Author | Thread |
06/05/2006 08:02:54 PM |
uha, what an amazing picture... Love the colors and.... just all of it... |
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04/29/2006 05:23:48 PM |
I dont think it has anything to do with luck. Amazing shot. |
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02/15/2006 02:15:09 PM |
Great job on this one Rikki. Love the colors and the sharpness in the details! |
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02/14/2006 10:37:49 PM |
Congrats Rikki. That is just amazing.....colors are superb.
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02/10/2006 06:19:56 PM |
Greetings from the UK
This is my first time here, having just found the site. Just had to comment on your picture Lemon Drop. SUPERB! |
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02/10/2006 06:24:21 AM |
Congratulatoin Rikki, well done and deserved!! |
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02/09/2006 07:34:57 PM |
Wow! Just saw the front page and this is incredible! Congrats. Two blue ribbons in two weeks. Got to save some for us :) |
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02/09/2006 10:36:07 AM |
Congrats Rikki! I'm so happy for you! :) |
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02/09/2006 10:04:33 AM |
Rikki - talk about a roll! Damn dude! WTG!!! Congrats & what are you gonna do for your next trick?!? ;-)
Great image. Beautiful job and well-deserved ribbon. Love the colors. |
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02/08/2006 11:24:12 PM |
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02/08/2006 08:51:34 PM |
Very nice!!!! Congratulations, keep up the great work! |
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02/08/2006 07:25:13 PM |
Maybe I should start loading my camera with dust too!! LOL!
I gave it a 10. Great Job Rikki!!! |
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02/08/2006 06:58:04 PM |
MAN!!!! This is so deep and crisp that it almost hurts my eyes. ROCK ON! |
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02/08/2006 06:55:43 PM |
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02/08/2006 04:02:49 PM |
Awesome Rikki! 5 1's? I just can't believe it. Did you set this up against your monitor? The colors are so vibrant! Congrats ...again!!! :0) |
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02/08/2006 02:59:15 PM |
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02/08/2006 02:50:29 PM |
Fantastic image Congrats on your Blue |
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02/08/2006 01:50:01 PM |
Congrats on the ribbon! I loved this image. |
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02/08/2006 11:46:11 AM |
Awesome image! |
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02/08/2006 10:15:14 AM |
You Dawg! Stealing all the ribbons!
Congrats. Fantastic image. |
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02/08/2006 08:43:38 AM |
Rikki, that's enough, give it a rest d00d!!!
Awesome shot, congrats on another Blue, holy smokes! |
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02/08/2006 08:29:19 AM |
You planning to break the blue record this year?!!! :) You really are on the roll and rightly so with this gorgeous Blue. Congrats Rikki! |
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02/08/2006 08:04:24 AM |
very very nice (and my guess for blue as well)
but whats the background ? |
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02/08/2006 07:50:12 AM |
Rolling Rolling Rolling.. keep those ribbons rolling, keep them ribbons rolling Ri-kki. |
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02/08/2006 07:26:38 AM |
WOW!!! Way to go Mr Ribbon!!!!!! Major league congrats ... now give the rest of us a chance ;)
WTG! |
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02/08/2006 07:05:06 AM |
Rikki!!! Another one??? You go boy. :) Congrats on your blue in the blue. |
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02/08/2006 06:09:59 AM |
Great shot ! How did you do this ? Congrats on your ribbon ! |
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02/08/2006 05:23:44 AM |
Arrgghh...Not him again, Somebody lock him back up in the broom cupboard :) A brilliantly executed shot. Well done and congrats. |
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02/08/2006 04:56:03 AM |
i wish you score a blue in next challenge also, might break some sort of continous blues record. Hope it happens.
Message edited by author 2006-02-08 04:56:31. |
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02/08/2006 04:25:23 AM |
Super shot Rikki, you're on a roll now! |
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02/08/2006 04:23:14 AM |
Congratulations on your Blue! |
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02/08/2006 04:10:55 AM |
No trolls (or 17 of them)! Great image I can't understand how somebody can vote such a picture less then 4. I can't understand.
