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Should Have Studied Last Night
Should Have Studied Last Night

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fear (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D1
Location: Tacoma, WA
Date: Jul 5, 2002
Aperture: f 20
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/6
Date Uploaded: Jul 5, 2002


Place: 12 out of 110
Avg (all users): 5.6493
Avg (commenters): 6.7647
Avg (participants): 5.5684
Avg (non-participants): 5.6891
Views since voting: 1796
Votes: 288
Comments: 34
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/14/2002 11:53:00 PM
Maybe I've spent too much time in similar situations, but this picture doesn't work for ME for one simple reason: if this was an open book test, as it seems to be from the shot, I wouldn't give up eevn if none of the questions made any sense to me. :-) Nevertheless, I totally understand the fear -- had "nightmares" about simialr situations plenty of times, so I'm being very lenient. My only truly constructive criticism would be that the tone of the whole thing feels a little too warm, too yellow. I'd consider changing the hue a bit to something a bit more blue which would make it feel a little less inviting.
07/14/2002 08:02:00 PM
Great photo. Not fear of the primal-type though.
07/14/2002 07:30:00 PM
So glad I'm not in school anymore. Well, full time anyway. :-) It s a well shot picture: good composition, focus, lighting, etc. I think maybe the paper shoulg have been more of the focal point, and instead of running out of the picture, it would fill more of the frame. To me, the books seem to fight for attention.
07/13/2002 03:42:00 PM
Brings back memories :D
07/13/2002 03:27:00 PM
Great idea but I am m;uch more afraid of tests when I have no materials around me to study from. For me seeing a test paper and a timer would instill the most fear in me.

6 -Tim
07/13/2002 02:54:00 PM
nice composition, good color and good focus. Broken pencil looks contrived - doesn't fit somehow
07/13/2002 09:31:00 AM
07/13/2002 05:50:00 AM
Good composition.
07/13/2002 01:23:00 AM
nice lights
07/12/2002 11:32:00 AM
AH HA HA! I fear this a LOT these days!
07/11/2002 11:56:00 PM
Good subject. I know that feeling all too well.
07/11/2002 09:07:00 PM
well composed photo
07/10/2002 02:10:00 PM
subject 10 lighting 9 composition 9 focus 9 total 9
07/10/2002 01:51:00 PM
colege studants nightmare for sure been there
07/10/2002 12:29:00 PM
Good composition. In the top group.
07/09/2002 10:52:00 PM
great picture, great composition
07/09/2002 10:40:00 PM
Good idea. Objects seem too staged and clean. I was never that neat when I was craming for an exam
07/09/2002 09:37:00 PM
reminds me of finals
07/09/2002 08:56:00 PM
eek, that takes me back .. although i dont get the broken pencil. frustration? very sharp focus.
07/09/2002 10:41:00 AM
i finished my last exam last week!!! :-)
can't believe i didn't think of this.
good work
07/09/2002 10:34:00 AM
Where's the pizza? :-) Nicely done
07/09/2002 10:23:00 AM
I like the picture quality and the idea...but I've never been given an exam where I could have all my books out, a nice hot cup of coffee and an apple to munch. Where do you go to school? Also, I think the exam should be able to be identified without having to cozy up to the screen and squint...either by making it more easily legible or by making the context of the photo seem more like there's an exam going on. 6 Lisa
07/09/2002 04:11:00 AM
good composition....... looks a bit forced though
07/08/2002 11:56:00 PM
we all can relate...
07/08/2002 10:18:00 PM
haha.....I know that feeling! Good idea -- extra point for thinking of something that I don't see in any other photo.
07/08/2002 09:41:00 PM
I remember that feeling... nicely set up and the medieval books give the creepy-factor another push ;-) 6 beegee
07/08/2002 09:15:00 PM
well finally a clear shot i ought to give you a 10 for that but an 8 and that is the highest yet. I changed my mind and gave you a 10 because I feel like a professor and most of the class failed on this subject of fear.
07/08/2002 07:57:00 PM
Clever interpretation of fear.
07/08/2002 07:15:00 PM
thats neat
07/08/2002 07:07:00 PM
I get fearful just remembering these days :) Good shot! = 7 - jmsetzler
07/08/2002 05:32:00 PM
Good luck on your finals :)
07/08/2002 02:28:00 PM
Been there, done that. Nice representation. U of W, another washingtonian. Very good capture. I can almost read the test. NIT: got frustrated with the date? I think I would have at least gotten a couple words written before cracking.
9 (mild fear) Swash
07/08/2002 02:20:00 PM
Good reperasentation of you ovius worst fear. NICE
07/08/2002 09:32:00 AM
eh on fear.. but nice compo.

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