aperture: f/6 I believe
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Humorous, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Jan 10, 2006

*** After the Challenge***
I expected this photo would do either really well, based on the creative look at the challenge OR do poorly just because of the DNMC votes. Either way, I'm glad quite few of you found it funny.

Shot last day, because I had been having severe photog's block on the challenges this week.

Decided to shoot in RAW, just so I'd take more time with composition and aranging of the items. Did about 30 exposures to get this one.

Lit with halogen work lamps and aluminum foil reflectors.

The Recipe (to satisfy challenge description)
1. Boil two cups of water in saucepan, add noodles and cook three minutes, stirring occasionally.
2. Turn off heat, add contents of seasoning package and stir.
3. Serve immediately for best results. Makes two 8oz servings.

Post Process:
Convert from Raw
Curves to Black
Brightness +5 Contrast +5
Saturation +10
Save as JPEG

Place: 84 out of 110
Avg (all users): 5.0273
Avg (commenters): 6.6250
Avg (participants): 4.6190
Avg (non-participants): 5.1236
Views since voting: 1465
Views during voting: 430
Votes: 330
Comments: 29
Favorites: 0

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05/02/2006 12:05:56 PM
I love it!
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02/11/2006 01:35:18 AM
This is great. It is so true. I'm studying lighting right now, and the first thing I notice about this photo is how evenly lit it is. And for the subject, that is perfect. Nice work.
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01/18/2006 01:30:59 AM
[ I]::: Critique Club :::[/i] ladyhawk22

First Impression - the most important one: This photo made me laugh!! Anyone who's gone to college definitely gets a kick out of this one!! It's so true!

Composition: Composition and creativity are certainly a plus on this photo. I like how you used the books for a backdrop and the notebook as the base. Makes the scene!

Subject: Again, when I saw this photo I thought it was hysterical! And certainly creative. There may have been some voters who would have preferred to see it as a prepared dish, as opposed to still being in the packaging.

Technical (Colour, focus, and light): Lighting and colors look good! And focus is good too, though I would be curious to see it at a shallower depth of field, to slightly blur the titles in the background.

To grow its vote?: I think to grow its vote, I would have showed a bowl/plate of some prepared as well as the packaging. Most people probably expected to see food, rather than packaging. But the colors and other technical aspects look pretty good to me!

Summary: Kudos for a very creative idea that certainly gave many many people a smile :-)
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01/18/2006 12:32:21 AM
I should have known it was you. All I remember thinking when I saw this was "who the hell made up this shot!? Freaking crazy, but a good laugh. Oh! My friend is reading that book (War and Peace)!" So just to tell you, I gave a 6. I'd say the composition is pretty good though. Somehow, I thought you could have added more to it, maybe it's just me being silly. The lighting is alright, but it gets a bit too dark towards the top. Maybe that was your intention to highlight the instant noodles. It's not as appealing so it's probably why I gave it that score.
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01/18/2006 12:23:09 AM
Damn Leroy! this made me laugh and brought back some "salty" memories!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/17/2006 06:03:18 PM
this is painfully true.
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01/17/2006 05:48:53 PM
One of my girls favorite food. Sometimes they perfer not even to cook the noodles. Is that how you plan on eating them here. Nice photo. good focus and lighting.
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01/17/2006 05:34:18 PM
clever - certainly doesn't look like much effort went into this after viewing all the other entries - clever none the less :)
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01/17/2006 12:08:43 PM
Image technical quality is excellent and the arrangement is fine but some reviewers will find the connection to "recipe" understandable but weak. Reminds me very much of college. :)
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01/17/2006 01:37:51 AM
OMG! That was the main staple food for me along with Spagetti O's! Love it!
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01/16/2006 05:33:04 PM
Good idea and nice color
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01/15/2006 10:40:10 AM
Fantastic colors, great focus, and original thought. Very well done. Only thing that is a very MINOR distraction is the slight glare on the noodle package by the R in Ramen -8
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01/14/2006 11:10:59 PM
But you have to cook them in beer.
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01/14/2006 11:07:24 PM
Looks like your pre-med. You should know those ramen noodles have too much salt! LOL.
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01/14/2006 10:50:13 PM
great image.....
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01/14/2006 07:50:23 PM
lost on me - sorry
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01/14/2006 07:38:33 PM
I feel ya man. Or dorritos for dinner.
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01/14/2006 08:33:58 AM
Nice clear image with good lighting, focus etc.
Downside is that it only whispers recipe(food) very faintly.
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01/13/2006 11:44:14 PM
A recipe I can identify with all to well. Nicely done.
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01/12/2006 01:55:14 PM
clever stretch on the challenge
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01/12/2006 06:34:56 AM
Brings back memories... wait I still eat them!
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01/11/2006 09:36:13 PM
Hehehehe! College years. Great memories! Thanks!
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01/11/2006 05:55:53 PM
Nice spin on the theme. Extra points for originality.
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01/11/2006 04:30:26 PM
clever, imaginative
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01/11/2006 04:09:04 PM
lol, I love this picture & the title completes it - 9
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01/11/2006 01:26:47 PM
funny and true
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01/11/2006 01:38:21 AM
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01/11/2006 01:10:37 AM
nice! i like this.
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01/11/2006 12:17:30 AM
HAHAH, looks like my life, and I don't even love on a college campus....great shot...great use of space.
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