Well done, my friend. |
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02/08/2006 03:11:45 AM |
seriously rikki, u have to explain in DETAIL.. how u did this?? |
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02/08/2006 02:58:28 AM |
Well, you did it again, Rikki! Congratulations.
Wow, you created and then photographed fractals. Please give us more of the details on this one.
Alice |
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02/08/2006 02:38:36 AM |
Congratulations, amazing picture.
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02/08/2006 02:18:18 AM |
exquisite shot! congratulations!
Enquiring minds do want to know, though, to borrow the phrasing of a previous poster: "what are the orbs?"
???? I must know! :-)
Again, congrats. A very worthy image. |
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02/08/2006 02:12:38 AM |
Way to go Rikki, this one was among my favourites! Are you going for the 50 ribbons instead of 5 this year? ;-) I am very curious how you did the fractal-like lemon drops, if you could write a short description, I would be very thankful. Pretty please. |
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02/08/2006 01:57:31 AM |
Amazing. I didn't get to vote in blue, but this is amazing. Congratulations. |
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02/08/2006 01:39:30 AM |
Congratulations Rikki, you are on a roll my friend. This is your best picture yet, awesome capture. |
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02/08/2006 01:23:54 AM |
Well earned ribbon!!!! |
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02/08/2006 01:12:21 AM |
Your on a roll man. Really good work. |
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02/08/2006 01:06:37 AM |
Rikki, you are a photo God! I want your autograph! Congrats on a truly cool image! |
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02/08/2006 01:06:35 AM |
blue in blue and well deserved. but share some ribbons with the rest of the class, geez... :) ps. maybe you should think about setting your goal for 7+ on all entries. 6 is obviously too easy for you. I haven't had a 7 in a long time. Those were the good ol' days. :)
Message edited by author 2006-02-08 01:08:12. |
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02/08/2006 12:56:08 AM |
Don't understand the 5 ones. Crazy.
This is awesome. Like the colors and patterns.
Congrats kabayan. Proud of you. |
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02/08/2006 12:51:52 AM |
Originally posted by scalvert: Congrats on ANOTHER blue! This is where I say I told you so, I told you so, I told you so... *ahem*
November 21st: "Your challenge entries and portfolio point to future ribbon hog. Just trying to beat the crowd" ;-P |
I still keep this PMed message Shannon. Thank you for the vote of confidence. In fact thanks to everyone ;) |
02/08/2006 12:50:32 AM |
congrats you little brat! :) |
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02/08/2006 12:48:42 AM |
Can't stay off the front page, eh? Congrats! |
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02/08/2006 12:44:26 AM |
Congrats on ANOTHER blue! This is where I say I told you so, I told you so, I told you so... *ahem*
November 21st: "Your challenge entries and portfolio point to future ribbon hog. Just trying to beat the crowd" ;-P |
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02/08/2006 12:35:30 AM |
Congratulations, much deserved Blue Ribbon! My favorite in this competition, a 10 all the way. |
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02/08/2006 12:34:37 AM |
A roll indeed, Rikki! Many congrats on your blue for blue! |
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02/08/2006 12:33:25 AM |
You took this in your BEDROOM, "WOW" that amazing.....
