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Moon Light
Moon Light

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2005 (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Milford Sound, NZ
Date: Jan 13, 2006
Galleries: Landscape
Date Uploaded: Jan 13, 2006


Place: 272 out of 833
Avg (all users): 5.9591
Avg (commenters): 6.3200
Avg (participants): 5.8393
Avg (non-participants): 6.5063
Views since voting: 1116
Views during voting: 685
Votes: 440
Comments: 31
Favorites: 3 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/31/2006 11:43:54 AM
nice clean image - one of my favorites - nice work :)
01/29/2006 10:15:59 PM
Great picture!
01/29/2006 08:54:41 AM
The light effect is interesting. It bothers me that the horizon is completely off level.
01/28/2006 07:32:22 PM
Amazing, looks more like sunlight then moonlight.
01/27/2006 11:47:41 AM
I like this photo alot. The coloring is wonderful... but your "Moon" seems to closely resemble the sun.

Nice image regaurdless of the title.
01/27/2006 07:00:46 AM
Nice capture of the sun's rays but wish the photo didn't look like it was tilted by mistake.
01/26/2006 01:47:47 PM
Lovely capture. This really has worked well. Bumping ip.
01/26/2006 11:33:52 AM
There's no way that's moon light. I don't see any motion in the water. Great image regardless. - 8
01/26/2006 08:03:43 AM
Smooth, pleasing, peacefull image.....
01/22/2006 05:08:03 PM
If this is moonlight then...

b&w need help, good color, nice texture, presumeing long exposure??, nice dof, sharp, nice movement, overall an interesting pix
01/21/2006 03:26:01 PM
bit much tilt to right
01/20/2006 05:20:12 PM
If your intention was to turn day to night, it's not entirely effective.
01/20/2006 02:31:32 AM
It may be an optical illusion, but the horizon seems to be tilted towards the left. Too bad, because the picture has a very nice feel, and the sky is lovely.
01/19/2006 09:22:01 PM
Beautiful capture...may have straightened the horizon on the water a little.
01/19/2006 09:01:01 PM
Great image. Great job.
01/19/2006 06:32:26 PM
This is a very nice shot. I like the composition and the colour of the sky. I really wish you had taken the time to rotate the photo to make the water line appear level. JMO
01/19/2006 05:09:44 PM
good shot. too bad we see your (?) reflection in the window of the train (?)
01/19/2006 04:19:43 PM
Looks more like a sunshine to me but this is a nice image.
01/18/2006 01:47:14 AM
10 from me...good luck!
01/17/2006 10:52:53 PM
Is that really the moon? Surely not, because it would have to be a long exposure and there are detailed waves in the water... but I could be wrong :P
01/17/2006 08:06:52 PM
Haha, hardly, that would be the sun unless I am seriously mistaken, I have never seen blue skies at night and the skies would have motion blur if this was taken at night. You liar :D (oh and just so you take no offense, I am sleep deprived right now and of course I am kidding)
01/17/2006 08:01:10 PM
Very nice,
Great color and depth of field with the hazy mtns in the far back ground.
Were you able to produce that effect in the camera settings or did you have to play with it after.
01/17/2006 10:35:47 AM
Reminds me of Heaven. Absolutely beautiful.
01/17/2006 09:16:05 AM
Run to the light Carol Ann!!

Moon light? I hope to remember to read on this one later. I assume its Alaska or the such. Either way, great color in the sky and light reflections from the water.
01/17/2006 04:10:19 AM
Hmmm ... I'm going to go ahead and say I highly doubt this is moonlight - the length of exposure you would have needed to get the sky that brightin a dark environment would have resulted in a smoother looking lake... that said, it's still a very good shot - one you should be proud of.
01/17/2006 03:11:50 AM
yeah, that's pretty clearly the sun. why did you title it Moon Light?
01/17/2006 01:26:21 AM
Nice capture of the sun. Not sure if that radiated like that or if it was PP'd but I like it. The textures and reflection of the water lead me to believe this was natural. Either ay - it is eye catching. Looking more closeyl - the sky seems a bit dark along the very top, perhaps a little too heavy gradient was added. Nice wall hanging image though.
01/16/2006 05:25:13 PM
Straighten the horizon! Feels like all the water is going to drain off the left side of the photo. Otherwise a cool, dreamy shot.
01/16/2006 02:51:55 PM
Very Nice. Love the sunburst sun
01/16/2006 12:46:41 PM
Looks more like sunlight with a filter! The river/lake level is tipped noticeably. Still, the photo gives a peaceful sense, and has lovely composition. All the best.
01/16/2006 12:06:37 PM
I love this photo, but the crooked horizon spoils it.

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