Originally posted by sherpet: "YES"..... You did it again, so, so, deserved..... "CONGRATULATIONS", as I am so PROUD of You. You really "ROCK" mate, "WOW" 54/10's, super dooper.....This one is now in "MY FAVORITES" along with some of your other great images..... |
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02/08/2006 12:29:02 AM |
Congrats Rikki - very well deserved blue |
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02/08/2006 12:28:55 AM |
"YES"..... You did it again, so, so, deserved..... "CONGRATULATIONS", as I am so PROUD of You. You really "ROCK" mate, "WOW" 54/10's, super dooper.....This one is now in "MY FAVORITES" along with some of your other great images..... |
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02/08/2006 12:26:20 AM |
WTG Rikki!!!! Awesome work and big time Congrats to you!! |
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02/08/2006 12:22:28 AM |
Whoa! You're on a roll! Congratulations!!!! |
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02/08/2006 12:21:02 AM |
i dont like you any more :p |
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02/08/2006 12:20:04 AM |
seriously Rikki, what's your secret??? |
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02/08/2006 12:19:35 AM |
I am never going to hear the end of this...congrats big guy! |
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02/08/2006 12:18:47 AM |
Another one! And this time Ten's DID dominate the voting - amazing. Nice job on yet another ribbon, Rikki, with this amazing photo. |
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02/08/2006 12:18:29 AM |
This is not a good habit for the rest of us. |
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02/08/2006 12:16:49 AM |
You've become unstoppable! Congratulations! |
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02/08/2006 12:16:05 AM |
Your crazy man....becoming a star here on DPC... |
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02/08/2006 12:16:04 AM |
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02/08/2006 12:15:27 AM |
Hey Rikki: don't lose that number! You are riding a good wave and you have my warmest congratulations. Quite an impressive wall hanger and a great conversational piece.
Congratulations on your BLUE! |
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02/08/2006 12:15:18 AM |
Congrats again, Rikki! BTW, I just called your work and told them that you quit to become a full-time photographer. Hope you don't mind. :-) |
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02/08/2006 12:12:19 AM |
Damn you dude! Your on Fire! Great shot!
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02/08/2006 12:11:56 AM |
good christ man, you're on an amazing roll here! congratulations on your third consecutive ribbon!! |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
02/06/2006 07:53:55 PM |
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02/06/2006 07:39:52 PM |
Fabiolouso! Hope my vote counts this time. |
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02/06/2006 04:35:59 PM |
Wow this is awesome! I'm thirsty..lemon drop please? |
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02/05/2006 01:56:53 PM |
Whatever these yellow stuff are, remind me to some kind of fractal. Nice use of complementary colours, and lighting is spot on. |
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02/05/2006 08:15:13 AM |
"WOW","WOW","WOW'.....This is one very superdooper "BLUE" image..... Everything about it is just amazing..... I will definately be adding this to my favorites.....JUST LOVE IT..... |
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02/03/2006 09:03:48 PM |
Just simply awesome on so many levels!! 10 After the contest, and in the comment section, I would be interested on how this photo was created. Thanks. |
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02/03/2006 08:58:16 PM |
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02/03/2006 08:49:22 PM |
Good us of lighting to create this effect...9 |
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02/03/2006 04:27:52 AM |
I would like to know how you do this, looks unreal but great! |
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02/02/2006 11:22:05 PM |
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02/02/2006 07:48:55 PM |
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02/02/2006 06:33:00 PM |
Complex with a splash of blue elegance. I'll take 2. |
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02/02/2006 05:28:53 PM |
Now how was this done? Great blue colors! |
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02/02/2006 01:37:50 PM |
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02/02/2006 11:08:05 AM |
i really enjoy this shot! 10! |
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02/02/2006 09:45:57 AM |
Wow! That just jumps right out at you. Very striking!! I love it. |
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02/02/2006 08:21:40 AM |
This looks like a fractal image. Very original. How you did this through photography is a mystery to me, and I'm intrigued. |
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02/01/2006 10:33:36 PM |
Great shot! What are the orbs? |
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02/01/2006 07:17:52 PM |
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02/01/2006 10:29:07 AM |
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02/01/2006 09:40:45 AM |
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02/01/2006 07:21:31 AM |
Wow, how'd you do that? 10. |
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02/01/2006 07:06:29 AM |
bit too busy, crop too tight |
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02/01/2006 01:14:46 AM |
Ah cool...but how did you get those 'fractals'...??? 8. |
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